In terms of being over and mainstream appeal, was CM Punk the Austin of the Reality Era?

In terms of being over and mainstream appeal, was CM Punk the Austin of the Reality Era?

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He was the bitch of the Reality Era

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He was the shit until he buried himself in the UFC and on twitter

No, cena was

I can't believe this goofball used to wear Gracie Jiu-Jitsu hoodies on TV

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It's an insult to put CM Fags name in the same sentence as Austin's.


If he had not gone off the deep end and made a horrific embarrassment of himself in the UFC he would be by far and way the #1 free agent in wrestling today and have both WWE and AEW offering him 8 figure contracts.

In my eyes he totally ruined himself by losing twice and I was a big fan dying his WWE run, but thinking about it, I think he is still the hottest free agent

Mainstream no but no one outside of Cena has an ounce of mainstream appeal. In terms of wrestling appeal he was the closest to Austin since Austin but that isnt saying much since wrestling has been shit since 2004

Honestly he still is, but thats just the state of wrestling. If Cult of Personality hits today in either WWE or AEW the place will go ape shit


literally no one outside of wrestle nerds knows who the fuck CM Punk is
The only wrestlers to EVER be known by a single non wrestle fan are Hogan Andre Piper Macho Man Rock Austin Cena and Batista

Not enough galloping

Nigger Macho man, Piper and Bautista never reached Punk's popularity and appeal.

>Macho Man
The other two for sure, but this shit is blasphemy of the highest order.

Brock Lesnar should be on that list. And possibly Ric Flair too.

No. He was strictly over with the smark bubble.


You think Bautista has less mainstream appeal Phil? Lmao. Need I remind you that one is a movie star and even if you exclude that he has done higher PPV buys than Punks. Even Jeff hardy was more popular than Spunk.

lmao what a shit era to be the austin in

Normies know and do macho Man impersonations all the time. Fucking Batista is drax, and hot rod was not only the rock and wrestling guy from MTV, but the star of 'They Live' which has a cult following for tons of people who've never seen a single match ever. Cm spunk is a nobody by comparison.



he was the Shitman of reality era. no mainstream appeal


>Mainstream appeal

ric flair in his day yes but idk about today. i was talking about wrestling one time with a coworker and my boss and then our other boss walked in and said she once met ric flair at an airport and got his autograph. she knew who he was even though she didn't watch wrestling

Cena got dueling "Cena sucks" and "Let's go Cena" chants. Half the crowd hated Cena despite him working as a babyface. Austin never got that split reaction as a babyface.

Roddy Piper was massively over back in a day when wrestling still had mainstream appeal. And he had a feud with Mr. T. And he made loads of public appearances with rock stars and on television due to cross promotion at the time (Rock n Wrestling era) and even starred in a few movies. He was definitely better known by normies than C.M. Punk ever was.

This,if he comes back to wrestling after what happened to him in UFC he will be a bigger joke than he is now.

all of them below Rebecca "The Man" Quin

>literally no one outside of wrestle nerds knows who the fuck CM Punk is
this, remember that video of that guy going around chicago asking random people about punk and not 1 person even knew who he was

Pipebomb drew anti dimes look it up

The only thing he ever did that made money was the XXXXXXL shirts he sold

Most people still know who Rowdy Rowdy Piper is. No one except for queer ass wrestling nerds know who Phil is

Pg era

Fuck off calling it the reality era you newfangled cunt

The reality era isn’t a real thing and Punk never resulted in any major business improvements

2007-2011 and 2012-2019 are two different eras


>Piper never reached Punk's appeal level
God I hope this site does gets shut down so dumb no-nothing zoomer faggots like you just disappear into the void.

punk's words did reach the mainstream audience but it doesn't mean a shit - it's like some childen's show gained attention by making a popular culture joke, people will watch it on YouTube and forget it in a minute
Of course this isnt punk's fault, wrestling was dead by the time the pipebomb happened and no matter if hogan and stone cold came back at time, the ratings wouldnt have changed