For me, it's the macho elbow
The best finisher of all time
For me, it's the macho elbow
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Looks gay to be honest
For me, it's whatever Kenny Omega uses.
I like Shawns better.
>imagine being this low test
Warrior no sold seven of 'em though.
The ultimate warrior was a fucking faghot and everyone backstage hated his ass, even hogan wasn't that bad
Warrior was such garbage. Great personality, but absolutely nothing in the ring. Only Savage was great enough to carry his useless ass to a good match.
Warrior/Savage is one of the most perfect dynamics ever in, at least, the WWF. There was something magic about what Savage could get out of Warrior, and how they both knew how to play their hyperbolic personalities against each other.
That was the story, and it was exactly what needed to happen in that match. We needed a moment where we were ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that Warrior was going to lose, not just some bullshit Hogan kickout of a finisher, but of multiple ones.
This was more about Savage and Warrior burying Hogan than Warrior simply no-selling his finisher.
better than anything done by the gooks
Kevin Owens Stunner
Savage Sept '90 to April '92 is one of the most kino wrestling story arcs ever
>Savage calls out Warrior for 4-5 months demanding a title shot with the Warrior saying no
>Savage causes Warrior to lose the title
>Career Ending match at WM7; Savage loses and turns face
>Savage actually doesn't wrestle for 8 months until Roberts has the snake bite him
>Savage goes on to win the title at WM8
"Heel wants to fight face champ but cant so he screws the Champ to get a match" is the most kino of arcs. Worked great for HBK and Carder as well.
>Tagteams I wish lasted longer than a day
starts at 0:51
I always thought Warrior selling that sceptre shot was one of the GOAT
God I miss when wrestlers were roided up giants. Literally larger than life, felt like I was watching real life superheroes every week.
The "real life superhero" aspect is really what made wrestling what it was. It's something Vince has completely forgotten about, or at least misread as he probably sees Reigns that way, missing that Reigns is one of the D-list superheroes that wouldn't sell any comics.
For me it’s Razor “the bad guy” Ramon’s Razor’s edge
Savage booked the match from bell to bell, including Warrior kicking out of all those elbows. Clearly he liked him enough to let him absolutely shit on his finisher.
RVD's frog splash tho
Thats the burial DVD revisionist bullshit, plenty of guys loved Warrior. Go look up shoot interviews on it
Macho man's elbow drop was a thing of beauty to see in the ring. Fuck all the faggots who have tried to do it since
Meh CM Punk's version is better
>le boomer jumps on another boomer is the best finisher ever!!!!
Cringe, ya elders should kys already. Modern wrestling is way more impressive in every way
You guys know it's fake right, and Warrior was booked to not lose?
For me it’s Jake Roberts DDT
>Well protected
>Always popped the crowd
>Looked devestating while still being incredibly safe
You do know if Jack Bauer was booked to be a pussy in the early episodes of 24 nobody would have taken him seriously afterwards?
Looks shit t b h
Shawn had the best elbow drop