Holy fucking CRINGE this guy! Isn’t he supposed to be a stoic brooding, occultic badass?

Holy fucking CRINGE this guy! Isn’t he supposed to be a stoic brooding, occultic badass?

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Other urls found in this thread:


That was his gimmick in NXT. On the main roster, he's Ricochet's best friend and he has tattoos.

fuck that stupid bitch, i hope they take her dog away

Nah fuck this bitch and anybody who abuses animals.

What's the story here?

What'd the person he was quoting do?

That's what the fictional character he portrays on television is.

It's another Jasethy case. He should be forbidden of using social media or giving interviews because he kills everything he does in the ring opening his stupid mouth.


Some whore on jewtube shoved her puppy that kept getting in the way of the camera for attention, then punched it in the face and spit on it. Dumb bitch deserves to be picked on by brooding tattoo man, shame he can't kick her in the head

>Your dog isn't the one who should be shown what unacceptable behavior is, you do.

what did he mean by this
also story? did she fuck her dog? any videos?


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Honestly doesn't look terribly bad, I don't see the "punch", though she's clearly a bit too aggressive and spitting on your pet is fucked. Skinnyfat kickpads manlet #82 is right but he still shouldn't even be saying this shit in the first place since he has a character to play.

Twitter is the death sentence to any remaining idea that a professional wrestler is any different than anybody else. They're just...people. Typical people getting made at other typical people. Its a travesty.

The fact that it took twitter for you to realize this says more about you than it does for the wrestlers.

He ain't wrong though

she gives it a pretty solid smack at the beginning of the video, but aside from that it's just some shoving and spitting
the most fucked part is her immediately flipping the switch to "we love you", girl is twisted

Imagine how based it would be if he had the balls to tweet in character and said he'd roundhouse her in the face and send her to meet his good friend satan

You just know that somehow it'd be reversed on him and she'd get sympathy points for being a defenseless womeme. Calling her out on her subhuman behavior is safer in today's society, even for a brooding Satanist guy

OP here. He could’ve easily kept it in character and said he’s spoken with Beelzebub and arranged a spot in eternal damnation for her. Or whatever the fuck his gimmick is. It definitely ain’t whining to the ASPCA.

>He could’ve easily kept it in character and said he’s spoken with Beelzebub and arranged a spot in eternal damnation for her


>all of these fagolas getting worked into a shoot over a damn dog

Go back
Have sex
Get a clue

A person can't be occultic.

>Honestly doesn't look terribly bad, I don't see the "punch",

You're talking to Zoomers, m80. They the hysterical softskulls that lost their god damned minds when Kyle Lowry was "shoved," when he was barely pushed with one hand, off of the two fans he had landed on. They're the ones throwing a colossal shitfit over Alinity "throwing" her cat, when she dropped it from about shoulder height (this being a cat, this is a lot like you stepping off of a curb) to get it off her desk.

These Zoomers never had a decent father figure in their lives, and were raised by the public school system to be the most physically, mentally, and emotionally fragile creatures on earth. They've never had anything even remotely bad happen to them, nor faced anything even resembling diversity. And of course the concept of discipline in any form is 100% foreign to them, so they can't comprehend why you might need to smack a dog. AND they are good at absolutely nothing that could give them any sense of meaning in their lives. This all combines into them being unstable shitheads that flip shit over not just fucking everything, but also literally nothing at all, and call others "garbage people" to pad their faberge egos.

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That smack isn't going to hurt a Doberman. There's only three sensitive parts on a Doberman. He took that slap as play. If he really felt threatened, he would've locked his teeth on some part of her body, and then no amount of slapping would've gotten him to release. She sucks at controlling her dog, but I can turn on "The Dog Whisper" and see a guy get way more physical with a dog.

Course that literal big dog could've done whatever he wanted to her if he actually felt threatened, but she was still a cunt for hitting it regardless

oh wow it's fucking nothing

abusing a dog? mmmmm, not a good look chief

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Anyone who stoods for animals is based in my book.

>typing all this out on Yea Forums
not even the people on twitter are this worked holy shit ya absolutely BOILIN

I don’t get the outrage. She didn’t smack the dog hard, otherwise it wouldn’t be in play mode the entire time.

KEK that dog no-selling that simp bitch hahahahahahaha.

Who fucking cares I'm rougher with my dog when we are rough-housing on my living room carpet, and I love my dog more than I love my wife. That dog is absolutely fine.

This guy is the biggest example of why wrestlers shouldn't be allowed to tweet things out of kayfabe. Who can take him seriously as a badass when he comes off like a whiny 15 year old girl all the time? Oh shit, Allie's on her period time for her to cry about animals again.

