Could 20 Lexis realistically beat up Brock Lesnar?

Could 20 Lexis realistically beat up Brock Lesnar?

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No, maybe 80 Lexi's.

Highly likely. Brock is a beast but 20 people are still 20 people. All it takes is one clear shot to the cock and Brock is down.

I don't think 20 lexis on top of each other would even come up to Brock's pecs

Yes. 20 people is still 20 people.

If they could get him on the ground and trample him they would have a chance but if he stays on his feet he could knock the shit out of them.

Brock couldn't kick out of even one twisted bliss.

Either of you fucking numales ever take a punch in your life?
Protip: 20 5 foot women could wail on any random man to very little effect let alone a former UFC Heavyweight Champion.

No. He only needs to throw 20 punches to destroy them all.

I'm 99% sure Brock could barrel through all 20 at the same time if he built up some slight momentum

>Either of you fucking numales ever take a punch in your life?
>Protip: 20 5 foot women could wail on any random man to very little effect let alone a former UFC Heavyweight Champion.

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Nice selfie ya fucking dickless spastic. Post ya jaw.

How many KeMonitos would it realistically take to beat Brock?

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Ya vibrating

Ya too scared to post that receeded jawline


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How many unarmed Brock Lesnar would be necessary to kill a gorilla?

No, they would get fucked up with ease.

Maybe like 5-10, no strikes to the head are gonna do anything so their best option is probably just to go for the throat

Brock broke the undercarder's streak, he's possibly the strongest being alive.

>Pins Brock clean with ONE (1) DDT
Tick tock brockfags.

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Kayfabe? One Brock would slaughter him just like that shark he F5'd. Real life? Probably 5 at the minimum, once a single Brock gets the eyes successfully though they'll rip the gorilla to pieces

Could a person knock out a gorilla if he managed to get a rear naked choke or something?

Very unlikely

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I don't think so, neck is way too thick + the physiology is just different so the mechanics wouldn't work the same, they'd have to just beat the fuck out of the throat

Don't see why not. People have strangled bears.

Lmao fuck no

Read through this:

10. They would need a few sacrificial Brocks to distract the gorilla while several others try to gouge the eyes and rip off its genitals

This is a new subtle low hahaha Bliss is hot as fuck and reliable source says she likes it up the ass but is a prude despite rumours of ring rat shit
She only fucks Buddy


does she wear a G-string or a thong?

No one here was discussing Bliss in a sexual capacity, we were discussing her ability to defeat a single Brock Lesnar, please stop forcing your sick fantasies onto civil threads

I thought this was the brap thread

It takes about 20 F5s to put someone down so it could go either way.

Yes. 19 Lexis would sleep with Kevin Dunn and he would book one Alexa to beat Brock

Yes, in a matter of seconds. That's 2000 lbs of humanity pressing on him with 80 arms and legs to deal with. Brock's eyes would be put out nearly instantly, his balls crushed, etc. Two or three Lexis working together would literally rip his head off his shoulders.


Brock is a human with intelligence far beyond a gorilla's. There are a dozen ways he could win without a weapon.

The only way well answer this is for some brave Yea Forumsor to sneak into the primate exhibit at their local zoo, sneak up on a sleeping gorrilla, attempt to choke it, and have the whole encounter live streamed on memebook.

I want to see 20 Lexis with machetes versus one Brock with a sledgehammer

No, I believe you would need 100 Lexis to damage Brock

a succesful crotch attack is enough to stun any men

Could anyone defeat two Brock Lesnars working together?

Look at it another way. Would you rather fight one Brock-sized Lexi or twenty Lexi-sized Brocks?

100 and a Hornswoggle

How is this even going to go?
First 5 or 6 Lexi's get knocked out trying to even come close
4 get a grip on his legs
4 others on his arms
Leaving about 6 lexi's to start punching and kicking at him.
3 of those are punching his back, which doesn't do shit
The other 3 might get in a few headshots but their punches are pretty weak
So yeah, how mobile is Brock with 2 or maybe three Lexi's dangling from each limb?

