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what did bang energy do to trigger this coalflake?

I have no idea who any of these people are or what they're talking about. Good thread.

Donating to trump


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Well he should quit WWE then

but user that would mean actually taking a stand for what he believes in and not soapboxing on social media for clout

Funny how a company run by republicans doesn't fire their employees for holding left wing ideologies but companies run by democrats fire employees for having right wing ideologies

Cedric Alexander raped Mustafa Ali in the cold winter of 2018.

Thanks for providing no context to this post whatsoever

*boing energy

Everyone does that, why wouldn't they? Or are we pretending republictards didn't have a shitfit because Gillette dared tell them to to rape women?

>w-w-why wont you support my retarded president

It's cause left wing shit is pretty over right now so it doesn't make your company look "racist"

Gillette told them to rape women? what you on about nignog?

not to* you know what I meant fucktard

this dude literally works for a company with trump in the hof, and with direct ties to the trump administration. he just wants attention.

> supporting any US president or even the USA as a country
Sorry I'm not willing to die for Israel

Why dont you call me a shitlord while you're at it ya fuckin mook. hahahaha.

>he just wants attention.
would someone do that though? desperately look for validation and attention on social media? seems hard to believe

just because hes allied with the company doesn't mean he isn't in the top political job in the country and is immune to criticism.
this "people only make fun of the easiest guy to make fun of in the world to be cool" shit is kind of stupid. Making fun of this situation is necessary for anyone who has an ounce of patriotism left.

I'd rather ask you to stop being a pussy and address your hypocrisy

you're not wrong but 95% of the people shooting their mouth off on twitter about politics have no idea what they are talking about. it's no exclusive either fuck go to /pol/ for five minutes and feel your brain melt.

95% of any group don't have any idea what theyre talking about, but they do it anyways.
At least with Trump, and one who passed first grade can see some painfully obvious failures, and be correct about them.

sometimes simplicity and universal truths unite us.

>noo I won't drink this energy drink, because they donated to tRump
>Why yes I will continue working for a guy who donated to tRump and who's wife literally worked for the tRump administration though
Cedric, make the switch ya simp. AEW needs more jobbers.

What hypocrisy? What have I ever said about gilette other than they make shitty overpriced disposable razors? I was laughing at you for being a retard you've only further cemented the fact.

>Drinks Bang Energy
>Slaps thigh

Hes pointing out your hypocrisy on seemingly not wanting to criticize the conservative pussies who cried over the gillete commericals

Trump presides over USA. Does that mean people can't speak against him just because they work for USA?

Letting people live in your head so deep you stop drinking things you previously drank because of affiliation.

He's saying Cedrick's picking and choosing when to speak so he doesn't endanger his job yet retains the ability to take virtue signalling meaningless jabs.
>My boss likes Trump, don't care, work here
>energy drink guy likes Trump, can't excuse that, won't drink anymore

>everyone does that
No, mentally weak imbeciles do that.

>black fragility

I can see where he's coming from, personally I haven't owned or purchased any Levis branded clothing ever since they aired an ad where a bulbasaur kissed a white girl.