For me? it's the Edgecator

for me? it's the Edgecator

Attached: hqdefault (74).jpg (480x360, 19K)

So it's the Sharpshooter, but retarded?

it looks more based that way to be quite honest

for me? it's the awesome bomb

Attached: QhZ2gk4.gif (299x240, 1.14M)

Edgecator is way more effective way to do that technique than the usual sharpshooter because you can crank the calf crusher aspect (which is what it's supposed to be) from a way better position

Holy shit


I just realized its a pun

Jannetty to the motorcycle

Attached: Virus Motorcycle.webm (512x384, 2.47M)

why do i feel like I saw someone doing this move in WWE recently

holy based

you can accuse moxley of many things, but not of having a bad finisher

Attached: tenor.gif (498x277, 2.95M)

that actually looks based

checked, based and underrated

Man wtf
Is this dude wearing glasses, i cant tell.


Yeah, there's a lot of that

Attached: 8949561326513.webm (640x480, 1.43M)

Wasn't there a womeme who used that move?

Don't remember Holly ever using that move before. Almost thought he was going for the steiner screwdriver for a second.

Mike Awesome wore facepaint in Fmw and called himself Gladiator

Attached: GladiatorAwesome.jpg (626x478, 25K)

That's because he never won any matches. Lol

Attached: thisishowthehorsetaps.gif (560x420, 3.5M)

I did not expect a mulleted man named Mike Awesome to actually live up to his name when I first heard of him.

For me? It's the Haas of Pain.

Attached: haas.jpg (240x180, 9K)

Bull Nakano