Why are bald/balding wrestlers such dime magnets? Would roman draw more dimes if he were bald? Is ricoshit gonna draw dimes in the modern era? why wont they push cesaro?
Here's a list of dime magnet baldies in pro wrasslin:
Why are bald/balding wrestlers such dime magnets? Would roman draw more dimes if he were bald...
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Roman needs to stop wrestling in a damn shirt like he's hiding a gut and titties.
Nick Jackson is dimes too
Except he's hiding guts and titties and that's why he wrestles in a shirt?
Shameful, just shameful. He should get it surgically removed like based Rock did.
that's be great if he did, but even so, would he ever reach the level of success that Dwayne has attained if he were to chrome his dome?
They have no individual value, I don't even know which one is Nick and which is Jeff
Big Corbs
if he'd hit the weights and built some visible muscle i think this dude would be a huge success
>Kurt's gut
Sad to see.
Matt is the one trying to start a fashion trend with mutton chops. It's not going well.
Cesaro is ass though.
Hes got zero charisma.
yeah, his promo chops aren't all that developed. dude should take some acting classes or some shit
It's Kyle
This bitch looks and dresses and acts like Starburns, who was even a janetty sitcom character
Forgot Mysterio who is a bigger draw than everyone on that list except Hogan and maybe Austin
fucking kek
Orton isn't balding.
He usually just shaves it.
Spent most of his time as a wrestler with hair, plus a fade doesn't count as balding
Half True, he was dimes before he got his head shaved too
His completely shaved head with the chain during the Cena/Orton rivalry is unironically trash tier, he always looked at his best with hair
Based but nowhere near the drawing potential of the others you listed, also popped his bonce roncee the cornew like a mark
The dude's a jew it's in his nature to draw dimes
Same as Angle, generally based but I personally think his best look was early on in evolution when he still had a full head of hair
Based user
"Hollywood" Rock was the best.
complete dimes
Orton Was absolutely sick during his bald mega heel run.