Comes out limping to the ring to get sympathy points

>comes out limping to the ring to get sympathy points
>gets raped again to cheers
>has big emotional face promo afterwards
>gets what chants and boos

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Inb4 he wins at SS

Was going to say the same. Absolutely pathetic. Dude claims to be so great but can't even please the fans, the most important part of being a wrestler. He doesn't draw new ones, and doesn't make the existing ones happy either. Time to reassess yourself bro.

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>muh ribs
>can't walk

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worstr promo ever

Brock should have just knocked his teeth in so he cant talk

No body wants him as as a babyface. He's never been over as a babyface. A burn it down chant from a crowd that will chant anything doesn't make him over. People don't like the forced Becky Lynch shit with him. They are damaging wrestlers beyond repair with these lame babyfaces.

A face wrestler doesn't have to be copy and paste high fiving kids and saying to work hard and believe in yourself like Hogan/Cena/Reigns. It's so cliche

if Simp Rollins wins on Sunday im gonna stop watching til Wrestlemania

Anyone else think his hair looked really pretty last night? Much better than the usual water soaked mess he usually has.

He's gonna limp to the ring but then halfway through the match wrestle like normal and then hold his ribs again once he wins.

Has WWE EVER pulled off a "feel pity for the good guy" segment? The crowd always sees right through it and shits on it.

i did. looked like jesus dying in the crossfit center

>Comes out tapped up
>Gets beat up a bunch
>Gets a hope spot in, rips off the tape, screams
>Brock cuts off his comeback

Another thing that never works unless you have “It” is the constant beating down and destruction of babyfaces to the point that they look like utter geeks by the time a match rolls around. D-Bry was literally just shit on for a year before his Wrestlemania match but the fans went nuclear for him because he’s easy to cheer for, likeable, and even in defeat he seemed like he always got up and fought back. Now Seff is just getting tossed around like a bitch and seething on Twitter so much that no one wants to see him beat the heel, they just want the heel to go away and the baby face to get it over with

What is that white bandage even supposed to do? They always put it on people who are "hurt" but it's the worst looking thing. They weren't stabbed. Just throw on that tape like what Cesaro has on his arm

>Heyman teases a "new hero"
>Seth's last two lines were spoken so shittily and botched and perhaps a little heartbroken
"I'm... gonna... beat brock lesnar..."
Either he was reacting to the BOOOOOs and the one very audible "YOU SUCK!" he got once he got on the mic, or he was crying that his reign as the face of the WWE is coming to a close.
What do you guys think?

I hope he gets kayfabe/shoot injured and gets put on the shelf and comes back as a midcard heel

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Yeah, this is the typical "baby-face overcomes impossible odds" push. Seth is winning, and it boggles my mind. Why even take the belt off him for a month? I have to assume Summerslam ticket sales or buy rates were low, and Vince just decided on a quick Brock based pop. Who knows.

>im gonna stop watching
good for you user
>til Wrestlemania
oh ffs hes lost

>Can he be medically cleared to stop cutting promos, bro?
vic venom bringing the fucking heat.

Who is Daniel Bryan?
In the Main Event of Wrestlemania, he was bandaged up, Batista and Orton teamed up on him and he beat the odds to win.

That wasn't pity, that was just showing he was the underdog. I'm talking shit like when Triple H lost to Brock Lesnar and mopped about in the ring for an eternity expecting to be cheered for his courageousness but only got "you tapped out" chants. Or Matt Hardy expecting support from fans for being cucked by Edge back in the day.

So now he's going to sell is ribs for 7 years just like he is still selling the knee?

based you da man seff was awesome last night. can’t wait for him to burn it down and slay the beast again! :)

>watching wrestlemania
lmao the state of this edrone

Seth getting raked in the comments, Russo getting into spats with nobodies
>welcome to 2019, friend

lmao, if you can call his sprint towards Brock last night "selling" anything

the fans turned on him hard, kek

pathetic seth thread?

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pathetic seth thread!

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THIS. Bryan was liked cause he was a tiny manlet against Batista and Orton. It's David V. Goliath. That shit always works. Rey Mysterio rode that single idea to a title and people loved it.

The thing is you have to already be over with the fans to make a successful face turn. Seth is a shitter so it doesn't work.

David v. Goliath doesn't work when David is a 6'1" lanklet. Nobody wants to see lankletties in wrestling: either jacked up juiced up big guys or jacked up manlets built like a fuckin fire hydrant.

Fat nerd who never into sports detected.

Fuck even Cody Collier has turned on him

Don't forget the failure of the D-X rub

>Seth gets demolished by Brock
>shows up on raw all fucked up and gets his ass demolished again, worsening his injuries
>Yeah he was absolutely destroyed yesterday but HE'S MEDICALLY CLEARED NOW GUYS LOL

It'll be unrealistic if the summerslam match is anything but brock raping his ass for 20 minuets right?

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This was pathetic

>gets raped again to cheers
>gets what chants and boos
Eh. The crowd was also cheering Samoa Joe when he was shitting directly on them. Rollins is a geek, but the crowd wasn't great either.

member when he was mega over

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yes and it was based unfortunately vince intentionally sabotaged it as usual anytime someone organically gets the crowd behind them

spray on abs on his wifebeater, cooooool

he felt like the biggest star in the world at that moment
sad what happened since

Does undertakers loss against Reigns and him tossing the gloves in the ring count? Or the Savage reunion with Elizabeth after his retirement match at Wrestlemania count?
Only face turns where the heel is left beat to shit and has a come to god moment really get a pass typically from the audience, from what i've seen

exactly he over sold getting through the ropes and then sprinted at him, it was fucking embarrassing

that speech was shit.... barely acted hurt barely anything... than hurr yeah its wortth it I will win I promise... just so lifeless so passionless so unconvincing he was hurt. no wonder fans were starting to boo and didnt mount a burn it down as strong as it was 3 weeks ago

It sounded like he gave up on the promo half way through it too