My money is on Bork. Afterwards he'll probably build a throne out of some of the corpses and use the rest of them as sex toys.

I wouldn't even go so far as to assume 20 Alexas would be able to work together.

easily one brock sized bliss

I'd crush the Brock sized Bliss easily then breed her

Obviously. Have you seen her punch? Devastating.

thats a very jewish expression on her face

Audibly laughed, good job user

One single Lexi could beat my dick

For an Alexa Bliss thread, this is surprisingly good


i'd hate to fight a brock sized bliss haha that would be horrible

Worked by obvious shitposting

Nah, she's not for sexual

Nope, need way more Lexis than that.

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>trampled by 20 lexis
the best way to go


I dont know her weight but let's assume Bliss at is about 100 lbs

I dont think even Brock can take on a literal ton of humanity

Finally a good fucking thread

Would you rather fight 1 Bork-sized Lexi or 20 Lexi-sized Borks?

I didn't realize how much I want a muscle Lexi until this very moment.

Quick Google says she's 101 lbs.
The world record one arm curl sits at 136 lbs

Basically two Alexas on an arm means Brock loses it. A swarm means 3 or 4 alexas could immediately incapacitate an arm each leaving a good 12-14 Alexas there to trip Brock up, gouge his eyes, stomp his skull, smother him with their sheer combined weight, rape him, trample him, whatever.

20 Alexas utterly decimates 1 Brock

A literal ton of humanity spread across 20 tiny Jew girls. Lexi hitting Brock would be like flies hitting the windshield of a moving truck, only chance they have would be if they got him good in the balls and then went for the eyes, but I don't think they'd be able to seeing as Bork is about 20 times beyond her physically and would be smart enough to protect his weakspot in a real fight

Here's a question:
How many lexis do you think would it take to overcome 1 Brock armed with a lead pipe?

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One Bork punch would probably floor a Lexi anyways so having a pipe wouldn't really affect much

Would Paul Heyman be with Brock and if so would he turn to join forces with his fello tribe member?


>would Heyman betray an aryan to join forces with an aryan



They wont be coming from one angle nor would they come one at a time.
Brock takes out one or maybe two and then the swarm overtakes him.

Literally every one of his swings could remove 1 Lexi from the fight. This reminds me of a argument I read about a pack of grey wolves fighting a full grown Siberian tiger. The wolves could theoretically win but would most likely sustain heavy loses so it wouldn't be worth the victory. If the tiger could put his back against something so he wasn't surrounded the size and power difference is just too great. Each swipe he takes at one of those wolves could break their jaw and in a realistic fight(or close to one because the pack tends to avoid tigers) the losses they suffer would make them retreat before they deal enough damage to the tiger to count it as a win but if they're bloodlusted like in in this make believe fight the could probably take him down 3-4 time out of 10. Ive seen 3-5 police officers struggle to take down 1 assailant who was close to their size(maybe a little bigger) and that's without punches being thrown. 20 is a lot but the size and strength difference is pretty outrageous, they probably could but I promise all 20 of them wont be celebrating afterwards.

What if the Lexi's had crowbars?

Only 3 or 4 would be needed since it only requires one headshot.

20 crowbars would overwhelm even a bork since they remove the overwhelming defense he has against her tiny fists

No. It's like thinking 20 regular dudes could take on a gorilla.

On the other hand if he takes our the first two lexis then he’s Brock Lesnar with two crowbars.
New question: 1 Brock vs 10 Crowbars vs 20 Lexis

Yeah but Brock with two crowbars is far less of an upgrade for him than Lexi with a crowbar, since a single swipe of his meat trunks would take a Lexi out without any weapons

But could 20 Alexas even be able to swarm Brock? Assuming they start off opposite to each other like in an MMA fight, Brock could possible take one Alexa per swing as they approach, if he does it while strafing or backing up, they have no chance on ganging up on him.

