Only singles matches so far

>no weapon-on-a-pole match
>no falls count anywhere match
>no 2-out-of-3-falls match
>no steel cage match
>no ladder match
>no lumberjack match
>no last man standing match
>no iron man match
>no handicap match
>not even a single triple threat or fatal 4-way match
why are they so lazy to be creative? even if they ditched inferno, buried alive and casket matches, they still could come up with something other than singles and tag team matches

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Quick rundown on why Trish Stratus is fighting Charlotte?

>the most creative match is shane vs owens "i quit" match
I'm glad I stopped watching.

Seff v Brock should be No Holds Barred or Cage at this point
I thought Becko v Nattie was Submission Only?
Owens v Shane should be Lumberjacks, with Shane's sycophants on one side and faces on the other

The rest are fine. And yowie wowie, the state of the Mens Tag Titles

Probably because nearly every match on the card revolves around the premise of either 'you have a title and I want it' or 'I want to face you to prove I'm better.'

Because 90 of these stipulations suck

Literally no reason. Trish was randomly on SmackDown and Charles wanted a match with her with zero build.

They're in her home town and the women on the roster don't draw, so they're hoping Trish will.

Because Charlotte said “everybody has a mom”

Why aren't War Machine (or whatever the fuck the E is calling them now) not dominating the tag division? If they can't do War Games, what about at least a steel cage match against the Usos or some shit? Why call two big hosses that can work up from NXT if they weren't going to push them?

They literally have no credible opponents. The women's division is a joke.

Steel Cage Matches suck

t. Road Dogg

and? that doesn't mean they can't add stipulations to the match, look at the Cole-Gargano match the night before SummerSlam

>only 3 draws in the whole card
>4 if you count Trish as nostalgic fapbait
shit's rough b

>only 3 draws in the whole card (4 if you count Trish)
who is the third one because the only draws I see are Lesnar and Orton

By SummerSlam standards, this card is quite shit. So many recycled matches that no one asked for.

War Machine had an awesome war games match on NXT. They work well in a cage. Plus as was pointed out by OP, there aren't any gimmick matches at SummerSlam.

Don't worry they're adding like 5 more matches this week

AJ Styles draws dimes.

>there aren't any gimmick matches at SummerSlam
the only gimmick match they will have will be probably a battle royal for the vacant 24/7 championship, after they strip the belt from Maria, since you can't defend a title if you are pregnant

Hunter is a lazy roided neckbeard that thinks only booking generic matches will make shows worth watching. I think the state of WWE since his rising begs to differ

>Styles is US Champ
>Kofi is still WWE Champ

So the US title now more prestigious than the WWE title

Not sure Haitch is to blame for this one. Seems more a result of the PG era.

Absolutely. Kofi has dragged the WWE title into midcard hell. No one takes him seriously as world champ because he comes across as a midcarder. Needs to drop the belt ASAP.

based SummerSlam putting over Extreme Rules, which had
>Winner Take All Extreme Rules Mixed Tag for the Universal & Raw Women's Titles
>No Holds Barred
>Last Man Standing

There’s no Helena Cell match either

Either way, it won't change when he's running everything. How can a man as based as Vince produce a destructive cunt like Stephanie

is this going to be another seven hour show? wwe really needs to quit that shit they can't even pull it off at wrestlemania.

imagine the botches

They're being booked the same exact way as the Bludgeons. I expect they'll squash jobbers for a few more weeks then just shit on the Champs and take the belts.

>Helena Cell

But there is a match that is 2 out of 3 walls, walls count anywhere, special guest referee The Wall.

Should have done a vignette of Drake pinning her with her legs up in stirrups at her ObGyn visit.

Charlotte has wanted to face her forever and since she's done nothing for months, this is an easy quick feud they can do that doesn't need a ton of build up. Trish has said that she has no problems coming back to do these appearances and help put over the younger talent. Plus Summerslam is in Canada so that's an added bonus for Trish.

Also Charlotte gets to "one up" Sasha by facing Trish before she can. Sasha has said on numerous times that her dream match was a match with Trish. It was rumored late last year that Sasha would get her chance at Wrestlemania this year to off set the fact that she wasn't in the mix of the Women's titles. That plan changed though once WWE decided to do the tag belts earlier than they originally planned.

>Why call two big hosses that can work up from NXT if they weren't going to push them?
To fuck with Paul

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>It was rumored late last year that Sasha would get her chance at Wrestlemania this year but those plans changed
>Sashafags fantasy booking
Pick one

>AJ styles vs ricochet

What's the story of this match?

AJ is on a crusade to destroy asshole-fingering members of the gay community.

based summerfest dabbing all over G1

We all know Trish has hit the wall physically, but do you guys think her in-ring work is starting to suffer too? She's 43. From what we've seen from the part-timers your matches are bound to all turn to sloppy Saudi snoozefests by your late forties. Does she still have it? Can we trust her to carry one of the current botch machines 1-on-1 without anybody getting hurt? Will we fall asleep?

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She was never even that great. It'll be s regular womans match (shit)

That would actually be dimes.

