Has she been on TV at all since the loss at Extreme Rules?

Has she been on TV at all since the loss at Extreme Rules?

Attached: evans.jpg (618x410, 81K)

Nope. Worked (and beat) Dana on the last Main Event taping.
She's also been jobbing to Becky at house shows.

Of course not, she's fucking dimes so WWE is gonna bury her for no reason.

Nice pit

For that matter, I don't really recall Corbin being on RAW or Smackdown in a few weeks, either. Looks like he's not doing anything at SummerSlam so far.

Corbin worked that battle royal the night after ER and hasn't been on since.

I don't normally pay attention to holes in the ring, but I was surprised that she seems to be the best talker out of the womens division.

Wouldn't it make sense to put her in the spotlight?

>buried on Main Event with the rest of the shitters

It would, but she can't wrestle for shit plus Charles is back.

Regardless of what anybody thinks about the guy, its dumb for WWE to sink all that time and money in him for over a year and not have doing anything going into SummerSlam.

He will beat Kofi after Summer Slam.

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I don't think he should've ever been in that spot, but if they were gonna insist on him being there he should have won the strap at some point. There is zero reason why a heel should be chasing the title that long and not go over.

Go dilate tranny

She shouldn't be.
Bitch was on tv nonstop for the past 4 months. Lost almost every match, but got 4 title shots. Lacey had her chance, and failed to get over.

>does nothing but sexual spots in your path

Attached: lacey_live_event.gif (421x288, 2.42M)

If she didn't always take her skirt off as part of the entrance, you could probably get a decent pop out of this without winding up the busybodies. Outfit helps give off an old cartoon comedy vibe instead of straight up sexy fanservice.

Attached: dbsghx8-0b47643a-79f3-4f39-8f94-0bf614aebce0.gif (360x270, 3.98M)

She normally wears less than she was after the skirt was removed. And her entrance literally zooms in on her ass.

Hopefully even Vince realized she was a nodimes shitter botchfest and canned her ass

Womeme wrestling doesn't draw ya nu-male simp

that's hot