10 getting behind him is 1000 lbs suddenly on his back which should be more than enough to at least trip him up while worrying about a couple of lexis at his front.

That's assuming 10 could get behind him, they'd need to spread out to surround him, and all Brock needs to do is barrel through one or two of them at his flank to reposition since A handful of Lexi's won't stop a Brock moving fast to reposition

but wouldn’t the lexis to either side of where he charges immediately wrap around and attack him as he’s slowing to turn around? he’s going to be vulnerable after he breaks through the line and the lexis should be nimble enough to take advantage of that before he repositions himself.
his best bet would be to grab a lexi as he charges and immediately swing her around to keep the other lexis on their heels and at a distance, then throw her into one lexi group while attacking another

It only takes 2 Lexis

1 for having to be stripped naked for Brock to be distracted

2 for sticking two finger up his ass and immobilized him completely

the other thing to consider is that lexi is not a fighter. she goes to Disney and plays with a pig. even 20 of her aren’t going to have the stomach for a fight to the death with a combat sports veteran. at best they’ll neutralize him but then run like hell to safety. they’re not going to stick around and run the risk of dealing with a now-raging brock

Depends. Are the Lexi's bloodlusted because Bork ate her pig whole?

This is all Brock would need to do.

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Nope. Gorillas are like 20 times stronger than a regular man.

Maybe if that person was Mark Henry

Brock isnt the hulk.
He's not going to easily swing a squirming Lexi around like a club and even if he tried, the effort in doing so would allow other Lexis to easily surround him

These women are not mindless zombies. The second he focuses on one group of them the others would be able to get him from behind.

between 20 lexis and one brock who would win in a jimmy johns eating contest?

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They’d all huddle together scared out of their minds and Brock would come in windmilling and kicking their cunts in

As put it, 20 Lexis weigh over a ton combined.

They literally just need to hop on him at the same time to subdue him and possibly suffocate him.

I would let 20 Lexis attack and molest me

>women are not mindless zombies

That’s how I want to die

Implying that 20 uncoordinated Lexis would be capable of pinning down the much faster, agile Brock and that he wouldn't just pick them off 1 by 1 while keeping his advantageous position

20? Nah. But 21 could.

If the 20 Lexi's GATAI'D into a super Lexi ala Super Sentai I say she'd give one standard Brock a run for his money

They dont need coordination at all. Their weight alone coming down on Brock at the same time is legitimately more than enough.

Brock Lesnar isnt superhuman and Lexi isnt the size of a toddler. Like fuck, he's a dead man the exact moment he loses his footing which is extremely easy to do with 20 motherfuckers coming at you from multiple sides.

and even if they got Brock down so they could start stomping and trampling him, with so many of them converging on a relatively small target there’s going to be friendly fire and tripping over each other. plus by then Brock is probably turtled, waiting for the moment to create a clearing to get up, at which point holy shit it’s gonna be a lexicide
unless he’s a tramplechad in which case he’ll lay there and take it until they all get impaled on his boner

You'd only need 6:
>One holding down each limb
>One on his torso
>One unloading logs into his mouth until he suffocates and passes out

Assuming they start off at opposing ends face to face, the lexis would have a hard time actually surrounding him, they'd need to spread out on all sides, assuming it's an open field Brock could reset his position just by charging at a small pack of them that's flanking his right or something and eliminate 1 Lexi in a single punch from accelerating at her. Now they're down to 19 Lexis and Brock is no longer surrounded so they have to do it again, just bum rushing him won't work cause he's way faster than the average Lexi, and a single swipe of his arm would take one down, which would stack the odds against team tiny Jew for everyone that went down. Not to say the Lexi's don't have a shot of winning by getting lucky and dogpiling Brock, just that an openfield unarmed contest I'd give it to the freak of nature over the small girls most of the time. You'd assume Brock would be stupid enough to let himself be surrounded and ganged up on, when he's far more intelligent in a fight than the Lexi's would be

>create a clearing
>while grounded
>with a combined 20 people holding you down and stomping you out
>with various kicks and blows aiming for the head and possibly groin

I know it's Brock and all but if he falls once, he's never getting back up.

