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Oh no no no....

It should have been Io

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based maharaja

that's fucking sad and hilarious. fuck this company.

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I don't get it. What is so bad?

Imagine being a Japanese wrestler in WWE

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They have Io's twitter handle instead of Asuka's.

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fucking kek

>Imagine being a Japanese

You're what's so bad, you racist fuck.

Fuck off weeb.

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Kevin dunn is fucking terrible at his job

The Japanese warriors never deserved to win shit. They can't cut promos because they can't speak english and their manager is a skank.

Holy shit

The Bukkake Warriors

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I don't know any of these shitters names and don't watch women's wrestling

They are not attractive, why would i want ugly flabby gooks on my tv. I dont care if they are good wrestlers, women's wrestling is for weebs.

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Weebs btfo again. Kek.

>WWE is racist
That supposed to be news or something?

anime website

Why is Dunn still employed? It's always fucking something with this company kek

Is this definitely a screw up or could it be a spoiler? Could Io be getting called up soon?
Although I guess this points to screw up

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Imagine managing her social media, all those dick pics every day all day

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I could have sworn this happened once before after their formation.

Just proves how little Vince cares about them. Couldn't even bother to get the girls name right.

How can you confuse thicc young goddess Io for that old hag?

Dunn is a little retarded

I NEED to impregnate her.