Yea...I'm thinking he's back

Yea...I'm thinking he's back.

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is that CazXL?

I unironically hope he is getting his shit together and returns to the E looking in shape. I thought he was fun when he was bullying the manlets.

DDP sure knows his craft

Is that Edge?

He was claiming he gets bouts of anxiety and depression, and that's how he got so out of shape. Then he had that seizure, and it made him want to look after his health more.

Besides the upper body looking great, he also got a clue about using pants to hide his bitch wide hips. That's a based look

Glad he finally took my advice and put on some Pants

My boys are back baybee

Based DDP.

>Hello Cass? Enzo?... We're getting the band back together

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mmmm lookin real jacked daddy

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Drew = Diesel
Cass = Nash

I wouldn't be surprised if WWE brought him and Enzo back within a year.

We need them now

>baggy jeans and Timbs

my boy repping his hometown


The bitch was lying about Enzo and Cass unJUSTed himself. There is no reason not to bring them back.

>already had height in spades
>took a shower
>hit the weights
Now if has a clue he’s golden

Based Large Cazz getting a clue

God I hope so

>There's only ONE word to describe me. And im gonna spell it out for ya. R-O-I-D-S. ROOOOIIDS

Nzo and CasXL are AEW bound motherfuckers.

Bitch Ass will never draw a dime

>she was lying about Enzo

Sadly that doesn't matter anymore. Hes still guilty for life in the eyes of the loud people on twitter and why i dont think he will return.


Did he learn to work as well?

Fucking dimes look compared to what he used to look like

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The transformation to Test is complete.

Unironically based

He's been on the gear I see....

Based Nash 2.0

Based caz xl is coming back for his redemption arc, it will end with him sucking carmella's toes at the next season of total divas


Fuck WWGay
These ones need to be in the AEW

Looks like edge on roids

>returns to the E

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All he needs now is a red headband.

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But Edge was on roids during his career

Like that he's got a clue and really hit the weights
Yeah I'm thinking he's back. Hopefully with nZo to save us from boring shitters like Seff and whoever else happens to be Gayatch's flavor of the month

>there’s a small chance we could see edge and christian vs the young bucks
hyped lads

Jericho's partners on Dynamite?

They're too problematic for AEW
NJPW probably thinks they're dishonorabu for stealing the GoD's thunder
Impact's male division is like four people

>Impact's male division is like four people
How do SiMPACT virgins watch that shit?

Holy shit Edge finally got a clue

He claimed that his depression and anxiety caused his alcoholism. That on top of his shit diet in general caused the weight gain.

>There is no reason not to bring them back.
unsafe work environment for Carmella.

fuck carmella

Hey, it worked fr Test before he started really hitting the gas hard.