huh what u mean?
Reminder that these people are the only ones who can draw a singular dime, and the bucks are debatable if they can even draw that much.
>putting ugly ass Bucks on your promo material
>making Moxley do a retarded expression like he did in WWE
>Kenny dying of aids
>Cawdy dying of aids
>Jericho in 2019
Hard pass
It's advertising tickets for their weekly TV show. They're going to touring around like WWE, rather than having one defined homebase like most indies do.
Why are the Bucks in the very front? Kenny and Moxley are the draws, so they should be in the front.
But I'm enjoying the G1
kenny looks so fucking weird what the fuck happened?
the bucks look so stupid
>Boston show
>Agganis Arena Oct 9th
>Not the Boston Garden Nov 20th, 2 days after Raw
Really bad dye job.
KOPW is on Monday the 14th.
>making Moxley do a retarded expression like he did in WWE
You believe WWE forced him to do that shit?
Imagine you as a non wrestling fan, looking at this poster and going wtf any of these guys have in common and wondering wtf kind of ad is this for
He has looked pretty rough for months now. Skin looks a lot paler, and he looks gaunt or something. Wonder if he's hiding an injury/ illness.
>Liacouras Center
Fuck off
people will call me a simp for saying this but i unironically think that he should've signed with WWE.
nigga would probably get 1 title run then be the new attraction for Wrestlemania and play video games with Xavier.
smart and slightly carny to wait til after dc sold out to announce these shows since they're all east coast
why does kenny look like a transexual grandma?
He doesn't do it in New Japan
He looked great at Triplemania. This is a weeks old photo.
Kenny a week before going to AEW
He literally jobbed to a comedy wrestler. But it's okay when New Japan does it.
how much are tickets? If it's cheap I'll go wearing a Dean Ambrose shirt and shit myself during the opening match.
>He looked great at Triplemania
Didn't see it, but yeah. Fair enough, I see it now. Could be just an AEW thing then (stress from being both a wrestler and exec). I dunno.
The bucks look like total dorks why are they headline talent
Because despite everything they still draw a dime
I can't find any tickets. did they sell out already?
not on sale yet
he lost his eyebrows for some reason and it makes him look like he has cancer
>newfag doesn't understand Yano
Yano plays spoiler in every G1 you mongoloid