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The only dime in that picture is AJ.
There's multiple shootings a day in this stupid country. They might as well do it every week. Cringe
who is we
Why does America refuse to have any sort of gun control?
The respectful thing would have been to not make the champions wear their belts also where is Brock?
Only when there’s major media coverage so they can get some good guy points!
But they don't often acknowledge real life stuff. I was surprised
>show the outline of the northern parts of Texas and Ohio
>El Paso and Dayton are in the southern parts
sounds about right for wwe
I think they did for either Orlando or Las Vegas, maybe both
>Triple HHH in the middle
>flanked by tag team chapions Cryme Tyme on the right
>womens tag team champions on the left
it's so transparent sometimes.
We do, it's just mostly implemented at a local or state level and is limited in scope due to the broad language of the Second Amendment. Chicago has ridiculously strict gun control as well as a sky-high gun crime rate, go figure.
kinda fitting how they're promotion a "violent video game" at the same time
Ah. I was taking time off then.
I wonder who could be behind this post...
then why are you commenting on it you fucking dipshit
they always do this shit any time someone dies or there's a terror attack
The NRA basically bribes people in Congress to never oppose guns. The NRA alone gave Trump 30 million dollars during his bid to become president.
>Women and minorities to the front
What did they mean by this?
>Lesnar is on the show but not in the picture
First ones to get shot if some AEW tranny goes crazy from hormone treatment and decides to pull a columbine on RAW
They are trying to anger white supremacists it’s disgusting!
Because I chose too. Stay worked.
Americans donate to them to protect their rights.
The NRA doesn't care about anyone's rights. They make their money from gun manufactures. So as long as people are buying guns, they make money.
This. Everybody dies. This is dying media stoking the flames looking for views. People have been getting shot since the birth of the nation who cares. People used to literally hunt injuns but there wasn't as many people around to tell people to get outraged.
>posts white Republican
Big surprise, local gun laws do fuck all when guns are legal and readily available on a national level.
> local or state level
So america has no gun control. Thanks for confirming.
Nah fuck that. Give them more guns. More powerful ones. And grenade launchers. And tanks. This is prime entertainment.
I support that, name me one place where crime has decreased with gun control
Europe. Australia. Japan. Granted those are developed nations but America will get there one day.
Crime has gone up in all areas, excluding Japan. I know nothing about Japan gun laws.
Fuck those spics in El Paso
The title is ratjew thank you very much
post yfw Triple H sends El Paso and Dayton a WWE Replica belt
Based Karl Anderson making sure he stands next to the asian women.
If you think crime has gone up in tbose areas, you don't know much about them either. Never mind that gun crime is almost non-existent so the whole "bad guys will still get their hands on guns" argument that always gets thrown around is DOA.
Makes him look taller.
gun violence is not even a huge issue in America. Most gun deaths are caused by suicide.
Also to ignore the Migrant crime rate that is happening in Australia and Europe is really ignorant
> not an issue
> multiple mass shootings per day
rape has increased, and crime has not gotten better.
Also the Obama admid changed the definition of mass shootings. gun violence is a literally none issue and only harms areas where there is actually hard core gun regulations.
Imagine it.
Imagine looking like this your entire life without even once thinking you should do something about it. Whether it be getting /fit/ updating your /fa/ or anything.
Imagine being this faggot and deciding to shoot up a Garlic festival and forever being known as the "Garlic" shooter
Imagine, that even in your sole claim to infamy with the worst shooting name imaginable, you are immediately one uped less than a day later by another incel with an even higher kill count.
Then imagine being even more of a loser than this faggot by default because you decided to watch WWE.
its called the progressive stack
because lil dick whiteboys need guns to make themselves feel powerful
the liberal mind and the mental gymnastics they play.
you lost the argument because in the real world
we use reals over feels
it's weird that they wear their title belts out there for this
yeah cuz its little dick whiteboys who have made every city in america unlivabley murderous
Oh God, that would be fucking excellent
Can't have the niggers look like they are the kangz of shootings.
hows mexico doing pedro?
Or Chicago looking?
Have they ever done something like this? A Trump supporting mass shooter shoots a bunch of Mexicans and a trump supporting company condemns the act because it will get them good boy points. Virtue signalling at its finest.
This is "wrestling" now.
Is 4 Samurai Jack?
That's actually a really good question
The amount of money the NRA spends is fucking peanuts in comparison to other groups that lobby congress.
