Sarah Logan Downgrade

Foolish of her to lose weight, including her big rack. It's not like she was at all overweight, and now she does not look like a wrestler.

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compared to earlier this year

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Gross. She looked better with the extra 10 pounds.

ywn cum on that podgy belly :[

>loses Liv as a partner
>loses too much weight

I like chubsters but she looks beter here

Liv stole 10 pounds from her

Still her hottest pic

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What does it mean when u stand on a home depot box?

That's where she pees. Her husband won't let her use the toilet.

she tries to be all cutesy wootsey pure viking maiden but we all know she's still down with the clown

I liked her when she was chubby cos she reminded me of an ex-gf who used to grab me by the willy

Did she get rid of her dreads? I hope so. She looked like a nasty crust punk girl.

At one point it seemed like WWE was going to market her as a big woman (hence she is standing on a pallet here), but plans change I suppose.

Still: she, Ruby (who is still off injured if you recall), and Liv are now tight with Ronda Rousey and if Ronda ever comes back I'd expect Riott Squad to reunite.

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She needs to put on some muscles. Women wrestlers who dont have an original look and have your typical "happy to be here" gimmick should look like megan atleast

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i liked when she was fat cos she reminded me of the only type of girls i can get to touch my pee pee

Unfortunately Sarah Logan probably has a chip on her shoulder about huge biceps because she's a traditional weightlifter (Meg is a power lifter) and they're usually bitchy like that.

I have masturbated to every single one of her videos. I found her relatively late in her youtube career, but I began as soon as I watched the first one. Within the next 3-4 weeks, I noticed that I have came to all her newly released videos and a few of her older ones I went back and watched. I then set a goal for myself to do all of them. I'm not gonna lie, it took me quite a while to complete the task, maybe a month or so. And again, not all of these were "relatively" sexy. However, I always found something about her that just begged for cum... of course her brapper, her strong strong features, her bitties, and her face. But to be honest, it's not even these common features themselves that set me off - but rather her metaphysical bredability.

Keep in mind, megsquats has over 400 videos. That means I've came to the idea of breeding with her over 400 times. At this point, I believe I've formed a cosmic connection with megsquats in which mulitiverses are formed from pure thought. In each multiverse, I've bred her another child. And in one multiverse in particular, we've started an army. Meg is hooked up to a machine that keeps her legs spread and there are various tubes jammed in all over her, like one in her mouth that force feeds her and one in her ass that is an extension of her digestive system, and a couple connected to her tits that continuously milk her, and various machines keep her washed and shaved. I simply walk up to her once per day, sometimes twice, and activate the machine by saying "Hello my strong strong friends" and the mechanics bring her to my erect cock and the whole thing vibrates until I orgasm. Then when she becomes pregnant, the machines manipulate her onto an "accelerator" of sorts, which removes the fetus and places it within an artificial womb to grow. In this way, the beauty and youth of meg's body is preserved. Also, she is released from the apparatus once per day to powerlift.

Isn't Meg single and lonely?

nope ;_;

she looks like a balding rastafari user

You think ima read dis shit ?


Ugly back then ugly now. Who???

kek this, she's ugly

She's wearing a sports bra. Her big rack is still there. What's not there is her cute young shine she had, even though she was being pumped full of HEP-C by Mad Man Pondo... She's just not ageing well.

Literally no actual difference. A few pounds of meaningless waterweight.

Okay this deserves a (You)

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what a shame, she used to be perfect. still my waifu tho

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She’s obviously taking roids and isn’t my type but she has a nice brapper

I think she looks better now, and besides what else is she gonna do? She hasn't been on TV since they split the Riott Squad.

/fit/ niggas runnin wild in here

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She gained height

whats with the cringe tat?

into the penis

>gained height
>hits the weights
>has a clue

too bad she married that cosplay geek

>Sarah Logan

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okay, here's a "based"

rip that belly

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is ruby still out from an injury?

why can't Fatsuka do it?