Name one wrestler who could realistically save WWE.
Name one wrestler who could realistically save WWE
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John Cena
Hollywood Cena burying the whole roster, but he's too much of mark to do it.
"Filthy" Tom Lawlor
WWE spent the 2010s telling everyone that only it's past ever matters and that the stars of today never will.
It's now a matter of time as WWE can only return to their quickly depleting well of nostalgia.
This is all it takes. Cena running around calling everyone simps and wearing shades
There are none (and that’s a good thing)
No one. Also it's not just WWE that needs saving. It's wrestling in general. And those fags in AEW aren't saving shit. Wrestling is dead.
I honestly don't think one guy can save or kill the company.
Brock as a full-time monster babyface. Or Cena as the Hollywood heel as others have said.
Bret "The Hitman" Hart. But only if you hire him to kill Vince, Hunter, and Stephanie.
Seth Rollins is already saving the company
Hey Tom, love your unrelenting antagonism of Bryan.
Wrestling is a quickly dying form of entertainment that appeals to a smaller and smaller niche group each year.
It was born out of a simpler time. Today between everyone knowing its "fake" and so many other forms of entertainment why would anyone choose wrestling over other media?
When I was a kid WWE was "violent" and edgy which had lots of appeal. Today kids have a bunch of violent videogames and MMA if they want actual real violence. People look at wrestling now as lame, just two dudes in tights pretending to fight which just seems gay.
Professional wrestling probably wont exist in 50 years, WWE will probably become Impact or ROH tier after vince dies. You cant save it.
>When I was a kid WWE was "violent" and edgy which had lots of appeal.
>Today kids have a bunch of violent videogames and MMA if they want actual real violence.
>There were no violent video games in the 90s
>Video game violence is real
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
This. Many have compared Vince to PT Barnum and much like the circus, pro wrestling has also had its time and now it's dead.
Don't be an idiot. Even the Rock himself couldn't make up for the simple fact that the WWE program is uncool and up to 95% absolute cringe shit on any given week. You're lucky if there's 30 minutes of watchable television a week across their 5 hours. Honestly.
99% of 12 yr old boys are going to prefer playing fortnite where they are calling opponents "nigger faggot" compared to watching 3 hours of RAW with boring promos where you cant even say "ass".
Its still real violence not a choreographed dance routine of sorts. Dont shoot the messenger senpai this is just how people actually view wrestling
>PT Barnum ran for office and successfully became a legislator and a mayor
>Vince's wife ran for Senate twice and lost, squandering $100m
>Its still real violence
No, it's aggressive gay pornography. It's 2019 user. It's okay to be gay.
Stone Cold loaded up with the best stem cells money can buy.
Realistically, no one.
Riddle if someone convinced him to not be a fucking goof
wrestling has been "dead" so many times for 100+ years now. carnies find a way.
Nothing but a complete tear down and rebuild can save WWE
The show is boring, predictable and so far removed from 'must see TV' that there's not even a reason to watch the highlights on youtube.
There's nothing or nobody that can be interesting enough to make it worth getting in to the product, because they don't want to make the product interesting. They want a formula that's relatively cheap to produce that the advertisers feel comfortable enough to pump money in to.
Holy fuck, it's so depressing.
The Cerebral Assassin, The Game, The One True Destroyer, The King of Kings Triple H. Just give him the stap and keys to a tank he can drive to an AEW show.
I think the prevailing culture in the west right now is not conducive for a truly great wrestling product. Wrestling is its peak when it can be a little edgy and violent, when it feels like there's real stakes, and when the product comes across as authentic. And these problems permeate the entire industry, as they do many others, through corporate pressure, social media backlash, and even from talent who have embraced this new culture.
So I don't think any one wrestler can save WWE right now. There needs to be major changes before any promotion can start to turn things around.
>Seth Rollins is already saving the company
ECW Sycho Sid
I'm not fishing for (you)s here when I say that if booking and writing was behind him, it could easily be Bobby Roode. Before wwe when he was in Impact he ran a lot of great feuds and was the face of the company in a lot of ways. I liked his It factor and Beer Money stuff, and he's fantastic as a heel and still really decent as a babyface too. If he could get a decent push and have access to the mic more often instead of doing glorified house shows, I think he honestly could put out some really good matches and stores. But the fact that WWE don't is pretty telling to me that they're retarded and would never push a sure thing.
So I guess if I had to pick a second choice it'd go to Wyatt
>WWE program is uncool
simple as
aew and njpw are gay as fuck
sjwwe and people will defend this, after the country splits one of the new countries might have good pro wrestling, probably not though, the rot is deep
CM Punk
Not based, and completely retardpilled
But then she gets hand picked by the president and her family takes pictures in the oval office. Makes ya think. Not me, but you, probably.