El Paso is farthest west not north or south.
Keep seething
dont know
im from korea
Shit I'm behind. So this denied Harley Race getting his own 10 count? Fuck. They should have found a way to both. Maybe save either or for Smackdown.
Both shootings were hoaxes, WWE is just keeping kayfabe
Doing the Harley tribute halfway through is bullshit. They should have had the 10 bell for him tonight and done the shooting crap on Smackdown.
why? it's not like he could hear it anyway
Why when a white guy kills people it is a tragedy, when a black guy kills people it is just another day. Do Black lives not matter?
why does america refuse to have basic common sense jew control
based big dimes shooting rampages still the biggest media draw so much so that WWE even pays their respects to em
cause blue state whites like to use white murder rampages as a tool to leverage more power against their red state enemies, they don't give a shit about blacks, only about further oppressing red staters
Because he was a fucking legend, that's why.
Because guns aren't the problem, they're just a tool
so? like I said, he is not going to be able to hear it under all that dirt.
Dumb 2a hicks think their pea shooters will stop the army when we eventually have civil war 2. They dont even grasp that its going to be drones fucking them up
It's not about him, it's about his legacy. I'm sure you would spew the same smegma if the rock suddenly died.
Shoot the Republicans then destroy the guns. Problem solved and america can move on
Most people have seen a rock match in their lives
never shot a gun have ya cuck
Kill the only productive members of society, what could go wrong
>not watching old school matches to educate oneself
Why dont you put your mouth on my beretta m9 and find out? Fucking 2a simp
Is it in the pic?
This fool seriously thinks that the army is going to strike down their own neighbors and families and obey those orders if it came down to it. LOL!
Because Based Brock is pro gun
Oh 2A is so bad, yet it is the only right that protects all other rights. There is a reason why it is at number 2 of the list you fucking limp handshake mfer.
dumbest person in this thread and that's saying something
Because the media never tells the truth about the "gun problem"
The things you retards want to do is cut off your cock and balls ffs
>both are the western armpits of their states
both cities are dumps, good riddance
>cutting off dicks is the first thing that comes to mind
Cuckservatives really are closeted faggots lmao
I thought faggots sucked dicks not cut them off like you redditors
press 1 if you are with me!
>wants guns everywhere
>too pussy to allow guns at their conventions
Geee I wonder...
you mistake wanting guns everywhere for allowing people to have the freedom to own a gun and make it their choice. Geee hmm...
This wouldn't have happened if Texas had more guns.
Who the fuck wants guns 'everywhere'. They should be locked in the cabinet of a white man's home and nowhere else
>Triple HHH
Going shooting and hunting is legit fun. get a clue and give it a try.
Absolutely. But your hunting rifle only has 5 to 10 rounds. If you miss a deer with 5 to 10 chances you deserve to starve. No civilian should have a magazine larger than 10 rounds.
It's okay when Saudi Arabia does it
you're not taking our guns and that's final
Per capita? Everywhere.
I see your point but who are you the one to tell people what they need or not need? If you drink should we say you are not allowed more than 2 beers because so many more people die by drunks on the roads?
I'll just shoot you and take them simp
oh no no no no no das rayciss!
Out of your mind. Chicago, detroit, phily, balty, I could go on...
Chicagos guns are imported from the surrounding states that are much more lax. If we had a federal gun law that was the same across every state THEN we could start gathering real data on restrictions decreasing deaths
rayciss! we needta move poc away from white pipo to protect dem n shyt cuz u kno whitey b tryn kill blax
This. Gary is 25 minutes from the south side and doesn't have laws for dick.
but you are just making my point if they have the some of the most strict gun laws on the books but the criminals go out and get them elsewhere then that just proves that laws dont work. We have laws on murder and rape etc.. and people just break it. If all you do is remove the tool then another tool is chosen, like cars, explosives, etc... They are called criminals for a reason.
mmm gary now thats a nice town
I dont drink so I dont care.
Memes aside, I'm not the decider, I would want congressmen and law makers to decide that. Maybe 10 is too restrictive, I get wanting to hunt and needing to defend live stock from coyotes and the like. But someone having large round magazines in a rapid fire gun should be military only, or only available to sign out at gun ranges, not made available to buy for joe schmoe down the street because he likes to intimidate his hippie neighbors
Cinge as fuck. I'd say I don't give a shit about it on my entertainment but if I wanted to be entertained I wouldn't be watching Raw.
