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Shouldn't NXT be weeding out shitters like this? I mean c'monnnn
just like Ishiiy
this is like the fourth thread we get about dissecting a webm from this match and every time it turns out OP is a faggot
dont worry,in two years only thousands would be watching wwe
Reminder that Billie is a 12 year vet.
it there a single good female wrestler on the main wwe roster that isn't japanese?
Yea Forums confirmed for liking to discuss women's wrestling more than men's
Sonya is good but she'll never get any better, and she'll probably regress from here. It's WWE's fault, their developmental system is a fucking joke.
I don't get why waifufags feel obligated to defend their shit wrestling. I mean, I'd love to feel Becky's square jaw against my ass as she's rimming me, but I think she's a horrible wrestler.
I don't understand why some people have such standards for women's wrestling. They are all shit. Some are more shit than others but it doesn't make a big difference. The only things that matter are their looks and promo skills.
>this shit is funny as fuck
what's your problem?
OP is always a faggot but so far he as been right
This one is not too bad compared to the others but its still pretty bad
this. anyone who has high expectations for the wrestling part from the women is just setting himself up for dissapointment and is probably gay too.
shoulda tagged her for real
call me a weeb if you want but AJW in the 80s and 90s was legitimately great. they just arent held to that standard anymore. as long as the emphasis is on their appearance and how well they court a social media following of thirsty virgins (which is how it is on every continent), womens wrestling will suck. But ppl don't want to watch ugly girls wrestle unfortunately.
billie's face lmao
You right. A lot of what those women were doing was ahead of its time and even compared to some of today's popular wrestling is still leagues ahead of what men are doing. So there is nothing wrong with woman's wrestling. The problem is that it can never be this good in the west because promoters don't want to book women without obvious sex appeal, and western women are allergic to hard work. So there is no good talent, and even if there was, there would be nowhere to book them. It is easier to get over as an instagram model or a videogame streamer or an influencer or whatever else now because of social media than it is to get over as a pro wrestler, and it's an easier line of work that requires no work other than being moderately attractive and knowing how to apply makeup.
That's why there is no good women's wrestlers, not because woman can't be good wrestlers, but just because no woman want to be wrestlers, and it doesn't even have anything to do with le patriarchy, it' just a shit job for little payoff. That's why we don't need a "women's revolution" in wrestling. We already had it 30 years ago. Turns out nobody cared.
new japan does this exactly the same way like 3 times a show and you retarded faggot drones call it based
and no, ishiis strikes dont look any fucking better than this
Billie should have just powered up after absorbing all of Mandy's strikes, Ishii-style.
Would have made it an easy 5 star match.
The Japs were the worst women in this match
>A lot of what those women were doing was ahead of its time
That is the reason those matches were good. The thing is the men now perform those moves (and better than the women can) and there are no new moves to be innovated. Women's wrestling will always be a weaker, more diluted version of men's wrestling now. When these promotions in the West focus on women in athletic roles, they are basically announcing ahead of time that the quality of their shows will never reach their full potential so why bother.
>The thing is the men now perform those moves (and better than the women can)
Just not true. Nobody has a better Ocean Cyclone suplex. There's still move to innovated, and move choice is not why those women were good, they were good because they were athletic, their psychology was good, and they were willing to concuss themselves to put on a good show. They went hard. Men today do not.
This is literally no different than shit you see in Nu Jamal.
I can't argue, 2 million is technically and by definition multiple millions.
I dont want to watch unathletic midgets that cant perform basic moves. I'm ok with people like Alicia fox being here and there but they need something special. The women in wwe are barely attractive. Wearing undersized gear and being under a pound of make up doesn't make them attractive. Look at the women on AAAs show this weekend. Nothing but girls who spend all day lifting and working instead of posing for the camera. If they want to be actresses or models then they should just do that
>they were willing to concuss themselves to put on a good show. They went hard. Men today do not.
Men concuss themselves all the time (not that that is a prerequisite for a good match). Shibata gave himself a subdural hematoma. What are you even talking about?
holy cringeroni
Somebody post Lexi whiffing her last punch to Kairi
Stop being a faggot Shibata is an outlier in a sea of Moxley's and you know it, in AJW everyone bumped hard all the time as a prerequisite for even getting booked.
This was broadcast to millions of people
Imagine believing this
Fire all the white womemes
imagine not thinking this
they mistimed fucking everything, kairi was a fucking retard and looked like she didnt know where she was, they spent half the time with one leg in the ring waiting for their cue to run in and do their spot
they were unironically fucking horrible
>camera changes angles to hide it
I’d love to feel that too, user
5 camera cuts in 4 seconds why the fuck is Vince okay with this?
Billie's hair is a goal. Look at how shiny it is, makes me wonder what shampoo she uses.
imagine being this brainwashed and stupid
Yeah it’s great, I just want to wrap it around my dick