Trish was a shitter.
She's only had like 6 matches that were over 5 minutes and they weren't longer than 10 minutes
She just seemed ok because majority of her matches were under 5 minutes.
This will most likely be getting more than 5 minutes
She hasn't had a legitimate singles match in 13 years.
Charles can't carry anyone. Even if they plan & rehearse it fully there's still gonna be botches.,

No female wrestler has ever had "it". Trish and Lita, Sable and Chyna, all the female "legends" were shitters that relied on their looks. Even the gook ladies that incels will push onto you here have horrendous botches and also no good looks to back them up.

A women's place in the ring is to take her clothes off and that's literally fucking it. AEW is unironically taking a step in the correct direction by hiring people like Nyla Rose and Sonny Kiss. The only way a women's division will ever put on a good match is if we just hire men in drag to do it. Shakespearean plays never used women, instead hiring younger less experienced male actors to play female roles. These are thought to be the best artistic performances in human history. Is wrestling not also a similar performance? It only makes sense.

Trish was good for her day but that's crap by today's standards. In-ring's she's worse than Bliss and Carmella, probably on about the same level as Mandy Rose and Peyton Royce. This match will need, and will probably have, a lot of smoke and mirrors.

The best women's wrestlers are still botch machines, worse than the low card jobber men. They only have a job based on looks and for virtue signalling. If any of the men botched as often as women champs Charlotte and Bayley, they'd be out on the street in the blink of an eye.

>if Owens loses he quits WWE
This match stipulation is fucking stupid in an age of instant information. We know he has a multi year contract.

>The best women's wrestlers are still botch machines
Those japanese fucks that were in the AEW ppvs could unironically outwrestle 3/4 of the wwe roster


Take a wrestling or BJJ class and roll with one of the experienced women. Women are pathetically weak and uncoordinated compared to even the average male, let alone the gym rats in pro wrestling.

The problem with the WWE is they only have 1 ring setup. The ropes are not designed for a woman, they are too tense, so the women are literally scared of hitting them too hard. Jap women work in soft rings with loose ropes because they weight 1/3rd of what a big male weighs, so they arent scared of hitting the ropes. Its in their muscle memory.

The ropes are also lower so it's easier for them to run and climb over. A major issue in WWE is that they dont teach the women to use the middle rope for running like Rey does. Even the taller women like Charles hit it real awkwardly.

Because they spent one year and 3 months burying their women in order tp put Ronda over, and now there's no opponents left. Bayley is feuding with a buried NXT call up and Becky is feuding with a jobber.

>waaa I have no SS match

there's your answer

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How come Charlotte got a month and a half off

we're going to get Usos vs OC, Iconics vs Everyone and maybe New Day vs Heavy Machinery and I guess Roman vs mystery attacker or Samoa Joe will be the plunder match.

Demon Finn or regular Finn? Other than that the only thing that looks remotely interesting is AJ and Stinkfinger.

Regular Finn. He's leaving next month.

With all of the four-way bullshit they always do, this would be a breath of fresh air... if the card weren't shit.

Imagine if they had GOOD one-on-one matches.

>Randy has a title match out of nowhere
How did this happen?

The pancake throwing bulbasaur is tanking the ratings. Who better to take the belt off him?

He pinned the champion in a 6-man tag match, thus qualifying him.

He's still owed reparations from when Vince talked him in to getting Borked

Ideally Bray will drop his pants and force Finn to kiss and lick his anus.

Because Kofi is tanking ratings and devalues the WWE championship to the point that it feels like a midcard belt, lower in prestige than the US title (since Styles actually comes across as a main event guy).

Kofi has one of the best championship runs in recent years. He won his title in the best match at Wrestlemania after massive buildup, gone through top guy after top guy, and never loses the crowd's backing. You're so blinded by "muh dimes" that you're failing to see a legit great title reign. This is a fucking legendary run people will be talking about for decades.

>gone through top guy after top guy
Joe and Owens?

she should cheat on mike and get pinned after she falls asleep

>Kofi has one of the best championship runs in recent years.

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And Dolph. All of them are either former world champs or multi-time main eventers. All of his feuds have been adjusting to their styles and overcoming them in ways unique to them.

I miss BMJ lads

>The ropes are not designed for a woman, they are too tense, so the women are literally scared of hitting them too hard
Bliss hits them decently

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seems like that's her thing now where she gets time off in the summer, has happened the last 3 years

Joe, Owens, and Dolph are top guys? LOL. All three are jobbers to the stars, now jobbing to a midcard champion. Don't believe he's midcard? Watch where he's placed on the SummerSlam card. I guarantee it's midcard. And I also guarantee Kofi won't touch the top championship again, or be remembered, after he drops the belt. And that's coming before SmackDown goes to Fox because Fox wants a champ that will draw viewers.

Based kinnnukiu man bounce.

too bad she cant hit the mat without getting concussions.

You say decently, but it's worse than any male in the WWE ever hits them.

Those aren't top guys though.

Fuck multi man matches. They’re unrealistic shitfests outside of classic tag team matches. Why the fuck am i supposed to buy the legitimacy of a triple threat match. At least this card feels like a MMA or Boxing card