Would it?

would it?

Attached: Shooter.jpg (448x506, 46K)

make love incel

Attached: have sexx.jpg (620x349, 53K)

We really need to build a wall to keep people like this out

What do we do about incels? These faggots are going to get our rights taken away

What's the gimmick? Small dick white incel?

The Charmanders are behind it all user

Give them your sisters.

>holding phone lights instead of lighters or better yet a candle.
Some needs to shoot up the memorials of these shootings


niggers kill each other in droves every day and no one cares. only when this happens to the lugenpresse get uppity

>No X
>More Guns
>Make heart
Sounds good

It takes pretty big balls to do what he did. When blacks commit crimes, do you imagine they are small dicked incels?

>new thing bad
>old thing good

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Worked himself into a shoot because he thought there's too many beaners in El Paso, Tejas.

I get that, they only care when whitey starts shooting. How do we stop this shit? These retards keep going nuclear and eventually some fuck bucket is going to call for a semi-auto ban.
No, but they're small brained.

1 - Get rid of condoms, they will infect each other with aids trough buttsex
2 - Get rid of antidepressants, the nature will take care of them with the help of high buildings

The guy in the OP isnt white though

He looks white enough for people to chimp out and call for legislative action

What a retard.

No he doesnt not even in the slightest fuck off Charmander.

In the op image he looks white, calm down faggot.

>this big nosed charmander is white
Massive kek.

Attached: el-paso-shooting-suspect-patrick-crusius-life-exposed-pp-.jpg (1100x618, 153K)

Imagine looking like that and believing your race is superior.

Fuck off charmander he is clearly mixed and has charmander in him.

Attached: Invasion-mexicaine-et-grand-remplacement-le-profil-trouble-de-Patrick-Crusius-suspect-de-l-attaque-d (2000x1332, 178K)

We need suicide booths for these niggas. Mental midgets will never be able to cope with their bullshit so just let them peace out.

Now that I've actually seen a picture of him, you're right. Stop sperging out though.

I know Charmanders have a huge ego despite getting kicked out of virtually every country they ever lived in

>Charmander realizes the charade is up.
>Ok, you are right now can you please stop dropping redpills

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Unlike you, I don't look up pictures of incels so I didn't know what he looked like.

>dropping redpills
go the fuck back to your containment site T_D

Has anyone come up with a reason the (((media))) go to sleep when a nigger kills 50 children attempting to shoot an Uzi sideways to look "gangsta" but shit like this is plastered all over tv for months on end? Because I am seriously starting to believe it is because of (((this)))

>doesn't know how to cross-link
not suspicious in the slightest

He's white incel from Yea Forums

Fuck Off Charmander you lost this round

So you have something in common

I hate niggers as much as the next but this hasnt happened. Why lie like you are a Charmander?

I was suspecting that you were an incel, or something. Thanks for proving me right.

>Clearly a big nosed mixed charmander
>Charmander shills use Yea Forums
You are a charmander and you use Yea Forums


Ive had 6 different sexual partners and two serious long term relationships. But keep lying Charmander

Because negroes killing negroes is the norm. The retards calling for change now don't actually care about changing anything or saving lives, because despite being the overwhelming majority of non-suicide gun deaths, gang or drug-relayed shootings never affect these people. They don't know anyone who died because Tyrone didn't get his weed. They don't have shootouts in their nice suburban neighborhoods. So why should they do anything but pretend to care?

But threaten them with the possibility that they might have one one-thousandth the chance of being killed like a negro, and then they'll throw any and everyone's rights away to avoid it.

It's the Left being swarmed full of selfish, emotional children as usual.

>this hasn't happened
*laughs in detroit murder rate*
well done outing your shit charmander forced meme as pro nigger BLM shit

incel is a state of mind, and you show signs of not having a strong grasp of reality.

Oh detroit is a hell hole were illiterate niggers live. 50 kids never got shot in unison via driveby

no, but a Muslim shot and killed 50 fags, whether you hate fags or not, they didn't treat that Muslim like a bad guy. just said "welp, looks like Muslims are scared now because backlash". ((((they))) hate whites so much, that, a white person can kill one nigger, and they'll say he's worse than a 9/11 terrorist and people will agree.


Yeah, all white Americans are ugly as fuck. Mexican rape babies have more white European blood in them.

>what is hyperbole
You are fucking glowing Shlomo. Quick name ten countries kikes got fucked out of since 1945. You hate """charmanders""" so much this should be easy. I'll even get you started. Cuba, 1959. Nine more. Go.

Not in America you fucking idiot. Dude I hate minorities too, I am not going to lie because that makes me no better than propaganda pushing hook nosed Charmanders

Because blacks have poor educations and aren’t posting about their master race on Malaysian pottery forums. They just go kill a few of their fellow blacks and move on. If you want coverage on it, watch Live PD or any other cop show

>so filled with rage he would call a fellow person who hates Charmander, a Charmander

>can't answer
lol ya bud you sure do hate those """charmanders""". tell mossad ya failed ya fucking see through cunt.

>50 kids got killed in 1 driveby
>Didnt happen
>Hurdur your anti charmander stance is pro bulbasaur.
You are more stupid than bulbasaurs, your brains been scrambled by too many charmander lies and you react to everything like a seething dickless squirtle.

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A false flag gimmick? Yeah it could draw dimes. Hell they could start by making the Roman storyline a false flag.

Why is every white shooter ugly and skinny?