True or False?
>Daniel Bryan wasn't over
>The YES! chant was over
I missed Daniel Bryan's WM XXX run. Was he really not over? Was it just the chant?
True or False?
True. He wouldn't cut it in the big leagues of New Japan. Bingo hall midget through and through.
>Ric Flair wasn't over the Woo chant was over
Don't listen to this faggot, OP
D-Bry was mad over, he got the biggest pop of the decade in fucking Arkansas. And he coulf outwrestle anyone in New Japan, even that fake tough guy Ishii.
Daniel Bryan is the only guy who can get a gimmick over and not the other way around.
One of the dumbest fucking ideas anyone has ever come up with.
Bryan got over major before Yes started.
The yes sustained and grew as the fans demanded more bryan.
And it still last becahse they want more of him
False. WWE has other wrestlers doing the Yes chant in an attempt to get them over and it didn’t work.
Weird position of being massively over, but not being a draw. Meaning, he was beloved by the crowd to the point of being disruptive to the other wrestlers, but didn't really move any numbers. Excellent performer though, could have done way more with a Reigns-level push.
This. Fucking stupid Smarkbuster-esque revisionist history. He was over before, and he got massively over during, but it wasn't just the chant.
Bryan is probably the last guy who got over on a large scale
This. Remember when The Big Show was the underdog against The Authority who tried to hijack the "Yes!" thing? Bet that'll be a piece of history that WWE will ignore always.
He was hugely over. He was the last babyface WWE had that was truly over, not just over with a segment of the audience. He is a living celebration of pro wrestling.
A Reigns-Bryan feud leading to Mania might actually draw some money with a proper build.
It didn't do shit the last time they did it. Bryan did and would eclipse Reigns yet again.
Eh, there have been others since. Dean was fucking white hot at the beginning of 2016 and about a month after mania. Becky was over like crazy too, last year. Neither quite like Bryan, though.
They didn't commit. As far as I remember it was one really good match in which Bryan put over Reigns pretty well so he could face Lesnar. An actual feud with a double turn either in the middle of it or at Mania would be perfect.
i used to hate db and now, just like cena, because everything has gone to complete shit, i miss him
Dean was hot, but not even in the same solar system as bryan.
No one has been since.
dont bring up womeme when the discussion is about overness, it is fucking embarrassing, and dean is cringe
He was insanely over. People were chanting Yes! at sporting events. But of course that senile retard Vince wanted him in a meaningless bout against Sheamus in a non-title match at XXX. I don't care what anyone says, Bryan not winning the '14 Rumble was one of the worst decisions ever.
The No Yes back and forth with the crowd is what actually got him over
smarks got behind him in response to whiny phil's bitchfest on the colt cabana podcast. when it became obvious that roman was the chosen one, they clung to the guy who is the absolute antithesis of roman. all this to think they were sticking it to the boss for their cuck savior phillip.
>the fans demanded more bryan.
This, he got cheered by an Audience full of feminists and beta numales with his womanizing chad gimmick
Yes chant was over not him. People were literally doing the chant with Big Show and Brie and even Steph
Crowd was often chanting "Daniel Bryan". Would you tell me that the "Daniel Bryan" chant was over and not Bryan himself?
I don’t understand why someone blames ppv buys only on the main event. If the whole card is shit why would I spend 40+ dollars to watch two guys in the main event.
True, the terrible run after it exemplifies it.
When he went to go do media and other public appearances it wasn’t for the Daniel Bryan chant it was for the yes chant.
No one cheered him at the baseball game until he started the yes chant then they all started joining in; showed how much the yes chant was over
It was pretty shit considering they hopscotched that angle at the last minute after dropping it in the fall for not drawing numbers.
Luckily Kofi and JaSethy have saved Bryan from holding this dishonour.
Also the yes gimmick was literally designed to make Bryan into a geek and prevent him from getting over, its like saying
>Dusty Rhodes wasnt over, the polka dots were over!
Oh, for sure the Yes-chant was more over than Bryan. But Bryan was still over himself, not in a mainstream kind of way, but in WWE at least.
Imagine thinking Bryan Danielson can't get over. The New Daniel Bryan run proved he's still amazing to this day.