How else do you expect to teach a dog, dumbfuck? A PowerPoint presentation logically explaining why it's being a pain in the tit and should stop? Of course not. It's a fucking dog. If it's doing something it shouldn't, you smack it, and it stops doing it because even a dog is smarter than the syphilitic whore that spawned you.

>Get absolutely put on blast by a calm explanation of everything wrong with you
>Only defense is to claim your intellectual assailant is mad

OH NO, Zoomers in full on panic mode!

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Hi Brooke

Only wrestler with a twitter worth a shit is shitty Greg Barretta because there's no difference between wrestler Greg, twitter Greg and real Greg.

>No argument to be made to counter these facts
>Resort to memes

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Cole: KNEE!

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>Being such a shit owner you have to hit your dog to teach it anything
Calling others a dumbfuck is a case of pot calling the kettle black

yea, he seethin

I can guarantee your dog is ill-behaved.

Nah I'm a early millennial (30s) and I hunt. Hitting your dog is one thing, as long as you don't injure it, dogs are okay with some rough and tumble and respond well to a firm hand which is a good training method if you do it properly. But this bitch is clearly not using a measured firm hand to discipline her pet and teach it how to behave, she's just sperging out because she clearly has no discipline herself and shouldn't own a pet.

You should treat animals with respect even when you are hunting them, it's okay to kill animals for resources but it's not okay to make them suffer more than they need to whether that is physically or emotionally. He's right fuck this silly thot.

>people who eat meat unironically complaining about smacking a misbehaving dog

the big dawg didn't even sell it, people are so soft and hypocritical

>No dog is ever truly good
>No dog is ever truly evil
>I beat the canines you never you could
>And pups won’t ever be equal

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Stfu you murder animals when you can just as easily let them live their fucking lives and walk to a fucking grocery store where an animal has already been killed for you to eat. Fuck you.

Hahahaha I love how that dog is like "OKAY YOU WANNA GO BITCH HAHA I DARE YA". He's being a little shit on purpose to get a rise out of her. Absolutely worked and seething. He could probably rip her throat out if he felt like it.

Do burgers seriously treat pets like people?

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I hit my wife's dog all the time, who cares. They're easily replaceable. Told the bitch I didn't want the dog, he's a fucking moron. Half Yorkie, half pug. I fucking hate that fucker.

He probably hates you as well for being an unwarranted asshole

>I hit my wife's dog all the time, who cares. They're easily replaceable. Told the bitch I didn't want the dog, he's a fucking moron. Half Yorkie, half pug. I fucking hate that fucker.

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worked retards

Yeah but the way I kill them they live happy lives in a field with their friends having a good time and then they get clapped out of nowhere and ideally suffer less than a minute of anguish in their whole lives.

The way the animals you eat are killed is different because their entire lives are torture leading up until their death, and they never get to live happy lives, and they're depressed and in pain and then they get to listen to all the other animals die while they wait in line for their own death. Never loved life. Just born and raised in a torture prison to feed your fat fucking face so you can whiteknight on social media about how great you are.

Hunting is clearly more humane. Get a clue.

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t. aspie w/ downs

The spitting is weird but there's literally nothing wrong with getting physical with a dog that's being a little shit. The nigger is even enjoying the rough housing its not like it's cowering in the corner

“It’s totally okay for me to murder an innocent animal because they don’t feel anything when I shoot them, I think, lol. Way better than eating something that was already killed for me, hyuk hyuk let me needlessly kill things in the year of our lord 2019.”

Keep on believing that, asshole. Whatever helps you sleep at night. I hope you get fucked by a wild boar the next time you are out there.

>worked retards

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>why aren't you contributing to a cancerous industry that's literally destroying the planet like me? reeeeee
What a fucking brain dead faggot

>it's better for an animal to be tortured all its life then killed than to have a happy pain free life before it's killed

You will get the rope when the time comes.

This, but stop watching anime.

he ain't wrong, just a lil thin-skinned.
the only off part was the spit on the dog.

>Says he's a boomer
>Watches anime
Why you watching children's cartoons from China if you're a 30 something year old man user? Are you a fairy or something?

ya seething boomercuck

Nice same fag Archibald

His theme song says "no men will ever be equal" which is very problematic and racist

I gave my dog two serious spankings in his life. Both before he reached a year old and both for his own good. He never seriously disobeyed me again. Dog needs a firm hand DURING TRAINING then verbal commands should be enough or it needs further training. If you don't want your dog to bite strangers, run on roads, chase wild animals, chew cables/shoes/furniture etc you need to have patience and a brain yourself. Some people don't care, shower the pup with love and silliness then wonder why it's so 'stupid' or 'crazy' as an adult. She failed hard because she can't get the dog to stop jumping up or go lie down by using a verbal command. On top of this he also doesn't fear the threat of a whooping or the whooping itself. That size and breed of dog would just take her out if it felt seriously threatened.

tldr, the dogs not trained however it's far from being abused.

