What's your opinions of wrestlers or anyone finding Jesus later in life and changing their lives around?

What's your opinions of wrestlers or anyone finding Jesus later in life and changing their lives around?

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I hate when they wear it on their sleeve, but good on them for turning their lives around and mending their ways. However, anybody who takes a personal belief (religion, politics, sexuality) and makes it their entire identity makes me suspicious.

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I'm a faithless fool, but whatever gets them to stop being a piece of shit works, right?

I always despised born again christians. "Oh boo hoo, I was a massive piece of shit in my 20s & 30s but now that I worship God in my 40s all is forgiven!" Phony assholes

i dont care

"Let’s be honest, here, Father Teddy. (What irony, having to instruct a man-of-the-cloth to be honest.) It was never guilt that made you change your ways to become a man of God. It was gluttony — and your dark desire to continue getting away with it. You’ve never had the discipline, in your whole life, to restrain your appetites for anything — and you still don’t. All you’ve done is substitute vices and indulgences. When you were in the business and your ego was powered by your gimmick and your fame and celebrity, you were gluttonous for sluts and salacious thoughts and living. When it was all over, the superficiality of celebrity was gone and you had nothing to cling to anymore to cover up your natural repulsiveness. Even the worst whores have standards. Once you were nothing, without the TV and the Million Dollar Man gimmick (which WWF footed the entire bill for), they wanted nothing to do with you anymore. You crawled home on your knees to your wife and God, all seemingly in the desire to be forgiven. But all you’ve truly done is use religion as an excuse and means to continue getting away with other forms of self-indulgent gluttony."-Ultimate Warrior

"No longer at the mercy of the reptile brain, we can change ourselves. Think of the possibilities." Does it make it better when Carl Sagan says it?

Ultimate Warrior sucks

>getting worked by the Jesus gimmick as an adult
gonna be a yikes from me

God what a self righteous faggot this guy was.

Christianity is the mark of the simp.
You have to be extremely weak minded and low IQ to take the bible seriously. Mankind has created a true god through the age of information. Once we merge with the A.I., Christianity will be nothing more than archaic ritualistic nonsense.
Objectivism is law and the A.I. is god.

All a work.
Don't be a mark

Most of them were cunts on drugs and booze, then they just substituted God for both but kept being cunts.

I just assume that, like Shawn, they drugged and raped a not insignificant number of underage girls on the road. There but for the grace of God go I.

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Shawn literally pretends to be a Christian because the locker room wouldn't accept him back otherwise. Dude was thrown out in favor of Austin and he's never gotten over it. Look at the last RAM reunion when Austin's music hits and the camera pans across him and Hunter.

Pussies like HBK find Jesus

Chads like Ali and Inoki find Mohammad

its just a work. finding jesus is just the business term for not doing drugs anymore

You say that but I know for a fact Shawn Michaels attends the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio. The one led by John Hagee who once blamed the Jews for the holocaust. He also thinks only the rich will be allowed into heaven. I used to go to that church. And then I became an adult. There’s no reason for churches like that to exist except to exploit people lost in life and people not smart enough to think for themselves. Support smaller community churches. Don’t fall for the mega church.

>blamed the Jews for the holocaust
based. They were unironically responsible because they were behind all the decadence of Weimar Germany which eventually led to the rise of the third Reich and later the Holocaust.

>He also thinks only the rich will be allowed into heaven
Why though? Jesus explicitly says that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.

Elite banking Jews were unironically responsible for the Holocaust


Dont bother trying to understand user


>blamed the Jews for the holocaust
>NOOOOOOOOOOO it's everyone elses fault we're hated wherever we go!!!1!!!!!!!!

mmmmmm better build a personal relationship with jesus kid. if you dont, you will never rest. in. peaccccccce

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Based necrochad

>be a piece of shit
>oh no people will think I'm a piece of shit!
>don't worry folks I found god and I'm cool now!
americans are such pathetic creatures

It's a cope to try and convince themselves all those years of being a piece of shit are ok now

>has gained respect and friendship from most of his peers over the last 17 years
>people still can't accept the fact he's a changed man

Mmmm Jesus
Wouldn't wanna mess with him

He says the rich have a better chance in heaven because it keeps his followers from questioning why he’s so fucking rich off of their donations instead of making life better for the less fortunate. He only larps as a Christian.

You’re an irresponsible piece of shit if you need an imaginary fairy to tell you how to be a decent human being.

People are just cynical about people who hit rock bottom and made their way to God, they don't believe that their change is genuine but there's a lot of cases of people changing their ways once the get God as a foundation to change their ways.

if I was cynical I'd say hunter told him to take on a christ gimmick so it'd save their collective image but nah sean is just a gayfag shitter

>Why though? Jesus explicitly says that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.

This is how american "christainity" worked since the dawn of that nation. Basicaly if you read puritans/transcendentalists of the US you'd notice that they made the entire religion about money. So, if you were earning money, you were doing good in the eyes of the lord and would go to heaven. Not earning money (or, god forbid, not wanting to bust your ass 12 hours a day) was a cardinal sin at that time. And it wasn't about earning money to live good. You were supposed to keep accumulating wealth and work hard until you die. You couldn't even spend that money on anything because then you would be indulgin in carnal desires, which was also a sin. If you listen to some pastors and priests in US these ideas are still very much alive in their heads.

They also believed that God never did anything wrong and if something bad happened to you (like your children dying randomly of some disease or your spouse getting killed in an accident) it meant you did something wrong and God is punishing you for your sins.

Literally nothing wrong with it. I’m not religious but using religion as the inspiration for change and self improvement is good. As long as you don’t end up being a cunt to other people.


Basically live and let live.
If what you believe helps keep you healthy and happy you are able to make others happy as well, more power to you.

is this pastor the biggest mark in the history of the biz?

Shane Helms vs Shawns "Christianity" is still my favorite twitter feud

Religion is a work. If you think god is real you’re the textbook definition of a mark

This fucker wearing Mecanix gloves?

>pay $8,000 every single time sting does the rafter descent
>buy his gloves at autozone
This is why WCW had problems

how about based wrestlers who took based jesus with them the whole time like based Superstar Graham and based Dan Severn?

You dimeless, fence-sitting centrist. How can you criticize people for not having all the answers right away? Seems like you are the phony one, jealous of the vices and pleasures enjoyed by those you criticize.


That interview was truly badass

When people don't like who they are or what they've become they eventually resort to something to signify a clean slate. Some people choose religion

The truest of marks

No u

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To quote Corny
>I've noticed that people in this business that find god do so when everyone else hates them so bad they won't speak to them. When mortals won't speak to you, you find a higher power.