The Daniel Bryan of the primaries

the Daniel Bryan of the primaries

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never gonna happen

cringe, baked alaska literally killed the whole meme dead

>Clap Clap

That's what they said about Daniel Bryan...

DNC is more out of touch than Vince

marianne is the matt sydal

mmm... politics.

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this is real life

so glad you arent old enough to vote

>baked alaska
What the meme died out on pol as soon as this was released


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It was a very poor psyop tbqh

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That's what they said about trump


he weirdly looks like dbry here

ITT: promos that were too cerebral for you

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This numale cuck would get destryoyed by trump in a debate kek

This is the US.
Anything past "mexico hurt you" "liberal want ur gun and socialism" is too cerebral for this group of laughable retards

The irony of a trump supporter calling someone else a cuck.

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I don't support Trump actually, just saying. The little chink would get mogged to oblivion, just two completely different physiognomies and ways of speaking

Its funny though that no one figured out the easy as fuck sure fire way to destroy him in a debate.
Just ask him for answers of basic questions and watch him squirm, and laugh at him, and fuck with him.

>baked alaska
are you 13?

This x1000
"Hey donald how about this, if you can name the 3 branches of government ill drop out of the race and concede to you right now."

I like the idea of UBI in principal, but the tax foundation model estimates that even using the UBI Center's own research on Yang's propsed revnue generators that the FD would increase the budget deficit by $1.5 trillion every year.

That's why yang will have the best bet since he's the only candidate legit referencing actual published facts
He just can't get flustered when trump eventually makes some cringe asian joke

i dont decide who gets promoted on Yea Forums you idiot

>cringe asian jokes

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I don't get it

>That's why yang will have the best bet since he's the only candidate legit referencing actual published facts
Holy fuck you are delusional. Make sure to post your seethe when Kamala or Biden gets the nomination.

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aw the widdle firteen year old is all upset now boo hoo

>we’re up here with makeup on our faces and our rehearsed attack lines playing roles in this reality TV show. It’s one reason why we elected a reality TV star as our president
>oops, I'm breaking the fourth wall

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>muh reality star as president!!
>only people promoted through nepotism should be allowed to be president!!!

You know that he will make up a dumb phrase for him that all the retarded red necks will eat up.
I'm delusional that he is referencing facts? Does it hurt your feelings that numbers exist?

Yes, you mean like the "dumb" phrases that won him the election? Really dumb of him haha

Hillary's whole shtick was that "I'm so much smarter than him" that makes you come across like a cunt

He makes a good point. Absolutely nobody has a contingency plan in place for when trucking automation takes over. These fuckers are going to get into welfare and are never turning back

>if I get votes it means I'm the best person for the job

As a pro wrestling fan how can you not understand that coming up with simple easily repeatable catchphrases that people will eat up is an easy as fuck way to manipulate people?
I've never understood how a person can understand the concept of workers/carnies/conmen as it pertains to wrestling and not realise that's exactly what Trump is and it is his stock & trade.

Go dilate, tranny

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go outside

Nigger this is an actual fucking election not meme shit, no one cares about your washed up reddit reactionaries

More like that's the way social dynamics work, it's not a problem with Trump - it's a "problem" with the whole human nature, if you choose to see it as such

Yea Forums is the only place that's meme'd him to be president, literally no one else cares about him

Drumpf and his 1m dollar loan is the living incarnate if nepotism

>The billionaire son of a New York real estate mogul who was given millions of dollars and literally shits on a gold toilet in New York while his daughter is invited to world leader conferences is the REAL underdog here.
Ahhh yes, famous anti-nepotism candidate Donald Trump

>look her up
>she deleted her twitter
>dating brown man
>obsessed with MUH CAREER

>look her up

>I only want Clinton's and Bush's to be presidents!!!!

based commies ruining dems chance of getting elected by normies ever again

>inheritance is nepotism

Reminder that Yang is an Yea Forumsie

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He also said
>If the YangGang were a wrestling promotion we would definitely be AEWrestling

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how can one man be so BASED