How have your opinions on wrestling changed in 10 years?

2020 is just around the corner, so how has your views on wrestling changed since 2010?

For me:
>Cena dindu nuffin and 90% of the people he buried would have been no draw shitters
>pipebomb promo officially started the smark era that was this decade
>Haitch was always a Vince stooge despite supposed evidence to the contrary
>the wrestling part of wrestling is the least interesting part of it all
>WCW was always terrible save for like half of 1997
>nobody in the industry knows how to market to normies
>weebs were a mistake

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Damn Michael Rooker got buff.

And give me a hell yeah if you hate niggers.

imagine sucking Sid's wiener haha like as a joke just suck on his wiener for a few minutes haha it would be funny

I came to the conclusion that society has changed too much for wrestling to be cool again. Also wrestling fanbase is unbearably autistic.
Hell yeah

Hate it more than ever

>pipebomb promo officially started the smark era that was this decade
that started in the mid 90s ya blithering simp

Dave Meltzer is a faggot who ruined wrestling. The only people who get into this business now are retarded manlets who grew up reading him so they all crave his attention and validation. They're wrestling for an audience of one instead of trying to appeal to the masses. Hence shit like this.

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The marks are in the ring now.

Darby Anus should be a camgirl and Joey Janetty should be flipping burgers somehere. That other simp needs physio and a hair transplant.

Lmao, rent fucking free. It's not Meltzer's or manlets' fault the bigger guys dont want to risk their health for a form of entertainment that is less respected by the masses than shit like my little pony or chinese cartoons. The viewers who left probably dont even know who Meltzer is. Wrestling was a fad that would have died anyways, get over it and accept the fact that the world has changed and there is no demand for a cheesy soap opera of big guys anymore

>Darby Anus
gets me every time

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kys tranny

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sports centered presentation of the art form of pro wrestling

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> tfw security is twice your size

WWE should have gone out of business, not WCW. The Jim Crockett/WCW style of presentation was always superior to what Vince did.

I think I’m starting to realise that I don’t really like wrestling. More and more I just don’t particularly care. Haven’t watched WWE consistently for years and dropped it completely about a year ago. I like NJPW, but I can’t even really be bothered with the G1. I have hope for AEW but I think I’m slowly realising that wrestling just isn’t for me anymore. I’d rather spend me time doing other things.

>the smirk on the black security guard

ding-dong diddly

Only irredeemable idiots still watch wrestling

Hell yeah brother

hell yeah

This. WCW was already better than WWF without the nWo’s help. They had literally every opportunity to destroy WWF and they couldn’t do it, but they should have.

>The wrestling part of wrestling is the least interesting part of it all.

How did it take you this long to figure out?

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Wrestlers who think they're better promos because they don't use catchphrases are brainlets who can't deliver a promo that can spawn an entertaining and long lasting catchphrase.

Jesus. This looks like a bunch of school shooters getting into a slap fight over who has to hold the ammo bag.

2010: OMG I love 30 minute workrarte matches with 2 dozen false finishes and moves spam
2020: LMAO imma have sex instead and sleep

Started decade with epic steen / generico rivalry. PWG becoming PWG. Probably the greatest collection of talent on the indies in history. Then WWE bought everything again and killed off another generation of wrestling.

You could be a main event as a manlet

ya seethe?

So you started this decade an outlaw shindie faggot and are ending it an outlaw shindie faggot. At least you're consistent.

WWE has actually improved in the last couple of years. The guest host era of Raw was a super low period.
WCW should have won the war.
TNA should have spent the Hogan money on Heyman and marketing.
AEW will fail because they are aiming for low test faggots with beards. Literal losers who put Chads and Stacey's off of what ever they touch.
If ther is ever going to be another boom the industry needs to embrace popular culture. Sex, drugs, meme rap, nihilism.
Impact is the best show available rn, when you can hear it.

>AEW will fail because they are aiming for low test faggots with beards. Literal losers who put Chads and Stacey's off of what ever they touch.
Stop being toxic.


>Didn't care for Edge during his main event push, only now realize that his run was kino
>WM 13 - Summerslam 99 was the best period for the company before Cunter polluted the main event scene
>The Rock was cringe af on the mic and Jericho was far superior

Wrestling is more fun as a kid than in your 20s

this is exactly what I've always thought. The right show won in the end, wwf was better from 1999 onwards, but it was propped up by austin and rock. when you take away austin and rock the wwe style of presentation really doesn't hold up. as we see today. The nitro style was way more exciting and authentic. and modern. its a shame wcw couldn't hold on for a couple more years until rock & austin retired. then things would have levelled out again

I thought WWE was going through a phase in the late 2000s/early 2010s and that it would return to form and possibly another boom period. I've realized the attitude and ruthless aggression eras were flukes and the WWE will be shit until it goes out of business.

