What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

Attached: fiche.jpg (268x250, 14K)

No problem here.

Attached: Benoit Hurt.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Driven by anger

no problemo aqui

Attached: buried-alive-match-heavyweight-eddie-guerre-ov-heavyweight-chris-benoit-37223924.png (500x603, 161K)

Chris Ben-oyt
(like the oit sound in "hoity-toity")
Fuck him and his phoentically deceptive name

It's ben wa

He's not here to correct me, so fuck him

Well I am, Anglo simp

I'm pronouncing his name wrong just to flex on grammar nazis. grammer nazi's r less then Human.

Severe brain damage from 20 years of taking shots to the head every day.


Takaiwa and Eddie killed him with power bombs in the 90s but he didn’t die from the head trauma until the 2000s.

The dogs weren't in the enclosed pool area.


Attached: 1532308461484.gif (200x150, 3.41M)

Arms too short to properly wipe his ass.

He was a sadomasochistic manlet.

>grammer nazi's r less then Human.

Leave Frasier out of this pl0x k thx xoxo

Probably Nancy desu

angry manlet who was broke into the business by dynamite kid, and even angrier manlet

Midcarder at best.

Toxic Masculinity

urine-soaked cowboy boots