Who tried to kill him and why

who tried to kill him and why

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Rikishi gave Jimmy Uso a cheap bottle of Thunderbird and gave him the keys to his car and sent him after him. But Rikishi did it for The Rock.

That was a work user

Your death was suppose to happen, but you relied on blood money for a cure.
Now it's my goal to make sure to finish what God intended.

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Well, kayfabe speaking

ding-dong diddly based

Fucking based

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baron corbin. the reason is because he's jealous of roman's hair

Death Rider Jon Moxley

>While I was out injured, the fickle fans turned on me and moved on to new people.
>While you were out sick, the fickle fans decided they love you now.
Kind of kino desu

Somebody really should shoop Jimmy hopping out of the car

nah senpai the car wasn't a prius


Honestly it could have been Nakamura on accident

Shane defending his family honor.

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Nobody it was just an accident. It was probably one of the usos attempting to get to the arena

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Dean Ambrose

Anyone have that ecofascist image of Bryan?

Faithless fools keep trying to kill BBD but he is a man of faith and God shall forever be on his side OOOOOOWAAAAAHHHH

or anyone of the women
