Yeah, I think wrestling's cool again

Yeah, I think wrestling's cool again.

Attached: All_Elite_Wrestling_Logo.jpg (432x231, 24K)


Wrestling was never cool, zoomer.

>Yeah, I think wrestling's cool again.

Attached: 1547070960730.jpg (2048x1535, 603K)

The numale virus is spreading to niggers.

AEW is a containment zone for all the soi in wrestling, so it could have a chance to become cool again with either WWE, NWA, MLW or Impact. NJPW is basically gone soi too. Most AEW guys were spat out from NJPW or indy comedy promotions.

Numale soi culture (Whole Foods, barcades, Starbucks, IPAs, etc. ) is mostly a suburban thing, and many blacks are moving out to the burbs.

>AEW has blood and bikini girls
>WWE has completely banned blood and pushes feminism
e-drones are retarded lmao

Attached: Good_God.png (195x387, 166K)

>Yeah, I think wrestling's cool again.

Attached: 1564408856452.jpg (1048x890, 239K)

Is that gaping mouth in preparation to take bull cock?

> murica.png

>man wrestling is so cool now
>I can't wait for the tranny with the 00s diva moveset to fight the flossing retarded midget

WCW banned blood and had stricter standards and practices, and still managed to produce alphas like Goldberg and Benoit. The AEW roster looks like soi twinks. Most are sub 200 lbs. The "big" wrestlers on the roster are just fatasses with no form of athleticism to them, unlike agile big men of yesteryear like Vader, Yokozuna, Tugboat, Bam Bam, or Earthquake.

Starbucks is a suburban thing. Congratulations, you've managed to stand out as a complete fucking idiot in a sea of morons.

Why is it always that expression? Jokes aside, I don't get it. It always looks awful.

>Most are sub 200 lbs
the same can be said for the WWE roster

It is though. Sure it comes from "urban" Seattle but it's like the most hipster numale soi thing imaginable. Most starbucks are built in the burbs.

But there's also Lesnar, Goldberg, Lashley, Sheamus, Cena and a few other guys with size.

i love these days,you can actually feel the anger of edrones,shaking in their computers as they type shit lmao

literally all they can do is type 'dilate tranny' in a seethe of rage which is hilarious

The absolute unit

AEW was created by WWE to cater to the retarded quirky obese indy fans to cash in on them before their collective coronary attack.

take a walk, russo

And except Lesnar all of them are either jobbers or appear once every 3 months.

It's meant to express excitement.

Based. Sounds like a segment during the attitude era.

just keep on winning

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Is there anyone on their roster aside from Luchasaurus and Nyla that is not a manlet?

Dustin, but I think he retired.

>AEW is a containment zone for all the soi in wrestling

Lol who are you trying to fool here? Yourself?

>Yeah, I think wrestling's cool again.

Attached: AEW.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)