So nobody should try to enforce anything? Nothing is 100% but you might as well just say 'give up everything'.
All of which are in states that have lower per capita murders than states with less legislation.
So some people cause a problem and that means you take everyone's right away? So no more driving a car for you, no more drinking alcohol for you, etc... You can go on like that forever.
I named 3 in the top ten per capita in a matter of secs, thanks for playing.
What it means is you should figure out why Chicago or Detroit or Baltimore are warzones but the surrounding areas that are armed equally, are not.
It won't actually do shit beyond act as a bandaid. You don't stop shootings until you address the actual root causes which people (largely liberals) don't want to do because it's easy to "do something" than realize that taking people who already feel alienated and powerless (young white men) and then telling them that they and their ancestors are evil, they have nothing to be proud of, that "your time is over" and otherwise making them out to be the enemie of all mankind maybe has a negative effect on peoples' psyches.
Especially when you combine it with social meida where everyone puts out fake versions of their lives (proven to cause depression as people begin to think they can't measure up to what they're seeing online), information overload is present and anyone can get famous for any stupid thing. Teen suicide rates are skyrocketing as well and when you combine all of that with people taking ritalin, adderall, xanax and other brain chemical altering drugs you're and online echo chambers both on the left and right and you're left with a recipe where the right person needs just the smallest push to go completely over the edge and decide the only thing left to do to bring back some semblance of power and validation of their existence is to kill a lot of people and live on in infamy.
1. No you didn't. 2. They are all in states outside the top 3 as well.
Europe is a pretty broad label
If events like the NH truck driver running over and killing 7 motorcyclists in MA last week were occuring as frequently as mass shootings I guarentee there would be a demand for more in depth background checks and tests for truck drivers put in place to prevent it from continuing
Well there is Baltimore and Detroit in the top 10 so make a liar out of me over 2 instead of three.
I'm glad Brock, HBK and Dolph didn't come out
AJ looks like he doesn't want to be there so I'll let him slide
You are probably right but like in any case you can't stop crazy if they don't have anything on their record they will get to drive or in this case own a gun then if they decide to go out and cause a problem nothing can stop that.
>So some people cause a problem and that means you take everyone's right away?
Yeah, it's why I can't drive 150mph wherever I want, sell heroin to 5 year olds , buy unlimited amounts of fertilizer, fly with a boxcutter, or half a million other things.
those things you mention are privileges not rights big difference!
AJ has four kids and is in the last leg of his run as a wrestler. He's not gonna upset the dudes who can set up a solid future for the tykes.
I have no idea why Dolph didn't come out though.
Bullshit. We already limit what guns you can have, it's why you can't own a new fully automatic weapon. We already reatrict firearms it just depends on the line. If it was completely a natural right it wouldn't be regulated at all.
>I have no idea why Dolph didn't come out though.
Somebody probably insisted that he's supposed to be a rotten heel
He shoot doesn't like Mexicans
What would happen is that guns would come into the US from Mexico with the cartel, similar to how guns are becoming increasingly common in French migrant suburbs because they just have guys bring them in from Libya
If having thorough background checks, including private purchases, even stops 1 person from getting a gun that shouldn't then its worth it.
I think we should be investing in mental health more so than gun restrictions but that aint happening in this country probably ever
This. The 2a has already been modified over the years, may as well do a modern update. Thing was fuckin written when the fastest gun was a musket lmao
This is about the dumbest thing I have read, just because a right gets trampled on means its not a natural right? Defense of ones person or property is a natural right if someone brings a gun to rob you, you should be able to use a gun to stop them. Free speech is a natural right but it gets trampled on etc... The 2A says shall not be infringed but it gets infringed on all the time.
No problems with that, just not taking the right away is all that I am saying.
That is a very scary statement, so because people keep on trampling over a right well we might as well throw it away and change it. You wouldn't be saying that if it was something you cared about getting pillaged like free speech or something else.
Welcome to actual law numbnuts.
>he still thinks there's freedom of speech
Congress as a whole is corrupt.
Both Dems and Republicans are just about all paid off by lobbyist.
Welcome to the bill of rights moron, the 2A is there and that is law.
Apparently you can't read or else you would see I stated it has been trampled on, kek.
Black on black violence is the only thing keeping the population in check.