It's a jumping.
Brock takes one or two and the rest wash over him, that's even when face to face with the group and not surrounded.
Two Lexis on an arm means he can't use it, the sheer numbers will easily disrupt his balance and he's done as soon as he goes down.

At the end of the day 20 people IS 20 people. Brock as good as he is, isnt beating an entire mob.

>two lexis on an arm means he can't use it
He still has hands user and if he grabs one of the Lexis on his arm and starts squeezing her she'll pop like a balloon. This is a sub five foot woman.

Bliss is barely 5 feet with t-rex arms, Brock is 6'3" with wingspan. Even assuming good teamwork two Lexis aren't just going to be able to incapacitate an arm they can barely reach. Brock could just protect his face and rain hellbows on them.

For the Lexis to have any chance they would need to take him down, and I don't see that happening without the loss of multiple Lexis on approach. In an open enough space I don't see that happening at all, considering that Brock is faster than Lexi is.

>he still has hands

Which would be incapacitated since a mob of 20 could easily take both. Even if he somehow had a free arm in the rush, focusing on a Lexi holding his arm means he now open game to the over a dozen other Lexi who would immediately rush and bring him down.

There are far too many Lexis for Brock to take at once and his already low chances of winning drops significantly more if surrounded

Do you know how hands work brah? If two Lexis are holding his arm they are close enough for him to turn his wrist, grab a part of her and start squeezing.

just imagine how many implants would rupture in this fight

>All it takes is one clear shot to the cock and Brock is down.
this. Honestly with a bit of luck even just 3 lexis might be enough, 20 is huge overkill

>the best discussion on Yea Forums is a theoretical fight between 20 tiny Aryan girls vs Bork Laser
This place has it's moments

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>3 100 lb 5 foot women would take out the former UFC heavyweight champion of the world
legit worked 10/10

>How many unarmed Brock Lesnar would be necessary to kill a gorilla?
40 lesnars if they coordinate well

Aside from that being extremely difficult with two Lexis on the same arm, squeezing a Lexi makes him one armed again and diverts his focus from the rest of the mob that would just blanket him.

3 is WAAAY too low.
8-10 or might be the bare minimum Lexi to even have a chance of winning.

20 is absolute overkill though.

>Yes. 19 Lexis would sleep with Kevin Dunn and he would book one Alexa to beat Brock

Depending on where he grabbed her squeezing a Lexi could kill her and at that stage the other 19 will just run away. Lexi isn't a ghetto nigger street fighter user she is a frail woman with eating disorders.

>build a throne out of some of the corpses
based retard

but that assumes a) that all 20 lexis will be unharmed and on the attack at that point and some of them wouldn’t already be out, and b) there won’t be friendly fire and communication problems among them. Lexi 13 tries to kick Brock in the face but in doing so she gets in the way of lexi 8 who’s trying to stomp on his mouth and they collide and fall. hell, they might start fighting among themselves. a lot of cute moving parts here.

20 is overkill in a confined space where Lesnar's movement is hampered. In an open field 20 lexis aren't going to be cornering the man, he's just too agile for them, and would be taking down Lexis that stray too far from the pack

>be trampled to death by 20 Alexa Blisses
>being smothered to death by 20 Alexas

No matter, Brock wins.

She's not an infant.
Killing an adult by squeezing with one bare hand is some world record strength level shit.

Also the simple question was "could 20 Lexis beat up one Lesnar" the answer is yes. We could assume the psychology involved between the Lexis but the simple answer flat out is "yes they easily could".

