>influenced an entire generation of wrestlers
>big leagued every company he ever worked for
>shoots on marks
Bases or crinfe?
Influenced an entire generation of wrestlers
Other urls found in this thread:
Based agent 4'7
Vid game gimmick .
The most based.
Champion for 15 years in a promotion that was out of business for 12 years. And used to be a flute.
Smack Downie ended hours ago . go to bed .
go back to resetera you faggot tranny
seething thirdworld shitskin detected
Didn’t this shorter tag with laycool who the fuck is this guy lol!
Cringe because the only company that will book him is a money mark jew indie that doesn't even break 75k views for their weekly youtube shows.
Their shows are still based, popularity doesn't mean quality
I watched Fury Road and it was abysmal. Never again
Cringe manlet that didn't wanna lose to Batista during his NXT days
he got to kiss layla tho... shit was pretty tits
If he didn't sperg out over muh radiation, he'd probably have had a few CHOPPA encounters with ishii already.
How the fuck did he influence anyone? Dude was just a Kings Road manlet larper.
>Kings Road manlet larper
Nice try.
Low Ki influenced all the double stomp attacks and roundhouse kicks that occurred around 2000. Richards, Danielson, Joe, AJ Styles, WWEs version of CM Punk, I’m still seeing people do the tree of woe double stomp in WWE. He carried the torch for shoot grappling on the mat when Americans wanted to do le British chain wrestling shit. He’s influential as fuck. Almost all of WWEs top talent come from indies like ROH and PWG and FIP and shit which were promotions that existed specifically to book guys like him and which he was the draw for at their infancy. He impacted everyone’s style and move set.
5'8 so it's gonna be a yikes from me
probably the only good triple threat match this millennium
>influenced an entire generation of wrestlers
And it's the worst generation of wrestling ever. Really makes ya think.
Literally fucking who?
Good points, friend. It's been too long since I was watching early ROH.
Based big moustache manlet smasher security guy
Low Ki is the embodiment of "AM I FUCKING GOING OVER!?"
Is 120 his height or weight?
Now post the real pic
Usually popularity means a complete lack of quality. There's a word, exoteric; it means that something is made to appeal to everyone and appealing to everyone means the product can have no depth to it, otherwise it will alienate complete retards.
What I'm saying is that anything widely popular is intentionally shit so idiots will buy it.
The state of that guy's arm
kek what a bitch
*jobs to Fukushima in your path*
Yup yup makes no sense it took Dbry years to get to that main level and when he does the whole industry tanks. Indie midgets were a mistake. Low ki is the shit tho.