And even in the decision of Heller vs DC the final ruling concluded
"Nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions on the commercial sale of arms."
So yes there are limits and they are well within the confines of the constitution and common law.
the 2a compromises the 1a ya simp. also you're comparing caring about guns to caring about being able to talk freely, which makes you the stupidest faggot in the entire universe
And fuck off
Yes that is called regulation which is stated in the 2A but the right to own is what is being threatened. It is a fine line when it comes to banning a certain type of weapon based on looks. Once you take one away where does it stop?
The 2A is the only right in the bill of rights that can protect the other rights from being lost, hence why the founding fathers struggled about making it number 1 or number 2 on the list. So in fact the second protects the first not compromises you fool. so that is how they compare.
if it's a problem with black people then why don't African countries have a similarly high rate of gun deaths? o rite bc US whites subjected blacks to centuries of chattel slavery and then shoved them into ghettos and denied them schooling or any other social services.
and fuck off
what fantasy world are you living in where you think private gun ownership can prevent the US military from doing whatever they want? this might have been the case as recently as the 70s but it's not anymore. the drones have arrived bruh
>Once you take one away where does it stop?
Wherever we decide it should. We already further regulate Full auto weapons, Rifles in large calibers, and powerful explosives. There's no reason we can't legislate more reasonable laws.
It's already worked with other arms. When was the last time we had a mass shooting with a factory made full auto weapon?
They were also fresh off a war and wanted to ensure they kept their weaponry incase of second british invasion. Something written in 1776 may not translate well to a 2019 world, the 2a being one of them
I never said that private ownership would prevent the us military from doing whatever they want, so how you came to that conclusion is beyond me, but to play devils advocate it is because law makers with anti gun beliefs made it that way so yes private citizens can never have the same armament as the military.
You may in fact be right it is just dangerous grounds because you act like the people are truly in control and not the politicians who have agendas. Even finestien has stated "if she had one more vote she would have said turn them in Mr and Mrs america"
right. the only way to protect the bill of rights is to let wealthy private citizens purchase nuclear weapons. so enlightened.
You may have a point but it is a well known fact that militia was made up and means every able body man which were the citizens. So it is pretty clear.
I would say the military having a budget literally millions of times larger than the average american allows them to use better tech and weaponry than what uncledaddy thinks will protect him if the government actually does want to fuck us
You are just being absolutely ridiculous.
You're joking, right?
>Undertaker's entrance hits
How hard would you mark?
That's what the national guard is. Not the weekend warrior club you and bubba go to and do color guard drills
100% agreed, however I would bet but I could be wrong that the military would never try to take up arms against its own citizens we would not survive another cival war. I don't believe the soldiers would obey orders to shoot their own families and neighbors.
you're just mad bc your dumbass "devil's advocate" argument was refuted. take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue.
I dont want to break kayfabe but this is the most civil gun discussion I've seen since the two tragedies, good on ya asp.
yea dude just kidding. US whites TOTALLY DIDN'T subject blacks to centuries of chattel slavery and then shove them into ghettos and deny them schooling and other social services.
Not he same thing the point behind a militia was its citizens that could rise up and fight to protect themselves and their freedoms the national guard is controlled by the government powers.
I love how John Wick wannabes think they could actually fight off the US military.
The bottom line is whatever someone else has you better have as well or you will always be a victim. History shows that so in fact you need to move on and get a gf and a life.
And they can still be voted out of office by the people if necessary. It's why voting shouldn't be restricted, ever. That's where our control is in our system.
Dude I can totally beat an M1A2 Abrams tank with my Bushmaster.
Agreed, at least we can a civil discussion unlike some on here.
if this were the case then the only way to avoid being a victim is for each private citizen to have the full set of nukes and drones that the US military has. think before you post. take ten seconds to read it over and ask yourself, "does this post make me sound like the biggest moron in existence?"
I never said that is what citizens should have. I am making a point apparently that your little walnut brain cannot seem to understand.
no you aren't making a point at all. you think you are, but you aren't. that's what i've elucidated.
Also I just realized I'm still on Yea Forums and this thread is so off topic it's sad.
Here's this dimes people's elbow
Yeah I did and you submitted to it long ago, so be gone.
wrong again
You're not taking into account defectors and outside influence from other countries which would 100% happen if a civil war ever really brpke out. America would unironically vease to exist as we know it. England and france didn't want to choose sides in the civil war and was one of the reasons ot dragged on. You're insane if you don't think china and russia wouldn't be here yesterday if a war broke out.
