Kota Ibushi

>Plays only retro video games
>Thinks books are stupid and limits your imagination
>Trains with Japanese MMA fighters
>Didn't know who Vince McMahon was when he did WWE gigs
>Wins G1 Climax 29
>Main Events Wrestle Kingdom over Tetsuya Naito
>Wins the IWGP Heavyweight Championship in 2020

Attached: outxdeluxe Ibushi.webm (800x450, 2.21M)

Based Ibushi!

He must be a masochist. If the bumping his body into sawdust wasn't raising a flag for it, playing Ghosts & Goblins should solidify it.

Faggot geek. No one cares.

We already know about your problems, this thread is about Ibushi.

He's pretty based. Inherited his parent's fortune and now just does whatever the fuck he feels like

>N-no u
Lmao cope.

Please mention that he only wears the most expensive hypebeast streetwear.

He also likes to get fucked up on regular basis, there's a video online of drunk Ibushi shooting fireworks inside his mouth.

>>Wins G1 Climax 29
Do you not know how G1 booking works?
The winner is either the champion or someone that's not in the champions block.

They have broken all of those 'rules', the only ones left are the briefcase doesnt change hands and the winner wont be in the same block as the champ. Both will occur eventually though, probably as soon as their WK attendance evens out. Right now they want the match that will almost certainly be the main event to be advertised sooner rather than later. This year probably wont be any different either, considering the double dome show, they will want the advertising to be super focused.

>Thinks books are stupid and limits your imagination

Every wrestler is going to be part retarded

Based /vr/chad

Cope. Gedo is a stubborn bitch.

>Main Events Wrestle Kingdom over Tetsuya Naito

Attached: JUST.jpg (400x400, 177K)

Naito will beat Ibushi for the IWGP HebyQ,its destiny

OP got it wrong, is not that Ibushi thinks that books are stupid, but he said that they are dangerous because people get trapped in them.

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I love . It's one of the comfiest boards around

>K-Kota-san...d-don't look at me like that...y-you make me blush...
>W-what??! Ooh!! Y-yes Kota-san please let me touch you !!!

I want to be user-kun!

Ibushi is based

Dapper af


You sound ultra worked

>the medium that requires imagination to visualize things limits your imagination

how does an adult man have such a zoomer mindset?

It's not that he thinks books are stupid, it's that when he reads fiction books other people are putting images in his head and he doesn't trust it. It's actually incredibly based.




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He's one 100 percent correct, all mediums are people with agendas trying to put their ideas in your head. This site is the same, just a dumbed down version of that.

holy seethe

thats a based from me


Attached: Kota Ibushi Sasuke.webm (592x328, 2.92M)

Is this the sequel to Kinniku Banzuke?


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