It honestly doesnt even have to be a full 20, obviously there will be some fallen Lexis, Lesnar still isnt standing tall against the entire Lexi mob. And since they will likely have a mob mentality being an actual mob and all, pausing to fight among themselves for knowingly accidental blows is extremely unlikely.

>former UFC heavyweight champion of the world
you can't target balls in MMA. I am assuming the 3 Lexis would be super focused on damaging his balls

>Killing an adult by squeezing with one bare hand is some world record strength level shit.
Not if he's squeezing her throat

>yes they easily could
No they couldn't. Lesnar will kill the first Lexi in and the rest will run away because it is Alexa Anorexia Bliss not Shaka Zulu.

Lesnar actually has a better chance in a confined space where he could probably turtle and/or bottleneck them as he picks them apart.

An open field is guranteed death for Brock as the Lexis would abuse the numbers game far more easily.

Death by strangulation takes minutes with both hands. I'm sure attempting to strangle a Lexi one handed while another one is still holding him by the same arm would be even longer.

The mob blankets again.

What mentality is each side going into the fight with? If Bork grabs and maims one Lexi, do the others lose morale? If so, Bork has a decent chance to neutralize at least half before he gets kicked in the dick and gets his shit pushed in. There's a non zero percent chance that Brock wins, but it relies on psychological factors like intimidation. If Brock can control the mob, he can take them out at his leisure.

They're regular lusted because Brock ate her butt hole.

it would be more than three but I think 20 would do more harm than good. There’s an optimal number but that depends on the size and shape of the arena. but 20 lexis in a small area are going to get in each other’s ways and cause confusion and breakdown of the game plan, leaving Brock to exploit it

is anyone else getting hard at the thought of being physically abused by 20 lexis?

No because I'm not a sub.

why haven't we trained gorillas to wrestle each other?

President Lyndon B Johnson already did that.

Imagine all of them pissing on you at the same time, all those streams hitting your face

the CIA did when they started selling drugs to black gangs.

you’re a fucking idiot. Anyone would get gassed out trying to keep that many people away. Amd once Bork is out of stamina, the 20 Alexa’s would bash his skull to sawdust

could 1 OPs stop sucking cock?
I;mma say NO haha



Brock but one Liv would dominate Brock at sandwich eating

liv might actually eat brock

can some rich user please commission this shit

is liv secretly pig god?

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lol fucking no.

If they were in a cage the gorilla would rip his head off. You clearly don't understand how much stronger they are than even the strongest humans. It's not close.

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Based Joe Rogan educating that simp

That 2000 lb. raw untrained bench press though


no she's public

>hurr durr gorilla strong
have you ever seen a gorilla rip someones head off? have you seen a gorilla lifting a car over its head? no that's what i thoight, bitch. fuck gorillaetty, fake tough guy simps

This reminds me of an old Ron and Fez bit about how many 8 yr olds can you take in a fight. Just that that situation you gotta take into account that while Brock is knocking out one Lexi, he can be talking shit to the others and getting in their heads, like playing on her anorexia phase and call them all fat to distract them until he gets a chance to punch them. Plus he could just rip the head off of one and beat the rest with the could send an infinite amount of Lexis and Brock would keep going until he gassed out.

A lead pipe would give him more reach tho

Fez - ''I don't know, Ronnie, maybe like 7''


no fucking way. Gorillas can lift a car



Crowbar was a shitter and only got over because of Daffney. 1 Brock would murder 10 of that dude.

>Death by strangulation takes minutes with both hands.
Not if you crush the windpipe. Ball it up like a piece of paper and move on to the next Lexi.

10,000, Brock Lesnar is a weak faggot without roids.

8 Lexis are more than enough if they focus on his dick and balls. All it takes is one hit and it's over

>implying Lesnar isn’t wearing a titanium cup

could Warwick Davis beat Alexa Bliss in 1v1? could she just kick him in his stupid fuckin midge head and crush his skull in?

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He would impregnate them all in a 3 part doujin.