Harvey Race's finisher was a vertical suplex

Harvey Race's finisher was a vertical suplex

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Not enough flips for ya?

that was back when you didn't had to do 3 million flips and kill yourself every match to make people interested in you as a wrestler you fucking mark

times change zoomer

>Why didn't he powerbomb his opponent onto shoot claymores

Yeah, I'm thinking the business is dead

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Harvey who?

this was the 70s-80s you fucking autist.

Wrestling sucked back then. It didn't get remotely interesting until the 80's and even then Harley Race sucked ass.

>no sticky
>only this thread

Is Yea Forums the literally the worst wrasslin place on the internet? Not even in the sense that it's le edgy and chaotic. Just in the sense that it's pure shit.


Nobody cares about boomers

There were lots of threads when it happened but yes Yea Forums is shit

It was a different time

Seth Rollins moveset
Category 1: signature moves
>Reverse STO into second turnbuckle
>turnbuckle powerbomb
>falcon arrow
>frog splash
>stinger splash (adopted from Sting)
>suicide dive
>second rope blockbuster

Category 2: finishing moves
>superkick to seated opponent
>springboard knee
>pedigree (adopted from Triple H)
>falling facebuster
>ripcord knee

Harley Race moveset
Signature moves

Finishing moves
>vertical suplex

Go back faggot

harley race also liked to headbutt a lot, in fact he was the first guy to do the diving headbutt off the top rope

as a heel he often used the piledriver to end matches

Pathetic. He should have guys kick out of his moves, so that he has to do more moves.

And Seth Rollins is a draw while Race never was

>record low ratings
>a draw

Not his fault ya braindead piece of shit

Compare Jeff Hardy to Harley Race and tell me whos more entertaining

You're in a bar. You see a wasted Jeff Hardy stumble into Harley Race and spill his drink. Jeff Hardy gets into Harley's face and slurs "What you gonna do about it bitch?" A fight ensues.

If you think that there's a brawl which starts with leaping, loose arm swings and ends with Jeff climbing onto the pool table, bangs his head a few times, puts finger guns against his head and does a front flip where he and Harley crash through a table, then you are a child who still believes in Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.

If you think that Harley knocks Jeff out cold with one punch before returning to his drink then you are a man with a job, a home and a wife/girlfriend.

Which one are you?

You do know wrestling is fake, right?

As is every movie and television series.

But if I'm watching a medium which pits men against men in a test of masculinity, I'd sooner watch a man I believe would be able to clear out any bar than a failed rhythmic gymnast with face paint and noodle arms who got bullied at high school for being an emo faggot.

Luckily your opinion hasnt aged well - the casual audience doesnt care about how manly the men are. Look at marvel's capeshit, the popular heroes arent beefy men but quirky, nerdy men of today. That is what draws now, and professional wrestling is basically capeshit

Who the fuck shits on a suplex?

>If Jeff vs harley
Jeff wins. Harleys dead....
So everything you said would likely be the result with a more beaten up corpse.

Because as we all know fantasy booking proves everything....

>muh male power fantasy
I can't believe you typed that out

Zoomers and marks who think flippy shit has a place anywhere outside of a cartoon.

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Is this why they sperg out at Lesnar? Because suplexes are superior?

His suplexes are, vertical suplex was and is shit tier move and using it as a finisher makes you a jobber, no matter if it was 50 years ago or today. If I was a wrestler and Harley Race told me to stay down for the three count after his shitty finisher I'd shoot beat the shit out of the fat fuck

>popular heroes arent beefy men but quirky, nerdy men of today.

This shit is still a male fantasy. Only it's a lazy and retarded version because men have become pussies.

Pre zoomer
>If I lift weights and handle my business, women will like me.
>If I put the fork down every once in a while, men will like me.

>ugh, doing exercise is too hard. I'll just say bazinga! a few times and girls will think I'm smart and quirky.
>ugh, self restraint is too hard. I'll just get fat and tell everybody that fat is sexy.

And guess what. Women still prefer buff men and men still prefer women who aren't hamplanets.

Nah dude, The Vertical suplex is underrated as fuck.

>This shit is still a male fantasy. Only it's a lazy and retarded version because men have become pussies.
I agree, but it doesnt change the fact that buff men dont draw anymore

Buff men don't draw anymore because WWE changed the fanbase by going PG.

Entertainment is a matter of personal preference but wrestling's golden years were dominated by big fuckers you believed could fuck up any normal men.

its not

WWE didnt change the casual audiences, and big guys wont draw in mainstream movies either. Back when wrestling was dominated by manly men, the film industry was all about them too, but now that superheroes and such are nerdy twinks and actually draw wwe should go for the same audience with their own nerdy twinks

The Rock and Vin Diesel are still two of the biggest draws. Besides, wrestling and mainstream movies aren't completely reflective of one another as it's not as though the likes of Keanu Reeves, Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp weren't big draws during the 90s.