Just wanna jump in here and say Kevin Nash was raped in the steaming hot summer of '92
The only truth in wrestling that matters
True. Once the YES chant got played out, he was receiving crickets in his return
At the peak of his popularity, he was about as over as Becky Lynch was last summer. Make of that what you will.
The main event is supposed to be the draw of any show ya mark.
He also tanked Summerslam and HIAC buyrates. Don't forget he literally killed the PPV format.
>Implying Becky was 1/4 as over as Bryan was.
Back to your containment general bexcel.
Becky wasnt anywhere close to that and I hope you're kidding.
Bryan had the entire stadiums/arenas eating out of the palm of his hand, Yes chant or not. Fans supported and cheered for him. They came to see Bryan.
Becky had a small section of half empty stadiums/arenas barely react to her. Her matches were cricket silence and support never felt genuine. Cheer for her because she's a woman. Why aren't you cheering for her you male pig!!!! Reeeeeee! .
Anyone who thinks Becky is over than Bryan needs a reality check
You're right, it wasn't close. Becky was far more over.
Reddit's the other way faggot, go back
Says the bryanfag
still more then seethe tarplins
Bingo hall vanilla midget antidraw. The truth is that Bryan was the catalyst for thw audience drop. The silent majority couldn't give a shit about this dude. Once he got to win the big one, the manlet epidemic started. That's why people like gargano, finn balor or aleister black are in your tv instead of Babatunde.
Smarks ruined wrestling and Bryan was their stepping stone.
Fine speech
Keep telling yourself that, I'm sure it makes you feel like a big man.
Business went down when he was on top
>last babyface that was truly over
Bryan was a legitimate white meat babyface. Ambrose and Beko weren't.
Ok the incredible level of out of touch from some of you retards is incredible, this threat is hurting my brain.
1. Bryan started getting hot in the big show, mark henry, mitb fued.
He won the belt, was becoming a tweener and started over celebrating his win while Cole talked shit about him.
2. His gimic started changing into a heel who would over celebrate every match, and circle around the ring pointing to himself saying "YES.. WORLD HEAVY WEIGHT CHAMPION. YES YES WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION." As he pointed to himself.
3. He then started making fun of AJ and telling her to shut up, and got big headed.. All of the sudden he was the most entertaining thing in the company, and the smarks were all 100 percent behind him.
4. Come Mania, the Yes chant was hardly known but thousands of fans brought small yes signs because they were all backing Bryan hard. Retard vince has him lose in 5 seconds, and the fans got even heavier behind him. The next night on raw it was a Bryan love fest, the entire audience was on the edge of their seats waiting for Bryan to come out, and i dont even think he came out till after the show ended, the fans hijacked raw with yes chants for him anyways.
5. Yadi yadi ya, team hell no, he became the most entertaining wrestler in a decade due to backstage acting and crazy in ring.
Cena chooses him for his SS match, Bryan wins with overwhelming support, Orton cashes in the rest is history.
"DANIEL BRYAN" chants were as loud as the Yes chants, always.
And the yes chants were always loud passionate and exclusively used to support bryan at specific times.
Anyone who says the chant was over if a fucking absolute moron.
Wolfcuck out here with his anti-Bryan agenda AGAIN
Yea Forums is Danielson board ya simp
For me, it's summer 2013 Daniel Bryan where he was a total madman, had that awesome series of matches with Orton on Raw, called Triple H a motherfucker and had a kino title match with Cena.
Bryan was able to get over because he had a knack to make any shitty gimmick WWE threw at him work. Like WWE legit tried to give him every crappy gimmick they could to bury the dude, but he kept making it work. Ironically once WWE got fully behind him, he started getting a little boring for a while. But even he realised that and turned heel. His heel stuff is pretty great. Like even when him and Rowan had the tag belts (for all of 5 seconds), they felt far more important than they had in fucking ages.
Im pretty sure they tried to get rid of bryan via the choking justin roberts with his tie. Luckily he didnt end up in nexus which almost certainly was a blessing.
all this edrone cope for another no dime midget
He didn't choose to turn heel. Vince makes the booking decisions.
