E-Drones think that this faggot will eventually get over

>E-Drones think that this faggot will eventually get over

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new jachad here, based big dog is always welcome in the land of the rising sun and would undeniably draw untold yen from the screaming fangirls
if we can get deanetty over, the big dog would kill wwe in under a year if he came to njpw

holy fucking cringe, go back

absolutamento basado


You suck the cancer out his dick or something user?


>5 posts, 4 posters
>op samefagged to agree with himself
beggin ya

if he replaced Loa in GoD, he'd get more over than Tama


based as fuck ngl

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He would. Ya lil zoom zooms want the final redpill of wrestling?
"Wrestling ability" is contrived. A well-booked match handled by agents and a well-told story handled by writers can invest the crowds to the point where all the wrestlers need to do is go through their motions as instructed. Anyone with basic coordination can do that. Projection of self, look, facial expression and timing are what matter most, not technical ability. Roman has all those things and lacks technical ability, which is covered by a smartly booked match, which is what NJPW would provide.

this is half true because roman can actually work a good wrestling match when tasked but it's a troll so fuck you

>needing agents and writers to make your match good
How do you think New Japan works exactly?

Nice novel faggot

All matches are good because of the writers and agents more-so than the talent.

Oh man, Cody Collier found 4channel

>writers give wrestlers cardio, charisma, and strength

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I think he's alluding to the fact that new japan doesn't have writers or agents, just Gedo and a couple other guys booking

He's the most over dude in the company with women. I have female co-workers who went to see Hobbs & Shaw just to see the Big Dog.

And kids, my little cousins all love him

How much do they weigh

>women who watch modern day wrestling or know modern day wrestlers
no men or fat chicks

Kids are supposed to like him, they're the most easily manipulated.

Ironically he would get over instantly if he went to AEW or NJPW, its more of an indictment of WWE that he cant get over and we saw it with Moxley

Obviously there are physical variables but every fundamental wrestling move can be performed by basically all of them and it's down to the people behind the match's structure to structure it effectively.
Moxley's a perfect example. He's a dog-shit actual wrestler but he does well in NJPW because they know how to book him around his strengths of which he has none so he just has trash brawls and his opponents sell his tough maniac persona super hard and the crowd are into it.

>Vince's plan to save the company is to pit the only guy that got over naturally in the last 20 years against the most hated push in wrestling history

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>>only guy that got over naturally in the last 20 years
Buddy didn't get half as over as pic related

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They are pretty fat.

twitter likes don't equate into money, the vast majority of twitter is fake and gay

Based AND red-pilled.

He was on youtube

It's been 6 years and he's still not over.
Even Melz though he would get over after coming off the cancer gimmick and he didn't.

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oh yeah? post it. no one gave a fuck in reality.
he was just a meme.

needs to go bald for that to happen

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Absolutely and positively based as fuck


>not even 1M views

considering he was a nobody jobber and this put him on the mid-card. 900k views is impressive

social media doesn't mean shit. plus he can't wrestle and his promos aren't even that good.
he just used social media well.
it's a relic nowadays because wwe manipulates social media to puff out better than they are but he's still a shit wrestler and a giant faggot.

I wouldn't go that far

>haven't seen a Big Dog thread in weeks
>catalog full of anti-Roman threads
>apparently he buried the golden manlet
>aspfags are literally seething over it


You fucking sad little fucking losers need to realize that manlets are jobbers 4 life!

social media and wrestling is cancer, i just want matches not twitter feuds. the whole thing is faggorty.
I could be watching an Ishii match or watch a 30 minute segment of WWE TV where they talk about twitter feuds sandwitched between Snickers commericals. Fuck off man.


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Vince doesn't even know what social media is how is it supposed to get on TV

ya got record low ratings ya simp drone, no one gives a fuck.. especially the 20% of people who stopped watching your gay ass show from last year to today.

Good bait, here's the you

>e-drones salivating over one of the only good workers on the roster getting buried because they are literal drones
Can't wait for the next Elias match

bruh, WWE cultivates their show for social media interaction. Listen to their old investor calls.
And this worked like a charm, they know they got live show bucks and shit... so they fashion their show to generate social media live shitposting.. then they turn to FOX and shit and say.. hey look at our Live shitposting.
And that shit WORKED. It got them a huge contract, because no one can sell taped content anymore.
But it's still a shitty company for wrestling they are just great at gaming the system.


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he's already over, just not with the marks

He's so fucking handsome bros

he's not over, period.
no one cares about this dude.

Go back to hijacking franchises Dwayne

I don't watch wrestling, so I don't care.

It's not bait. Manlets do not belong in prowrestling. PERIOD. It's the reason fans left en masse.

I bet you watch every preshow too. You know who else had a good work rate? Neville. You know where he is without the larger than life wwe stars carrying him... nowhere.

Take this from me, all of you, I used to beat the fuck outta little kids all the way thru high school (especially if they were poor or non-white). Those who are bigger, stronger, and more powerful always win and deserve respect.

>he's already over, just not with paying customers
ya don't say

now that is based

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chads don't call themselves chads

>record low ratings

false flag post, we don't want anythingto do with roman


> twerking nigger and bork are champions
> ratings are roman's fault
based retard

roman didn't peak ratings ever , prove me wrong

He was getting record low ratings when he was champ


Why is this even a topic? You all think Buddy Fucking Murphy will bring in mass ratings? And Roman ruined that? Come on, get that AEW cum outta your brain. Manlets like Buddy, Cody, etc. will never draw.

who is we

Based. Okada vs Big Dog is the ultimate match.

They were always declining a few percentage points here and a few percentage points there. Its only the past 2 or 3 years where they are in free fall and doing 15 to 25 percent lower than they did last year, and viewers down 12 percent has E-drones breaking out the champagne and party favors because it wasn't down 22 percent.

Dude he was literally champ when they hit the 2.5 average. Since his push they’vr gone from 3.5 to 2.5