Who is the GOAT politician in wrestling?
Who is the GOAT politician in wrestling?
You're lookin at him brother. More dimes drawn = more power backstage.
1. Warrior
2. Lesnar
3. Nash
4. Hogan
5. Austin
honorable mention: Carder for not necessarily politicking for himself but constantly sticking his nose everywhere
you answered your own question already. after all the shit shawn is notorious for, hogan effortlessly owned him in one swift blow during their summerslam feud.
Hogan and HHH are the only two that can be considered for GOAT politician. HHH politicked his way to running the company soon so he might edge out.
He knew how to go ibto business for himself without pissing off all the boys in the back
It wasn't really that clever of a plan. If Steph didn't decide to marry a gross looking wrestler that works for her dad, Triple H would be a nobody now
retarded medieval kings were smart enough to recognize the value of marriage into power
Yeah, the boys in the back loved Hogan because with him at the helm they all made money too.
It doesn't have to be smart to be the GOAT.
Dunno if Hogan can truly be said as the GOAT politician because he actually drew money.
HHH was a nobody and politiced his way into owning the industry
Sure as fuck isn't Linda
Hogan was a great politician but he also drew mega fucking dimes so him being on top wasn't really a tough sell for promoters. People loved working with him because Hogan would bump like a motherfucker for someone and put them over strong before he makes a comeback. Pretty much every monster heel he feuded with got at least one or two segments where they jumped him or used a weapon to go over him clean. Obviously Hogan went over in the end but thats literally the business.
I would say Triple H is the greatest politician in wrestling. He is like an 80/100 overall talent but he has been pushed like he's some once in a lifetime talent. He might be more tolerable if he was upper midcard but he is "main event" material. Him being on top kills ratings not only because he is just kind of boring but because who the fuck tunes in to see the heel cutting a long ass promo with no positive resolution? If the babyfaces come out to kick his ass and he just drops them dead with a sledgehammer why would you keep watching? The nWo also did that as heels but they were at least cool. A 10 minuet promo with Hall, Nash and Hogan bullshitting on the mic was actually entertaining most of the time. Flair shitting on people was hilarious because he was coked out of his mind and just saying whatever he could make rhyme. Triple H going "ANNNDUH THISS ISSSAH MY WORLD TITLE AND IM GONNA BURRRRY YOUR CAREERAH AT SUMMER SLAMMMUH" for 10 minuets while Randy Orton bounces around on his heels, Ric Flair throws in the occasional woo and Batista silently flexes in the corner is dead air.
Its completely back-asswards booking and the overall ratings trend around ten shows why literally no one has ever done that before. His continued presence as a main event level star is the greatest politicking anyone has ever pulled. It didn't draw dimes, it tanked the ratings and you can directly correlate the amount of time Triple H is on any given show with declining ratings.
There's only been 3 times in the last decade where Triple H wasn't the longest match on WM and two of those times were main event matches for titles that went over 24 minutes.
I mean, that's staggering politicking. He's basically drawing nothing at all and getting the longest entrances and matches at Wrestlemania for a decade. When Hogan was pulling his shit, he was arguably the hottest act or no-contest the hottest act in his promotion.
Hogan was talented, Trips was mediocrity itself and given how far he's come I'd go with him.
Seriously, how far does haitch make it in the business if he doesn't marry the boss's daughter? He seemed to have Vince's ear before that happened but that mostly came from riding Michael's coattails. Would he get more than a couple transitional runs with the title without steph?
I’m not sure, I like to think that his boring ass 2008 reign never happens. His feud with Lesnar that sucked ass certainly never happens. I don’t see him being released, or staying away from the main event. He probably just never gets to his ridiculous number of championship runs. No way he gets a one night championship reign in 08 or his latest run against Roman going into that Wrestlemania.
Unironically Brock Lesnar
I think Hogan drawing is besides the point, he still politicked probably more than anyone in the bushiness history.
>Hung on Machos nuts his entire run then took the belt back at WM 5
>Tried to show up Warrior at the end of WM6 and hung on him his entire run as well
>Buried Bret at WM 9 then refused to put him over on his way out
>Tried to derail Takers career in 1991 by telling Vince he was dangerous by faking an injury
>Buried Sting at Starrcade 97 by getting the ref to change the finish and fast count
>Fucked Warrior just to get his win back
>Put Goldberg over on a Nitro with no build stunting his run
>Convinced Vince to get Tripe H to drop the belt to him a month after winning it at WM 18