Do you ever get comfy in bed and pretend you just took the biggest table spot ever?

Do you ever get comfy in bed and pretend you just took the biggest table spot ever?

Attached: comfyhome.jpg (400x299, 18K)



When I take a shit ton of indica and find myself on the floor I sometimes start pretending I'm trying to answer the 10 count in a last man standing match.

I barely get up and then make it to my feet, "collapsing" again, having to answer another 10 count. When I finally have enough of this I make up a back and forth between my "opponent" and finally hit my finisher and collapsing on the ground at my opponent's 10 count winning the match.

Or I just finally do the job after an intense "match" that's a MOTY candidate.


Sometimes I get drunk and practice blading

I still swanton myself to bed sometimes

I got high once and someone told me get the ladder and I pretended to be a pro wrestler and they all laughed at me.

I have done this as well. Also licking the blood, ministry Undertaker style.

Attached: Undertaker sacrifice.gif (360x202, 2.16M)

Shit - is that shoot blood?

I don't think it's possible for anyone to be as badass as Taker.

no that’s liquid badass. taker doesn’t have blood in his veins.


Attached: bloody undertaker.jpg (480x360, 24K)

sometimes when i walk down the hall i pretend i'm doing a bomaye


Sometimes I plant gummy bears in my backyard and pretend they're tomacco seeds

Holy Based i gotta try that to get up

This is why you have no friends



you tell me

Whenever I wake up, I do the taker sit up.

Whenever niggers try to mug me in town, I grab their arm, climb backwards up a nearby fence, walk a few steps on top of it, then jump off and knock them down.

Attached: eyes 3.gif (200x288, 1.13M)