How cucked do you have to be to send money to sociopathic crack heads to pay for their surgery?
How cucked do you have to be to send money to sociopathic crack heads to pay for their surgery?
carnies work marks user that's just what they do
'ay-ay yo' *dies in your apth*
you have to be next-level based, like a Ben Shapiro or a Cenk Uygur
Jake's life has been so massively fucked up that I actually feel bad for him and he seems to really want to unfuck himself. Hall just seems to not really give a shit.
You can't even imagine sending money to someone you loved as a kid so they can get medical treatment? That's just sad man, don't soijak me
What do you expect from Yea Forums nobody on here has ever worked or earned their own money and they gotta pretend to be tough guys and edgy anti-emotional retards
If Vince ran for president I'd vote for him.
>Ben Shapiro
>Cenk Uygur
>being in anyway based
Pick one and only one
>the two guys with the best minds for the business are also the two most unreliable and strung up
Really makes you think.
Why did famed wrestler Scott Hall need donations to pay for surgery
because he's a narcissistic bully
Even when they're dying they still draw dimes. Based.
I remember making fun of redditors for this like 5 years ago.
Marks man
I have contributed to keeping Jimmy Ocean's Wrestling School operative
>Trust me
Hugely damaged individuals
Because he's poor as fuck. He hasn't had a steady pay check since 04, and does signings with Nash for pennies.
This and Hall earned much more money then Jake.
+he always could work Vince and his friends to pay for gis shit.
>tfw you finally have nice gear
Fuck that. Thats a lie.
He hasn't been paid more than he can spend since 04.
You tell me the Wunderkind had better paidays then Hall? Who is better off now?
Money isn't the problem. Being a dick and a looser is.
Fuck you.