Since WWE 2K20 will be unveiled tomorrow, it's time for Yea Forums to make a fine cover

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here is the template

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Fuck 2k


Who the fuck cares about game covers in 2019?
Especially for a shitty wrestling game

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Fuck I didn't want Becky to be the cover

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these are old, why don't you put the effort into making new ones?

Why don't you put the effort into losing weight, having sex and seeking sunlight?

>losing weight
I'm 120 lbs, I should gain weight, not lose it

Gain height

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>not a tarp

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Man, I hope the special edition of this give us the bonus Hawaiian vacation content all of us want.

The same can be said for the whole 2K series.

nice callback to one of Yea Forums's greatest threads of all the times

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clap clap clapclapclap

All of these are terrible and unfunny.

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