Take it down a notch, Jim Cornette.

Few will admit it, but every long-time dog owner has had moments like this.

>More ad hominems, deflection, and all around damage control.

Okay, okay. I accept your mental surrender.

>But this bitch is clearly not using a measured firm hand to discipline her pet and teach it how to behave,

Sure, and I don't know why she's spitting on it, but all of this is a far cry from actual animal abuse. The dog is uninjured and not obviously malnourished. She doesn't appear to be kicking it for shits and giggles or anything. It's fine. And thanks to hysterical zoomers, the LAPD is now investigating. Fucking taxpayer dollars are being spent because some s󠀀oypoisoned softskulls flipped their shit over animal non-abuse.

Your generic zoomer hate is really stupid.

still waiting for the part I'm supposed to be upset about

Please tell me I am not the only person who is "over" owning a dog
I don't hate dogs, I'm just tired of them being so ingrained in daily life.

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I don't know what it is. Her reaction comes off as childish. I can't quite explain it, but just the way she hits the dog, and the look on her face, it resembles that of a child who hasn't been taught that it's not okay to hit people.

> being shoved once = a lifetime of waterboarding
check out this retard

This is the best take on zoomers I've seen

I'm all for shitting on zoomers, but anything animal related has always drawn tremendous hate online. I remember videos back in 2008 just being littered with comments about animal abuse over something so insignificant. People just freak the fuck out over animals.

She totally fucks that dog. Hot.

Based double dubs man exposing the faggot zoomers

You'd be surprised that people into the occult are actually really into the rights of humans and animals. It isn't DEVIL WORSHIP AND EVIL moron.

Nah, what youre really tired of is people getting upset over the way people treat dogs. You don't actually care you're just annoyed by people.

The basedtalk that dog lovers do gets on my nerves. It seems to be getting worse every year.

So you project your hate for people onto dogs. Healthy, dude. Healthy.

This is why he's with Zelina cause she's a little fucking shit too, feminist puertorican

based boomer pipebomb

It used to only be women who threw a tantrum. Now with the rise of the nu-male, it's most men too.

Gain reading comprehension

Social media is why every wrestler nowadays seems like a massive embarrassing pusswad.

Are boomer really gonna bury zoomers too? You already buried Gen-Xers and refused to do the job for millenials.
Do the honourable thing and go out on your back. Like how the silent generation did for you.

What we call boomers are late millennials to rib them that they are just like real boomers. Idiot.

Honestly you're right. That's why dog discipline is a thing. Dogs are naturally inclined to challenge dominance. Of course we aren't talking about abuse but if your dog does what that dog did and basically doesn't know boundaries then he's messing with her.
Then again he's a dog and if she handles it how she did then she's just at fault for being an irresponsible thot.

These fucking zoomers would have an aneurism if they saw those videos where Asian women step on puppies and kittens in high heels

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Gain the ability to figure out words and draw conclusions. Explain to me that post, then. Based on what it was replying to, it was continuing the "Oh I actually hate dogs because people wont shut up" narrative

Good. Animal abuse is so edgy and cool, man.

Why do liberals always have to refer to stuff as a "trash fire" or on this case referring to a person as a "trash bag"? Always makes me roll my eyes now

Where did I say it was cool? There's far worse animal abuse on the internet. Some spic shoving her dog is fucking nothing

For one those are anonymous videos for the most part.
Second just because those are worse doesnt means its okay to inflict "softer" pain on them.
Otherwise you will have fags arguing that the dog is still alive so its fine to abuse him.

>For one those are anonymous videos for the most part.
And by that i mean that you cant direct your complains at the person doing it.

Based boimer burying zoomers and work them into a boiling seethe itt

Yes they do, and it's fucking infuriating. I'm an American, and I like dogs. I don't own one because I refuse to pick up shit, and I'm not white trash enough to just leave it. It's a fucking animal, and people will open mouth kiss their dogs 10 seconds after it got done licking it's balls, carry them through stores, and dress them up like babies on social media. It's disgusting, and I can't wait until the infrastructure of this shit country falls apart, and all these dog lover's are sobbing in between bites of "Fluffy" hindquarters, because the Whole Foods didn't get their shipment.

