Legitimately the most overrated wrestler in the world right now. I'm not even exaggerating...

Legitimately the most overrated wrestler in the world right now. I'm not even exaggerating. She is nowhere near as good as WWE wants its drones to think.

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ever since she got on that mexican sementrain she's become hot as fuck how does that happen

No she hasn't. She still looks fucking atrocious. You just don't want to admit that your boy has shit fucking taste.

seek spectacles user

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Most overrated moonsault of all time.

>nobody rates her

idk why youre seething but i dont care bc i dont watch affirmitive action entertainment

"she" is not even a woman

She’s always been hot as fuck.

I unironically consider it a life goal to cum inside this woman at least once in this lifetime, even if I have to wait until she’s Sunny-tier years down the road.

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She is the hottest wamen wrestler on earth

>can't talk
>completely unlikeable, so forced to be forever heel
>still woos at every chance, pandering despite being heel
>doesn't sell worked over body parts
>botches in almost every major match

Almas marks with the absolute COPE now that it's clear he isn't getting a push from fucking her

She's a hell of a lot better than 90% of the female roster.

To he fair David was a lot worse when he was in WCW. The gimmick and sex change did wonders for his career.

Reed looks worse than both of them in fairness

Litetally everything about her is just stolen from her Dad, how can someone who has almost nothing original be 'the goat' according to her stans, she's not even top 20 imo.

Imagine Rock's daughter debuting, coming out to a remix rock theme, using his catchphrases, his moveset, similar attire, pretty much her whole character is based on her Dad.

It'd be cringey and pathetic right? Like do you own fucking thing right?

Dolph Ziggler said the same thing


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>using a word queers on wrestleforum use to try to praise their faggot feminiem and his shit music by calling something stans
>being that big of a queer in life

>Missionary only.

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Who hurt you buddy? Show me on this doll where an Stan touched you

You can literally say the same thing about her dad and buddy Rogers, what's your point?

>no hips
>hank hill butt

there is nothing feminine in the pic

Fair enough. You're right and I'm wrong.

I hope every new wrestler just completely rips off a past superstar in almost every way.

none of the wrestlers are as good as the WWE wants you to think except maybe my man d bry


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