This match between two out of shape lumbering fucks is going to be so bad that it works the smarks,workrate marks...

This match between two out of shape lumbering fucks is going to be so bad that it works the smarks,workrate marks, moves mark into a heart attack rofl

Attached: EBAp6ilXoAAbSHe.jpg (1920x1080, 470K)

Why do they even put Fale into the G1? He never has a good match.

>implying the idea of a 400 pound fat ass isn't a threat to anyone
already seething LMAO

Wrestling is about telling a story, m*rk faggot. Chad Luck Fale can beat anyone convincingly when it's needed, he's a good tool

He literally isn't threatening though, he loses all the time and it isn't hard to beat him.

Based luck fale is going to carry the shit out of this pleb

i agree Gedo is dogshit booker

Probably his last year. During the previous years, he could put up decent huge guy matches, but he's just old and fat now.

Hes the A blocks yano. No one has to kill themselves in a fale match.

That’s literally the point of the G1 though. You can be threatening and have good matches. Fale does neither.

More like Fat Cuck Fail lmao

Yeah, but unlike vs Yano, the matches reach 10 minutes and you have to eat a chokeslam.

>and have good matches.
according to whom? Star raters?

The company that wants to entertain their fans. Are you being a dense contrarian as a gimmick?

Variation. You're correct that his matches are never very good but they are not abysmal either, and are usually quite different from the other matches on the card. He can also rack up losses without losing credibility since he is big.

Good matches =/ entertaining the fans. Entertaining the fans is from the wrestler's charisma

That was actually the third best KENTA G1 match behind Tanahashi and EVIL. Way better than with all the big names like Ibushit, Okada and SANADA. APOLOGIZE TO FAT FUCK FALE!

>being a contrarian just for the sake of it

>pointing something out is contrarian
this is your brain

It was a fine match though. Pretty short and the story behind it was decent.

Pointing something out when literally nobody else agrees with you does make your a contrarian, yes

literally nobody else replied except you to voice your displeasure
>its contrarian if you dont agree with me

ZSJ is the A block Yano. You're just going to get a stretch m8 with ZSJ

Fale is kind of like Big Show, he gets fatter and shittier as the years go on.

However when normal people start to decline it is a process that takes several years. With Fale though, it seems like he goes through that development in months.