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What are you even arguing for, he’s saying that those videos would cause people under 30 to have a conniption and he’s right.

white people are the masters of letting their dogs sleep on (if not INSIDE) their beds and kiss them on the mouth.

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He is saying it in a way that undermines lesser type of pain inflicted on animals.

He's saying that to be all, "well this isn't so bad think about all the edgy shit I've seen." It's disingenuous as fuck.

I love dogs but people are huge pussies these days. The dog didn't feel a single thing from the bitch. If this was some small puppy then yeah I would understand but it's just a bitch hitting him and he no sells everything and keeps wanting to play. She didn't train and educated him and this is the result, he won't take a clue.
A stupid bitch nonetheless, but this is nowhere near animal abuse. You see on live leak and other places like that videos where people(if you can call them that) truly beat the shit out of animals for amusement.

This. She clearly didn't hurt the dog or anything so I'm not too concerned with that. It's her that's the problem. The dog licks her face and she starts throwing a tantrum over it and getting abusive for no good reason. And then she fucking spits on it. Who does that? The dog isn't going to understand that a person spitting on you is a sign of disrespect, but why the fuck is she even doing it in the first place? She's clearly got issues. I'd hate to see what would happen if she ever had kids. I can guarantee you she'd be the type of mother who would go nuclear if her child spilled a glass of milk or something trivial like that, because that's exactly what she's doing with the dog here, completely losing her composure over literally nothing.

If he wants to get over as a face WWE would let him go to this chicks house. Shoot fight her and then pretend she’s Kevin Nash and he’s a black guy

>Shame he can’t kick her in the head
Why the fuck not? Technically he can but he’s too much of a faggot to do it.

Boomers are booked strong brother

It’s taking them longer to develop their ego because they don’t have trauma of being abused when they misbehave. that’s the only difference. Boomers have verbatim been saying what you’ve been saying for centuries, bet it feels really good to finally dunk on them zoomers huh?

Dogettys buried

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Dogs are fucking animals, it is perfectly reasonable to smack the fuck out of them if they misbehave.

BASED. Honestly I have struck a dog harder. Not out of malice, they are beasts it's all they understand.

The toxicity of this post is so gross I couldn't even read it all. Such garbage people here.

Rule 10 of the eleven Satanic rules of earth:
>Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
Assuming Black's a LaVeyan Satanist (most Satanists are), he is perfectly justified in expressing that opinion.

Based and screenshotted

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>being shoved once
>animals that are factory farmed experience discomfort equivalent to "being shoved once"
Sure thing handicap.

Only white people are humans so only white people have an evolved connection with dogs. This is why asians eat them and africans and hispanics just beat the living fuck out of them and kill them.

I bet she was wet and he was limp.

She's a dumb thot to begin with, can't trust a retard like that to raise a dog properly as she most likely got it for "cute" points

It's less about having issues and more about just being dumb as fuck. It's time to stop seeing people with a short temper as mentally ill and more as the stupid fucks they are.

dogs are based fuck thots Aleister is 100% right here.

what about Sabu?

>the orange hall of famer literally destroying mexicans families and making little kids cry


i hate amerimutts so much

Who raped you?

Annoying as dog should have got out of the way.


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Your dog probably shits and pisses all over your place.

And soon we’ll get a major push

>Now what you just witnessed there is single-mummery parenting on full display, in all of its uncensored glory. See, the pooch is just playing the role of the toddler here.
>These THOTs are useless, mean-spirited, and abusive whores. They can’t take care of an animal that is largely self-sufficient, let alone a child. Anything that gets in the way of their narcissistic thoting gets slapped, abused and spat upon. These whores have no souls and have nothing of any value to give to the world.
>Imagine what horrors these savages foist on their children who just want some of mommy’s attention and instead get a slap in their face for crowding the frame during one of mommy’s e-begging marathons.

Dogs are useful for watching the home, herding hit, and hunting. I only believe in pets with a purpose, not just as companions or for decoration. They'd much rather be out in the wild than just living with some fat fuck boomer eating bologna scraps.

My girlfriends mom does this stuff, which is fine since I'm not really touching her, but she also pets and plays with the dog and then goes to cook or handle food without washing her goddamn hands. Needless to say, I don't eat her food. She can't cook well enough for it to matter, anyway.

>Isn’t he supposed to be a stoic brooding, occultic badass?

Who raped you?

Read the thread. The problem isn’t the stance. The problem is whining about it like an offended teenager and tagging the ASPCA. He could’ve easily shit on her and kept it in character.

This thread is about a white woman hitting and spitting on her dog because she failed to train him correctly. try again retard

Go back across the Bering strait, John Redcorn

Animal rights activist LARPs as conservative jackboot. You don't know who you are, do you?