/esg/ - I couldn't grip a board right to save my life edition

Basic brand info for beginners pastebin.com/C6rEGbzD

Shoe reviews: docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnSv7MyhLozYdGM1a1FUMHNtTkRFN0xkVmt3dEZ0NHc#gid=0

Submit a shoe review: docs.google.com/forms/d/1Y70Tug_iI9-dW2VqBBzsI9PCnFlw1jIOu9yTlHcc-wY/viewform



new mork part soon

Thread music: youtube.com/watch?v=JNYOVEXJBBM

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Have you ever bought a deck so nice that you felt bad about skating it, so you just hung it up on the wall?

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I only skate the eagle


boards that arent used arent nice


when i skated in my teens i pushed mongo. i picked it up again recently and have been having a pretty difficult time breaking that habit.

Same dude. Exactly the same.

I try and push normal, but the minute I stop thinking about it BAM! Mongo.

Trying to change the muscle memory is hard work. If only I'd realized it was bad form when I was a kiddo

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Got kicked out of a apartment parking lot at 10 at night.

The real reason i feel bad was because the security guy witnessed me failing to do a decent ollie

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he still respects that u tried

Leave the memories alone, brother.

bobby for soty btw

Soty will be Raemers

>Leave the memories alone, brother.

>he still respects that u tried

What's the consensus for good skate shoes this year? getting tired of buying old skools

time to put on your big boy pants and become a cupsolechad


about a month old here
my hardass wheels hit a tiny piece of wood today on the sidewalk and I got launched pretty far

kind of annoyed cuz I've been getting comfy on the board lately and smarter as not to fall on basic maneuvers
nothing much to learn except I think should get wheels for cruising?

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That sucks.

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Dont you die on me. Im bout to finish my shift, get changed and go out for a night sesh.

Did you skate today /esg/?

Im about to. Post a part to get me hyped.

I wait til 7pm for the parking lot next to my place to clear out


yes, but i lost my hardflip completely today and tried to relearn it for 2 hours straight which failed, better luck tomorrow i guess, but losing shit is one of the most frustrating parts of the learning process.

Kinda humid but I might when the sun goes down. My ankles are still fucked up from getting back into running but idc

He unironically snapped with this part.

Just wasn't your day for hardflips. They'll come back to you.


None of my friends skate how do I make skate friends

skatepark, skateshop, skate spot

I made most of my skate friends from my local shop and hittin up their events, easy to get in the loop with instagram these days. Been to a few local video parties and casual comps that way.


god I fucking suck
riding just a block or two is the scariest shit

some dudes are too scared to even start, fsct that you can still roll out is good enough

I started a year ago and back then, the prospect of riding to work was fucking science fiction. Now I do it every day and don't even think about it. You have to just fucking do it and force yourself to go even if you're scared. Sooner or later it's all gonna click.

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Bumping and webm testing. Pls no bully, just learning.

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No problem user.

ur cute

>ollieing over small obstacles is getting less and less scary
>starting to see and feel the control in shuvits
I can feel myself leveling up

damn bro thats inspiring
how long do you skate and when did you started feeling comfortable in riding?

btw im such a fucking wuss that i skate at night lmao im that scared of other people looking so do any of you guys know some good places to skate alone without many people? no empty parking lots near my house so that kinda sucks

I started at the end of August of last year. First two months or so were a nightmare. I started to get somewhat comfortable right around November when the weather made it impossible to skate until March. Then the spring came and I started putting some serious time into my ollies and I bought soft wheels so that I could roll to my spot, as well as to work. That helped dramatically because it immediately doubled the time I was able to spend on the board. Plus, weaving around people and traffic really forces you to improve board control. As far as my ollies go, it wasn't until a month or two ago that I started to get some half-decent air. Ollieing over bumps and cracks was quite a mental obstacle for me, it's kind of scary no matter the size in the beginning.

My experience thus far was just beating my head against the wall until things click. It's all about putting in the time, there is no way around it unless you have some innate talent. Try looking at google maps to find what looks like empty lots around your area. I totally understand that you don't want to be seen at your current skill level so I won't try telling you to just suck it up. However, there will come a time when you will have the basics down and you will still feel weird skating around people and other skaters - but not doing it will seriously impede your progress.

awesome, thanks a lot man
good luck

you too my brother. keep at it, getting over the initial hump is extremely rewarding.


Patience, user. Patience.

no you pussy put rails of you want to hang up later faggot

>Patience, user. Patience.

Rode today for the first time. Tried to ollie and fell on my ass. It was fun Ill probably do it again tomorrow

already trying to ollie thats based

chya boii


yo a total noob here so please help
are complete skateboards(with wheels trucks etc) worth it? using the basic brand info pastebin i compiled all the stuff i need and holy fuck is it expensive - iam a beginner im hugely into skatebording recently but i still dont wanna waste cash on something i might ride for a while and then leave
what do you guys think?

get a minilogo board and build it yourself instead of getting a complete, its better to get into the habit of it now.

Just buy an enjoi complete theyre like 60 bucks. Thats like the price of a new video game.

Get a decent complete, shouldn't set you back more than 100 bucks.

The security guard at my building saw me come in with my board once and asked if I skate. He was a super tall, built black guy but very nice so I wouldn't expect him to skate. He asked if he could try my board then put the "back in 15 minutes" sign up and we went to the loading garage. He landed a really good heelflip but I was so nervous seeing someone that tall and in a suit skate.

Another time he gave me a Tony Hawk and Eric Koston Trick Tip DVD and asked if he could borrow one of my boards to show a kid in the building to skate. I gave it to him but never saw him again and he left my board with the next security guy.

Really based security guard.



But Carlos has left :'(

they are really bleeding talent aren't they

Carlos was the best skater in the crew, but Braille isn't about highly skilled skating.

They do skatertainment, when the do shit like putting trucks on a surfboard or playing a game of skate on hoverboards. Carlos going wont make that less entertaining.

Plus, for real good skating they still have Chris McNugget on occasion, plus their guests like Johnny Giger

I'd fucking love to see The Undertaker on a skateboard, desu. His fantastic long hair blowing in the breeze as he passes by. Christ alive, I'd faint.

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good post

what about on a surfboard?

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Very Very Based

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His hair would be wet, so that'd be a bonus. He'd be so hot, I don't know if I could even handle looking at him. Damn what an amazing image I have in my head rn.

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