*gets good again in your path*

*gets good again in your path*

Attached: WWE-Wallpaper-1-1014x570.jpg (1014x570, 45K)

Unironically needs more cuck angles. Preferably with Titus and Bobbo.

>having meaningless random matches like seth v dolph and AJ vs kofi that lead nowhere and don't really further any storylines


So the past few weeks have been in your mind ‘WWE getting good again’?

So have you been watching a product you don’t consider good or have you not been watching and have no idea what you’re talking about?

The matches are too long. Save the workrateFag stuff for PPV. If you consider the guest host era, the show has been on the up since then.

>RAW still 3 hours long
That's a nope for me chief

>implying it was ever good

Attached: 1561307448008.jpg (1024x682, 113K)

Who the fuck is cutie on the left and how old

It never stopped being good

It needs to be good at least once for it to be "good again".

It never was good. Wrestling should be all about katie vic tier angles and the few storylines like that were never enjoyed by the fans

Based and truthpilled
You clearly didnt watch
>using that y word ever ironically or unironically.
Ding-Dong Diddlykill yourself.
Option C. You are just shitposting and clearly dont watch or like wwe you scarecrow.
>GAYEW fag/stardom queer mad that wrestling will never be more popular and consistently good as it was in 98/99
Yuka.....dont know her age. Could be 12 could be 50 hard to tell with flat chested zipperheads.
Thats just a downright lie.
As is this
Based user just trying to shitpost with minor wrestling knowledge

When? I'm still waiting

Jesus the cope

Needs more Dead Man.

Attached: pure strikes 2.webm (480x270, 298K)

bro that final punch... must be one of the purest strikes I've ever seen, grade A+ pure


Attached: stand up for wwe logo.png (308x371, 13K)

Stop. It's pathetic.


seethe harder bitch
