Why aren't there NXT and 205 live gamethreads? Are you guys allergic to good wrestling?

Why aren't there NXT and 205 live gamethreads? Are you guys allergic to good wrestling?

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Flips and vanilla midgets are crinfe, fuck them and fuck you.

Too much wrestling for me. I usually never make it to the end of raw and always skip the first half of njpw shows

gamethreads are just for autistic shitposting, go find a single gamethread that actually talks about good wrestling

>good wrestling
nice meme

205chad here, 205chads can't do threads because most of us are too busy having sex because we don't watch RAM and Smarkdown

>good wrestling
its not about the flips and moverate, Yea Forums fast forwards through the matches


If a good match is on I won't be on Yea Forums, I'd rather watch the match. I only post on Yea Forums during a match if I know it will fucking suck so I can shitpost about it instead of watching a shitty match.

watching and analyzing synchronized midget flipping is gay as fuck

>If a good match is on
like what?

Half the G1, for one. E never does good matches so I'm not surprised you're confused at the concept.

i thought we were talking about nxt and 205 live

I'm talking about the PPVs, I'm not watching 100 hours of that shit a week

if you are talking about wwe ppvs then name a good match if not then, i havent seen njpw so ill have to take your word for it

No, if I was I would be watching a WWE product.

DO NOT soil NXT's good name by associating them with fucking 205Faggs.

It's the worst parts of WWE (gay gimmicks and angles and shit booking) combined with the worst parts of actual wrestling promotions (poor psychology, bad selling, lots of indyriffic flipping, purely visual wrestling). I'll watch Raw and I'll watch NJPW or Bloodsport, but I'm not watching this shit. It's just cucked X Division matches.

There isn't many. There is one good match per show tops. People like shitposting about WWE online more then they enjoy the actual show.

Actually I was thinking of NXT but the same pretty much still applies kek

*Kendrick is still based

No one watches wrestling ya nerd.
Also, only manlets and indy shitters perform there

Gamethreads are gay. Also NXT tv is shit. Never watched 205 so I don't know if it's good but I doubt it's better than NJPW.