Refers to WWE as

Refers to WWE as
>that crazy person
>the other company
Reminder that VOW does it for free and don't even get comp hotdogs LMAO

Attached: VOW.png (777x509, 76K)


>Passive aggressive shit

Literally children

Im ding-dong diddly start just watching NOAH vods and dip out this fukkin gay ass medium guys

Attached: amazing-babe-hana-haruna-bares-her-smoking-hot-body-in-pleasure-made-01.jpg (852x1200, 211K)


>VOW does it for free and don't even get comp hotdogs

Attached: AEWhotist.jpg (483x506, 59K)

AEW loses sponsorship deals, jabroni mark stans will still consider it a moral victory. Based.

Reminder that these shills are talking about passive aggressiveness yet got ding-dong diddly worked and are having a meltdown over one tiny comment by big dick Vince. And they do it for free LMAO

Attached: AEW shill.png (752x446, 69K)

>Refers to WWE as
>that crazy person
>implying vince is wwe
lol e-drones

Yea Forums is not your hug box, droney.

who makes this wojaks
no seriously
honest to god who makes these
what sad sack of shit sits down and decides
"oh hey"
"will I apply for a job today?"
"maybe move out of my parents house?"
"heh, I could check out Tinder and see if I got any sweet matches..."
"nah I think I'll sit at my computer and spend fucking HOURS making a custom meme that only 12 people will see"
"and 10 of those 12 people will think I'm a faggot"
jesus christ
please end yourself
ya fucking wrestling cretin
even if you didn't make it yourself
you're gay by proxy
ya limp wristed
soi drinkin
ass munchin
sock sniffin
degenerate hunk of puke
I wish I could reach through my computer screen and fucking bitchslap you
something you father should have done before he passed away
catch my ball sweat ya dingleberry

It was me


based retard

Can I get some Parmesan with that pasta?

>3 comments, 0 retweets, 13 likes


>conveniently """"forgetting""" CAWdy vs Dustin
So this is the power of shills kek

yesssssss slay!

So is it that you guys just really hate AEW or is it that you just really hate anybody being mean to WWE?

AEW has had e-drones absolutely SEETHING for months now, it's hilarious

>Comparing what one company has done after they've been around for decades to a company who has done a few shows total

Go dilate dumbass tranny

Why are you so gotten to?
by the way, they completely crapped on pre-shows, they hate how main title picture has been built up, they hated that Hangman took so long to kill Sabian and much more.
But I guess you want to cherry pick.

And since VoW tweeted "People overanalyze every single thing AEW does" or something to that effect I've seen a huge increase in VoW threads on this board. People really are gotten to by this company.


>bitching about AEW shills
>by shilling for WWE
state of this board



Your interpreting skills need work