Reminder that we peaked in 2016.
This was the best we ever fucking did. Ever since then we've been fucking SHIT! It's well past time we dropped Big Match John and made Lexi our new team Captain.
It's time to talk Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
The future of Yea Forums is /in4Bliss/
>waifufaggotry on the official Yea Forums team
It's gonna be a yikes from me. Make Summer of 92 the Gold, add "Plans Change" and Big Daddy and we're gonna be world champions in three years.
Holy shit 4cc is still running?
>not using a literal asp
If the faggotd at /his/ can have Jeanne d'Glorified Cheerleader on their fucking team we can have Lexi. She's actually good at soccer too.
There is no we in Yea Forums
>Womeme trash on the team
nah we suffer enough with adding NuJapan trash, if we add women's we are doomed to stay in the babbies
I'd agree with you if we were talking about joshit or horsetty. But this is Lexi. She's the Queen of Yea Forums and a guaranteed win. Way better than Bork Lazer or Big Match John.
fuck off
She'll never be yours
Anything can happen in the WWF.
Nah the moment you add one the rest will want theirs in. No Waifutrash on the team
Okada is waifu trash and his gook ass is on the team. Excluding Lexi while simultaneously adding nipshit is unaccetable.
Take your faggot outlaw animals to /an/
This a good thread. But no waifus unless it's a composite rep like Women's """Wrestling""". Like other anons said, letting one in would open up the floodgates, and we only have 23 spots to go around.
Oh yeah current roster. Keep in mind based on how viable aesthetics have become with PES 18 Kemonito will have first dibs back if people want him, probably in place of Cringeblade now that he's not even top gaijin anymore.
>those players
holy shit Yea Forums had other stuff than wrestling at one point?
>But no waifus unless it's a composite rep like Women's """Wrestling"""
Use that and make the render a literal log of shit.
Getting rigged to jobbing to /mlp/ during that Summer Cup run in which we were white hot was our downfall. Fuck the commish for rigging that match for the Sashafags favor. We never recovered from that.
Nah, fuck Cuckmonito
I would call that loss agains Yea Forums the downfall desu
No, that was Rock Bottom. The Elite Yea Forums died that match.
The real best answer is to eliminate nipshit and waifufagging from the team altogether
Russo as BRO when, remember that he knows about this place
I think we can all agree that, given his experience, Tony Khan should replace Vince as team owner.
Accept her.
Get the FUCK OUT! Lexi is the only female worthy to be on our team. No dimes Joshit is the fucking vomit filled gutter of wrestling.
of course no, soonblade is dimes
its time to have sex
Nash up front, with 10 dusky gentlemen behind him. Sounds like a winning combination to me.
Bring back Kemonito
>shitty reddit tournament was our peak!!
Get off this board