Triple H with women thread

The King of Kings is an absolute chad. If he didn't spend the majority of his career in monogamous relationship he would probably have drowned in all the pussy coming his way.

Attached: 960.jpg (960x620, 53K)

Attached: Triple-H-Wrestlemania-with-Sasha-Banks-Alexa-Bliss-Charlotte-Flair-1.jpg (1200x675, 131K)

He and Lexi definitly fugged. I hope they end up breeding and have a beautiful and strong 6'4 blonde son who saves the wrestling business from all the simps, manlets, marks, fatsos, and trannies.

This is pathetic

So are you

Attached: Chyna-and-HHH.jpg (615x752, 62K)

Alexa is too short. He should breed with Charlotte for full on tall blonde bodybuilding genes

Get back to prepping the bull Paul!

god I hate women, everything about them is fake - just look at Charlotte's makeup here - she's unrecognizable

Not a bad idea. He'd have to get Ric's permission first. Just imagine a chad Ric Helmsley.

Found the gay

she looks like any other meth whore caked up for an Adriano anal scene

Attached: file.png (1366x1077, 2.37M)


Alexa is too short and feminine for him, he likes big muscle girls.

>two jews reproducing would produce strong aryan sons
Nigger what?

Like it or not, fucking your way to a billion dollar company is high test and an absolute chad move. Bow down to the chad of chads.

Always thought it was a sexual thing but they represent his 3 daughters.
( ; _ ; )

Is one of his daughters a mulatto?

Wut? Says who?

you guys realize shane is getting the company when vince dies right? it's all a rib on H by vince


because triple h is so successful creating boys

it can’t be a sexual thing because it included lexi and lexi is pure and NOT for sexuals