Fuck marry kill - your choice

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Kill Charlotte
Fuck Naitch
Marry Asuka

I guess the right choice is kill Charlotte, fuck Asuka and marry Ric.

Kill ric
Fuck Asuka
Marry Charlotte

Fuck Asuka
Marry Ric
Kill Charlotte

>Marry a two time divorcee or a coalburning slut
Fuck. I lose either way.

Kill Shartlotte
Marry Ric (he's going to die soon anyway)
Fuck Asuka

Poor Asuka

Moments after dropping your streak and Wrestlemania moment to Charles you get met by her undead father who kisses you on the head and makes you pose for a picture

Fuck Ric
Fuck Ric
Fuck Ric

Fuck Asuka
Marry Ric since it wouldn't last long anyways
Kill Charles

or you can marry the god of wrestling, though he doesn't have a whole lot of time left to live

>her undead father
top fucking kek

Marry, fuck, and kill Ric

Fucking Ric at this point may very well kill him.

Fuck Charley
Kill Asuka
Marry Ric

Can you imagine the amount of dick sucking Vince would be forced to provide you if Ric did nothing but talk about how you changed his entire life for the better AND you were the one to turn him gay?
They would eat that shit up to help market to the LGBTBBQs and bridge that gap
Then when he dies, you can use your secret relationship with Charley to keep yourself in the spotlight and ALWAYS have a Flair on your side in case you ever face a terrible smear campaign.
Sorry Asuka, but I have to plan for the future, so there’s no real room for you if someone has to kick the bucket.

Marry Asuka
Fuck Asuka
Kill Asuka by too much sex

If I fuck Ric Flair in the ass do I become an Immortal Rapelander like the cancer guy who wants to fuck Brock?

Fuck Asuka
Kill Naitch
Marry and impregnate Charlotte and have many tall blonde Aryan sons

Fuck Asuka
Marry Charlotte
Put Ric out of his misery

Fuck Charlotte
Kill Asuka
Marry Ric

He got money, right?

Kill Ric. Not in a bad way, it's a mercy at this point.
Marry Asuka.
When Asuka and I need a third person to indulge our bizarre fetishes on, fuck Charlotte.

>ric flair
>being anything but a broke joke