Nice selfie ya brainlet
This is some real delusion. I don't have power fantasies and I don't have any autistic need for every character to be a huge hulking man because I'm not gay.
A character should look like the character, they just need to be believably the character they are. Giant buff man has a pretty limited selection of traits. Pretty simple. Plus, the fewer giant buff men there are, the more significant being giant and buff is making it actually valuable which is good. Also, from my experience, girls all like different things, but there's a common association between muscles and being an idiot in men so girls looking for a smart or funny dude won't touch a gym rat.

Think I'm reading all that? Seethe more basedboy.

better than the fu

>I can't read 4 sentences, too hard for me
Based mongoloid

>4 sentences
There are seven poorly formatted sentences with examples of preemptive denial " I'm not gay.", retardation "they just need to be believably the character they are", pitiful attempts to prove how well you know women "from my experience, girls all like different things"/"girls looking for a smart or funny dude won't touch a gym rat."

If you're twelve years old then that explains things but you should probably keep your opinions to yourself. If you've passed the age of 18 and you're still trying this hard then just chop off your genitals because you're never going to use them.

>There are seven poorly formatted sentences with examples of preemptive denial " I'm not gay.", retardation "they just need to be believably the character they are", pitiful attempts to prove how well you know women "from my experience, girls all like different things"/"girls looking for a smart or funny dude won't touch a gym rat."
>If you're twelve years old then that explains things but you should probably keep your opinions to yourself. If you've passed the age of 18 and you're still trying this hard then just chop off your genitals because you're never going to use them.

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>I don't know what a sentence is
>my brain too small, anything me no agree with is stupid
Giant dudes can only be "giant man", "monster" or ironic characters and we've all seen all of those a million times in wrestling so no one cares about them any more. Killer Kross is based though, he makes it work.

>Giant dudes
>he thinks this is about being seven feet
2 inches and the way you carry them make all the difference in the world.
Cena is literally as in scientifically one inch taller than Owens, he looks four feet taller in terms of presence in the ring, because he's trained and roided properly.
Even fucking Low Ki has a bigger aura around him than Owens and that Kofi midget.
Rollins is 6'1'' like Cena, he's fit and dressed properly, and he still comes off as a fucking nerd.
Bret Shitman Hart was dressed in pink and black, he was 6 feet tall and yet he looked the most legit wrestler alive at that point. It's all about how you carry your fucking ass.

You're talking about no liking characters and posturing. You don't even know what you're arguing about ya simp.

No, I'm talking about the truth. There's a fundamental difference between being a legit badass like Cold Stone and Undertaker and being a pretend badass like Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch.
That is the main reason why Lesnar is making seven figures working five dates a year, because of faggot nerd wannabe wrestlers who can't draw.

Yes, there's a difference between a guy playing a character that he's able to play and a guy who is a natural chickenshit heel trying to play that same character. That has nothing to do with anything other than wwe creative.

>The guy who ushered in the Golden Age of wrestling
>His finisher was a leg drop

Attached: Hogan.jpg (600x744, 43K)

holy shit user you didn't have to ding-dong diddly go this hard

>Harley Race only had to a vertical suplex to get over with the fans and draw money
>Modern wrestlers have to do triple flip loopy doopy neck sawdusters to get a 2 second pop and draw no money
The state of it


>gets over
>low card jobbers

>draw money
also some ancient ape human got over by coming up with a stone axe while these days more impressive things go unnoticed, it's called progression ya world war 1 veteran

Harley Race probably died broke. WWE mid carders make more money than he did in his prime.

Having some scrawny faggot flipping around with the world title around his waist is progression?
There's a reason the business collapsed after they let a bingo hall midget like Jericho bury both Austin and Rock, and it's the same reason why business tanked and died after Cena quit.

>business collapsed
But it didnt, anyone involved makes more money than ever before and WWE is way more valuable than back then. Viewership was on a steady decline and would have been no matter what they did, the monday night wars ratings were never going to be constant

>I only pursue this profession for the money. I don't care about honour, respect or art. My iPhones and Nike Air Vapormax sneakers aren't going to pay for themselves.

Based and /fit/-pilled.

>face of the company
>not his fault ratings are an all time low

What do you mean by this, Colby?

Stupid people tend to lash out when they have things explained to them.

What did he explain? Is arguments were;-
>i'm not gay
>anybody who weighs more than 225lb can't have a character
>my evidence to support the above is to say "pretty simple"
>i have loads of experience with women
>i know what women want

WWE brand is way bigger than any of it's employees, the fault is there and not in single superstars

Based samefag sperging out

> seth is a draw
> n-not his fault that he isn't a draw!
gain test

>It's OK when Ishii does it


It was a novel move at the time. Now it is commonplace. Welcome to wrestling. The "cool" moves you see today will be tomorrows routine moves.

Nobody cares about 92 rape jokes.