Good news: Kevin Nash has finally recovered from his rape!

He's finally able to smile again! Why is he in colombia though??

Attached: nash rape colombia.png (527x769, 548K)

Christ them niggers must have had him fapping them off for hours if his hand is that damaged.

Probably shooting some shitty straight to video movie in the jungle. I believe Colombia offers financial incentives for movies to shoot there.

/ourboi/ is getting ready for a comeback, baby!

Attached: msuX2mZ.png (960x542, 534K)

>Why is he in colombia though??
For stem cells. It's illegal in the US becasue of christcucks.

For his next quadruple prolapse scene!!!!

Attached: nash prolapse party.jpg (736x960, 362K)

50M cells in his neck?

>nb4 Big Sexy wakes up without a kidney

3/4 of the Colombian population is Catholic, the US has nothing on them as far as Christcuckoldry goes.

America is just retarded with its christcuckism, Columbia knows shit gets results

somehow every tweet he posts comes off as braindead

Let's look at the adjective, play.

>I was so bad those 50 million cells in my neck said shit we haven't time to unpack we go to go

He's there to rape little girls

Protties are far more retarded than catholics. Most Catholic northern states are progressive while Protestant southern states are regressive.

>my son

kek those nig manlets would be dominated by Big Sexy.

He used stem cells to fix his fucked up body
But there's no way to return his anus to normal size

Hes probably there to do blow and fuck little kids.

Didn't Kevin Nash's son beat his ass and rape him during the steamy hot summer of 2016?

It was the winter of 2014 but Kevin Nash got booked first because he had his son pinned on the floor so the cops thought he insinuated the fight.

Nice to see him catch up with Dwayne again

Attached: The Rock Selfie.jpg (1390x728, 434K)

Can't believe K. Nash and I are just a few KM each other bros