>so how has your views on wrestling changed since 2010?
they haven't. smarks that force indie bullshit on us are ruining it for everyone. the young bucks and anyone who wrestles that awful indie style are cancer. comedy wrestling is embarrassing. wrestlers should look big, tough and scary, not like fans that hopped over the guard rail. scripted promos prevent anyone from getting over. none of my views have changed.

>how has your views on wrestling changed since 2010?
I thought it sucked then and I think it sucks now, so nothing changed. Haven't watched since 2001 either

>I think I’m starting to realise that I don’t really like wrestling
I'm fairly certain that everyone comes to this realization at one point or another and regrets wasting so much time on that shit

lex luger was fucking based

>Sid is 1000% based, even if he sucked in-ring
>Steiner was the most entertaining part of the last months of WCW
>Booker T was always overpushed, and that win at mania vs HHH would have changed nothing, HHH would get his win back the very next PPV anyway.
>Indie styled wrestling is only good for montages on youtube.
>Finishers should finish
>Indie wrestlers that have a gigantic fucking bump not be the finish need to be beat up after the show
>thinking Cornette is based
>thinking Cornette is a bitter old fuck
>thinking Cornette is based
>realizing Corny talks out of his ass more than Russo
>realize that if you ignore his gimmick and fucking terrible political stances, he's more or less right about wrestling
>Enzo was ahead of the curve with the mumblerap shit, since it is popular. It's just that he's completely garbage at rap, so that's another avenue ruined. The first wrestler to break into the memerap scene or get zoomer attention is the one that draws the dimes.
>Raven ruined promos, either people do cringe imitations of him (Ignoring that Raven had a very long backstory and did the brooding shit to appear badass to make up for being a spoiled rich kid named Scotty Polo) or do that Marvel-esque wink wink quipathons
>WWE had multiple chances to make wrestling mainstream, mainly with Punk and Bryan.
>Punk's being a complete fucking bitch in UFC made it look like pro-wrestlers were all bitches
>Post Ironic Acknowledgement of the fakeness of wrestling (LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU, JORDAN """"""GRACE""""", YOU FAT FUCKING SOW) will ensure that no one will want to see it
>Wrestling Psychology is the soul of wrestling, and Promo work is the heart of it
>HHH is an obnoxious egotistical piece of shit
>HHH made NXT he's so based
>realize it was mainly Dusty and Regal doing all of the work
>when Dusty bites it, NXT goes to the shits after his booking ends
>HHH is a big nosed no draw piece of shit and his "technical prowess" doesn't mean shit

I'm just 21, and I wasn't watching during 2010, but I'm still going to give some of my opinions

>Undertaker is still my favorite, but it's obvious he is a mark for himself and kind of cringe. I still love him tho.
>Cena dindu nuffin too.
>The only wrestling I like is brawling with storytelling or deathmatch.
>A perfect example of what I like is Cody vs Dustin
>HHH reign of terror was justified, kind of.
>WCW booking wa so weird and they wasted so many opportunities that it's laughable.
>Smarks are not real fans, they are just fans of wrestling to get cool social points with their virgin weirdo friends.
>Meltzer was, is, and always will be wrong 90% of the time
>AEW is going to fail super hard
>I get bored every time I watch wrestling
>WWE was pretty good during 2013-2014
>There will never be another WWE boom period besides crashing down, but in all honestly WWE is so big that it's impossible for them to die
>People saying The New Generation Era was worse than the current one are retards. At least they had a good main event scene back then, now the card is boring from top to bottom.
>Edge is still one of the best heels I have ever seen, but it's a shame he is a gigantic cuck nowadays
>Chasing for the title always draws more money than the actual title reign

I still like the same things in wrestling but now I’m a body guy, how can I take flabby manlets like the Bucks and Joey Janella seriously when I’m in better shape then they are?

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You guys have been watching wrestling for a fucking decade?

I don't want to hate Dave Meltzer since he's just a guy who voices his opinions, and it's more so his fans who are the true cancer, but he definitely seems like the progenitor of the modern smark audience.

Of course he is. It all stems from Dave. He has essentially curated the entire modern wrestling style as well.

>30 minute workrarte matches with 2 dozen false finishes and moves spam
this is exactly what aew is to me

>WCW should have won
Blind nostalgia. WCW was a colossal shitshow run by brainless rednecks who had no idea what they were doing.
I dare ya to read this thread and relive the memories your adolescent brain didn't retain:

It's a miracle they didn't fold 5 years earlier.

>"Kevin Nash missed the weekend house shows where he was scheduled to headline against Vicious claiming a concussion suffered allegedly when he was hit with the rubber crowbar by Arn Anderson" - The Wrestling Observer Newsletter: January 17, 2000