Anti draw
The oy thing you can blame Bryan on is being too nice and allowing himself to carry Kofi Kingston into the best moment of his life
He should've pulled a HHH vs Booker and stomp that shit out
Reminder that Wolfcuck has a pinned post on his twitter where he bashes Bryan and praises Roman. Makes you wonder who's behind these threads shitting on Bryan lately.
Vince would bend over and spread his cheeks Summer of 92 style for Bryan right now no matter what as they are bleeding fans and the only reason anyone still shows up is guys like Bryan, Orton, etc... Bryan could demand 'I want Steph and Linda right now, and call Kevin Nash to lick them clean when I'm done with them' and Vince would be on the phone making it happen.
Business went down with Brock on top too
The WWE tried so hard to bury him and give the yes chant to someone else on multiple occasions. The fans literally revolted and wouldn’t allow that to happen. I can not recall a any other time where the fans have done this other then polka dot dusty
1 person posts 200 times a day in the same exact threads pretending to be different people
defending nash and reigns and calling guys manlets
the quintessential closet homosexual
This 100% is exactly how it went down and retards will still spin it somehow.
exactly. there is no mystery here. only insecure wolfcuck samefag as said here
Anyone that legitimately thinks Bryan wasn't over is an idiot that wasn't watching back then and is trying to rewrite history. Bryan was over majorly even before the Yes! chant, but the chant merely helped sustain his momentum and helped catapult him to white hot level of overness.
BTW, this is like suggesting that Austin wasn't over but the glass breaking in his entrance was, or that Rock's "finally the Rock has come back..." line was over but he wasn't. It's completely stupid.
this is the honest truth and if you disagree, it's because you're a fat shit that sees a bit of yourself in him
>Imagine thinking Bryan Danielson can't get over
>Bryan Danielson
>still amazing to this day
>to this day
while i can agree that the new daniel bryan gimmick was well done and made me not roll my eyes at him on my tv as much, i have to ask... why do you fat smarks pretend like you watched him anywhere other than wwe? i can pretty much guarantee no one that has posted itt was legitimately a fan of his in the ROH days. and if you where... why? those matches are nothing impressive and he is rarely even the better wrestler in the match, let alone the company. i just don't get it.
I actually cant think of any time in history a catch phrase was bigger than the talent using it.
Maybe im blanking out.
Even "cause im the miz and im awesome" was only as ever hot as miz was.
Over all, very very stupid idea
Screen capped, based
Both true, he's a good wrestler but he definently needed the yes chant to climb to the top.
>Both true, he's a good wrestler but he definently needed the yes chant to climb to the top.
Not really, they would have just screamed Daniel Bryan. He didnt need a catch phrase he was dominating the show week in and week out.
Sure the Yes didnt hurt and it helped get the kids, but his talent level couldnt be stopped.
>his talent level couldnt be stopped.
please explain this end of it to me because i don't get it. his promos are embarrassing, his physique and stature even moreso. he's not special or impressive at all in the ring either. now, both of these may or may not be due to wwe limiting his moveset to cringe kicks and scripting his promos, but either way, i don't get it. where is all this "talent" people say they see?
Im sorry man you're just a dumb person then.
He's top 3 promo in the company easily. Top 3 backstage actor. Comedy, timing, originality, intensity.
This isn't up for debate.
Hes top 1 in the ring in the world.
The world. Little competition.
Smoothness, moveset, knowing 7 different styles, knowing a hundred submissions and reversals.
When people say hes talented he is one of only 2 guys that you can say are top 5 in Both in ring and on the mic (you can argue the same about sami)
And theres maybe 2 other guys who are in the top 10 of both, and a few others in the top 15.
ie, theres no one who comes close
He's a very marketable wrestler, innocent look and soft spoken for the casuals and manlet neckbeard look to the hardcore smarks. Good in the ring IF you like that style of wrestling which casuals generally don't (where's the fucking powerbomb) Add a chant that everyone can join in on and you have success.
Hiya Cuck Bombz
None of this post matters if user is talking about his WWE run, Vince restricted his 7 styles of fake fights and his promos only look good in contrast to the rest of the shit talking roster. If you want to compare greats then compare him to the Rock.
He was/is legit over. People cared for him during a match. Examples of catchphrase or taunt being over is Ryback "Feed Me More" or Charlotte's Wooo. Where the chant comes out of no where but nothing else during a match