Wrestlers who will debut in AEW soon

Wrestlers who will debut in AEW soon.

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I wish they really would give Sami a "Number One Threat to the United States" gimmick.

Wtf I'm a Batista fan now

Can't wait for the polls to come in.
Gonna be even sweeter watching these nuts publically throw toddler tantrums.

Batista is such a bitch. Doesn’t surprise me a bit.


>yfw bluetista was actually just kino foreshadowing his transformation into a noisy leftist nutter

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I know it's a frame but Randy's like "not this shit again"


the country is crashing and burning and the orange "hall of famer" is wasting time with this rapper shit

fuck white people!

>fuck white people!
This but unironically.

If Obama had done the same shit Cucktista would be praising him.

You have to go back

To yo momma's bedroom? Sheeeeiiiiiiiiiit.

I think the biggest issue with it is that is cringey desperate virtue signaling pandering after saying stupid racially charged shit all week long, its pathetic boomer tier look at me and my African American

Die out already

>virtue signaling
I don't think you know what that means. And what "stupidly racially charged shit" has he been saying all week long?

the LARPing nigger probably believes that telling people to go back to their countries to fix them if they hate America so much is racist

Yeah and "conservatives" would be mocking Obama. The same people who criticize Trump golfing excused Obama and vice versa. Shows that we don't really give a shit about policies or politics, this is all just tribalism. Multi-racial societies can never work.

>the country is crashing and burning
kek. maybe if you live in a rat-infested city..

Why do they even bother to reply to Trump? Could Batista make it more obvious he's trying to get a movie deal?

He is virtue signaling, dipshit. He literally only did this to say look im not racist guys

>And what "stupidly racially charged shit" has he been saying all week long?
Really whats the point if your that clueless....
>Baltimore rat infested comment
>Send her back
>Omars a terrorist
>Comments about Cummings

Taking issue with the fact that the president is a white nationalist and the fact that whites commit the vast majority of racially motivated crimes is not hating America, its hating the white trash infesting it and she had every reason to bring awareness to it as anyone does

>He is virtue signaling
It's not virtue signaling if he actually got him out of jail, you fucking idiot.
>Baltimore rat infested comment
>Send her back
>Omars a terrorist
>Comments about Cummings
Literally none of that is racist lol. You really are a fucking moron, but it's to be expected with you commie faggots.

Baltimore is full of rats
A crowd chanted send her back
Trump did not call Omar a terrorist
Cummings has been representing Baltimore for 20 years and described it as drug and crime infested 20 years ago and it has only gotten worse

So any red state? Yeah it'd be great if they could actually fund themselves instead of taking money blue states generate

>t. never heard of texas, florida, tennessee, etc

>vast majority of racially motivated crimes
Except blacks commit crimes against whites at a much, MUCH higher rate than whites commit crimes against blacks. In fact whites barely commit any crimes against blacks. You are so fucking stupid it's amazing lol

Far Right White retards are literally the only ones doing the tribalist ooga booga this land is mine bullshit, literally everyone else is just trying to live their lives

The worst cities in our country are ran by Democrats.

Whites commit 80% of all racially and religiously motivated crimes, blacks are the victims of over 50% of hate crimes

>dat projection
Nice try, beaner trash.

>any red state
>hurr cities run by demos
Asking a cuckservative to read is like asking a pig to fly

>He gets his statistics off fake /pol/ infographs

And yet blacks commit more violence (murder, rape, assault) against whites while whites commit barely any violence against blacks by comparison.

>It's not virtue signaling if he actually got him out of jail, you fucking idiot.
No retard, that's exactly what it is. Just like how WWE doesn't give a shit about "wellness" or women's wrestling or any of the shit they do that sounds good for investors. Trump is tanking with white republican women after the last month of putting his foot in his month so this is "muh black frenz" moment.
>Literally none of that is racist lol.
lol lol Surprise! You're a racist dumbshit.

>hurr the original comment I responded to mentioned cities
lol you are fucking stupid, liberat kike. The most violent and poverty stricken cities in America are Democrat cities.

learn english putinbot

>leftard denies reality
What else is new lol

lol imagine being American.

Just admit you're a communist faggot who hates white people and wants to destroy the country by flooding it with third-world garbage because you're a non-white turd.

thats a bit disingenuous. terms like 'hate crime' are only used when its violence against minoritie.
>stats are pol

>t. mexishit


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OH NO OH NO twitter.com/BJS_quire/status/1155460021037277185


You fucking propagandist pieces of shit even try and make pro wrestling political

>a picture

>Hates commies
>Has a president who sucks commie dick every few weeks when he talks about North Korea
Conservatives are even more lost and confused than trannies

Notice how based Asians are never on this list.

>leftshits are warmongers
I mean yea we've known that for a while, but at least you commie queers are starting to admit it.

How would you talk to a man with 25 million hostages?