>Cena, he's only 42 years old
>Reigns, change his gimmick and theme, hire good writers and build him as a heel/tweener character
ya rang?
Daniel Bryan.
I was a total mark for his The Brian Kendrick run, I really wish it went somewhere.
Me, if they let me book everything
Literally and unironically Matt Riddle
Kenny Omega
He and Ibushi were the only reason to watch that tournament. Checked out when he lost.
The Rock.
>He's already a household name
>He's jacked
>Great on mic
>Decent enough in ring
>From the era to attract boomers
>Famous enough to attract zoomers
That's enough, Paul.
No one can.
Vince has ruined wwe by not allowing talent to ever be bigger than the company. And you wonder why wwe doesn't have any larger than life characters anymore.
I stopped watching all WWE programming by then, I just know his original run with Big Zeke.
he couldnt be good on the mic in this enviornment, no one could, you cannot speak freely and confidently when the sjw outrage mob is going to go over the transcript with a fine tooth comb, not to mention the pg rating. roody poo candy ass is probably considered homophobic in 2019
It's pretty telling when the only guy larger than life anymore is the deadman. I really hope Wyatt gets over as he's the only one left really trying to embrace a gimmick nowadays
Putting Wyatt in the same league as The American Badass? Mmm this is gonna be ya judgment daaay
Based Cody.
Wyatt was so fucking over a few years ago. It is infuriating how the WWE just took it for granted.
Braun Strowman, Bobby Lashley, Buddy Murphy, Roman, Drew
>I just know his original run with Big Zeke
18+, kiddo
literally the only thing to pull wwe out of its death spiral
Bray was white hot and could have been the top heel in wwe for a decade... then they fed him to Cena. Bray has never recovered from it. And every time he got a little buzz, they killed it by feeding him to Roman, than Undertaker.....then Roman again....then broke up the Wyatt family.
Umm, no sweetie, he wasn't The Brian Kendrick with Paul London.
Him and only him.
he said who could save, not who represents everything wrong with
what do people like about this homo?
wow, homophobic much, you piece of shit?
Ask Seth
i dont want to hear about them and dont think they should be allowed near children but i dont care what they do or what new diseases they are incubating with their filthy lifestyle
Like...UGHHHH be more tolerant dude
>shows up to RAW, sitting in the front row
>two jabronies like Seth Rollins and Sami Zayn are having a match
>Cena comes in and just beats the absolute shit out of them, complete squash
>exits ring
>jumps barricade, and leaves the stadium
>runs down the stadium stairs, enters ring and brutalizes two more jabronies
>someone like Roman comes out and tries to stop him, gets completely squashed
>starts beating on referees, "medical personnel," and other wrestlers who come out
>ends up with Cena surrounded by the crumpled bodies of about fifteen or so men
>officially comes out on the next RAW, called out by Haitch or Stephanie
>shoots on the modern roster, calling them simps that couldn't draw a dime to save their lives
>approached by security, completely beats the shit out of them
>Haitch tries to stop him, John starts beating on him like it's a street fight
>repeat Shun Cena Satsu
>"legitimate cops" try to apprehend John
>John outruns them, jumps the barricade, makes it halfway up the stairs
>takes out cellphone and calls somebody
>Matt Riddle runs out and starts fucking with the "cops"
>Cena and Riddle squash the "cops"
>Cena stands atop the announce table, 'shooting' on Vince
this isnt bad, i dont know riddle but i would like him if he was introduced like this
Nobody. Not one person can save it because the culture of wrestling has withered into an emasculated husk of its former self. What used to be a bunch of adrenaline chasing chads popping pills and basically living like super aggressive rock stars has become a watered down safe working environment. The cut throat anything goes mentality that dominated the back has been replaced by sterile talent who are just happy to be there.
well said, these guys are not cool, they are beta nerd self-marks
The problem is that they're marks for the companies and not themselves.
Great times on Yea Forums
I wonder when will Vince pull the trigger, I guess he is waiting to hit under 2m overall ratings
what would he bring to the company? he is like a fruitier version of seff
CM Punk, he could actually do wonders with all the flippy midgets
You know, I actually want to see Kofi as a heel that goes too far with the whole positivity gimmick. That pic you posted is perfect, looking at others with that look of disdain could fit well.
Cody, he will save WWE by killing it and freeing it from its current hell
sjwwe cannot have poc heels, dat would be rayciss
>in b4 joe, exception proves the rule
Super Calo