>dude just let cops protect you lmao
>thinking gun control means 0 guns
And thats why we're in the state we're in, thanks cletus
Because we refuse to give up our freedoms. And because of that the government is shooting up places. It's literally a "if we give up our guns then the bad guys win" type situation.
All those shootings were works brother.
Why didn't all the Texans with guns prevent this shooting from happening by shooting the shooter?
I'd rather be shot by an incel than stabbed to death or get acid thrown on me by the religion of peace.
is it true that most if not all mass shooters are white?
you can always tell when a thread is dying and OP has to come back and dig deep to b8 for (You)s
No most are Jews
the number of people carrying guns is overblown by the media
most people just want one to protect from burglars in their house
lol this is great national tragedies are no joke but it’s fun to point out the literal whos on the roster whenever they do these “tributes”
Guess the good guy with a gun will stop a bad guy dumbthink has been disproven
Do you know what a drone is?
Have fun banning guns your going to have your first mass killing by drone in the next year or two. If people want to kill they're going to kill.
The first domestic drone killing is going to make crazy headlines. People are going to flip
May be the end of large public gatherings altogether.
>hurr durr just ban AR15 because there's no way pistols and shotguns couldn't do just as much damage to people crowded in a public place
Way to not solve anything while simultaneously making everyone more angry
Come on cletus, rub those braincells together. I'm rooting for ya
>Per 100,000
this. rather have the wild west than a nanny state. time for some hard times daddeh
Whites are the last group that should be allowed to own guns
Okay but Texas still has the most guns of any state and also open carry laws right? If using a gun to stop the bad guy with a gun was going to happen literally anywhere in the US it would be Texas, statistically, wouldn't it?
I guess the problem was still not enough guns?
I guess that explains all the inner crime. Blacks really all have lil dicks and porn created the myth. Must be why I always see a look of disappointment in every single white girls face in an interracial couple.
>evolution-denying, gun-toting nutballs
Yes, that's how you can compare countries with the U.S., that are the size of one of our midcard states.
Criminals and the Illuminati won't adhere to gun control, we need to protect ourselves!
*leaves gun laying around and gets shot by toddler*
If there's a shooting, they will get shot first.
Wait what. How did we got 1,7 gun related violence per 100.000? What the fuck, that's certainly not true.
yeah, it's Americans and not gun manufacturers. lol
>but America will get there one day.
not with our diversity problem.
Because midget-dicks like to fantasize about how they'd stop a tyrannical government
Keep practicing. Eventually you'll be able to read a graph.
Who is this?
because the coward who refuses to enact any sensible policies and who’s hatred fuelled these attacks is not only the best friend of WWEs CEO but also in their Hall of Fame
Because everyone knows video games are at fault.
That would mean we have 170 firearm homicides per year... that's wack.
Again. There is 10.000.000 people in my country. We do not have 170 firearm homicides per year. We do not have that many homicides period. And we do not have as many firearms as US for example.
How the fuck anyone reached 1.7 homicide per 100.000 people living in a country? Or what else is this graph supposed to be, user?
This is a good bait!
>WWE owner's wife is literally in the Trump Cabinet
>WWE owner donates millions to Trump
>damn we're really sad about those racially agitated shooting that happen every week
Mostly cringe. Yes, its sad that innocent people get gunned down. No, you cant take my guns away because of this and lastly....yes, I do realize you're only doing this for PR and that 99% of the people in that pic dont actually feel anything while they're standing there pretending to be sad, WWE.
Same reason Yea Forums refuses to have any shitposting control.
lol why is her pants like that like why?
>we stand with you
>supports Trump and his white male terrorist brigade and non existant gun laws
What did wwe mean by this?
I cannot wait for this and next year's school season more shootings are going to go through the roof. We're gonna have a lot bodies and carnage coming in the near future.
the NRA is lobbying to keep shitposting on Yea Forums? based. maybe they are not so bad after all.
>Americans think guns don't help you kill more people in less time.
>mass killings would be possible with knives too.
>I need mah 2nd ammendment to fight government's tanks and missiles in case government goes bad
Inshaallah the Americans would kill each others leaving more land for us.
>reals over feels
>still thinks imaginary sky man is real
Ok retard