Destroyed the prestige of the tag titles

>destroyed the prestige of the tag titles
>ended Sasha Banks career
What was the point of this?

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>ended Sasha Banks career
Sounds like a damn good reign to me

>chased Horsha away from the E
yeah i think it was a BASED move

Who really fucking cares. Name one belt in WWE that means anything.

>womemes tag straps
Pick one

The NXT Womemes belt is pretty prestigious

hang yourself incel

Remember when Bayley and Sasha went down to Full Sail and said they would defend the belts anywhere, even on NXT?

The women's tag titles haven't appeared on NXT since.

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Good. We can finally have sashit & rohit at wrestling reloaded

the one charlotte had 15 times?

>Prestige of a thrown together division with like 3 teams


creative telling Sasha she was jobbing to Alexa on Raw the night after WM is what ended her career

To all 100 people watching it?

She had it once

Are there even any women tag teams there?

To give the Iiconics their Wrestlemania moment.

Maybe before Fatsuka killed it and Shayna took a shit on the corpse

Ending sashas career was a positive

i dont care about any those stupid pieces of tin

>creative telling Sasha she was jobbing to Alexa on Raw the night after WM is what ended her career
fake news

Sasha whines and leaves
Lexi wins the belt

Kek what a horse

>The NXT Womemes belt is pretty prestigious

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plus Bagley got a solo push

Those are both positive things

>The boss n hug connection
It took them 3 seconds to come up with that.

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>titles only change hands in Fatal Four Ways

Aliyah and Vanessa Borne

>destroyed the prestige of the women's tag titles tag titles
>prestige of a title that has only been around for a couple of months

You literally don't know what that word means. Shut up. She ended her career by being a stuck up shitter.

>ended Sasha Banks career

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>Vanessa Borne

It's not. Things were already bad during Asuka's reign but Shayna burying everybody she faces in shitty matches is even worse.