Wow, you guys weren't joking. that was terrible

wow, you guys weren't joking. that was terrible.

who's fault was it?

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found the pleb

WWEs for booking the match in the first place.

I’m one corner you have Goldberg, who even in his prime was widely regarded as a bad and dangerous worker, who’s entire gimmick was having 3 minute squash matches so he wasn’t exposed.

In the other corner you have Taker, who may arguably be the greatest big man in wrestling history, but has been terrible for the last 5 years and now even good workers can’t carry him to a decent match.

Mix the two together and I’m unironically really surprised someone didn’t die in the ring. Just fucking awful.

undertaker is so slow

I hate Undertaker but it was Bill's fault. Carder is a shit worker and he shouldn't be expected to carry a 300 pound concussed idiot through a match

That match made two people that Undietaker spiked on their heads doing a Tombstone. Really that match was a fitting metaphor for the entire state of WWE. Reliant on old fucks who lost it a long time ago.

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Goldberg never had it. I really liked Goldberg, but he was fucking terrible between the ropes.

Undertaker had a good match last PPV.

A shoot tombstone vs a shoot brainbuster.

It was abso-fruitley based.

He's not really terrible hes just getting old. Happens to everybody

Vince for booking it and both of them for taking the blood money. But if you're speaking in a more specific sense, Goldberg bashed his head against a door, then bashed it against the ringpost, which concussed him to fuck.

Undertaker also dumped Goldberg on his head once so he doesn't exactly smell like roses either.

Undertaker was worse. The reason Goldberg (and HBK in the dolph promo) are being called out is because Taker is so fucking insecure that he can't admit that he's dogshit and has to hang it up. 2 alimonies and a NEET son will do that to ya though

Nah, Taker is pretty bad. You have people like Suzuki and Liger who are still decent for their age. Terry Funk was 54 in 98 (the same age Taker is now) and was still have damn good matches several years after.

Taker is just broken down and needs to retire. It’s just hard to watch and kinda sad. He has his millions and now needs to step aside.

>He has his millions
those millions go fast when you have 2 ex wives and 3 estranged children to take care of

I understand that. But I understand he's an artist and wrestling is his life. It's hard to admit you're out of touch and can't keep up with the new age. He honestly might just be one of those guys who wants to die doing what he loves.

You know what really pisses me off about this, is WWE now continuously taking shots and shitting on Goldberg like a group of insecure high schoolers.

Give me a fucking break, like it's 50+ Goldbergs fault they threw a bag full of millions of dollars at him for one match after his storybook ending and one that was GREAT for WWE as well.

Even if it was 100% his fault as they think (it wasn't, taker was shit) just let it fucking go, it was what it was a house show for rich blood money, but no they've got to drag it up because WCW is STILL in Vince's head. What's worse is they can't even realize how pathetic and shallow it comes across as.

The tombstone wasn’t that bad. Goldberg was fine. The brain buster was absolutely based and carder was fine. That’s what fighting looks like, it’s scrappy, not pretty and perfect like a dance routine. It made the match look more realistic so neither can really be considered botches, neither of those spots exposed the business. The tombstone reversal spot was bad but again that’s what fighting looks like it’s scrappy, it’s fine.

The choke slam on the other hand did expose the business as well as looking weak as fuck, that’s what actually made th match bad. Up until then it was fine. They should’ve had Goldberg kick out and then had taker do another, or hells gate, or something else after that choke slam botch.

they need somebody to take it out on. undertaker would never in a million years do what shawn michaels did last week. even kevin nash did it for punk. to go out there and let a young guy shoot on him. it's called insecurity

Combine all that with ring rust and jet lag in the Saudi heat. The fact that this didn’t get negative stars is amazing all things considered.

Beggin ya to go outside

Apart from the Riddle tweets, what else have WWE said?

Heard 2 digs at Goldberg on TV in the past 2 weeks
One was from Dolph and I forget the other one

Begging you to have sex with me.

It was a long planned hit on Goldberg. Vince, Paul and Carder conspired to make a fool out of him.
>Was probably told to bump his head on the corner post and it was safe to do so
>They probably had it reinforced with steel just underneath the LED covering
>Taker purposely botches the tombstone
>structure a long match knowing he’s suited for short explosive matches
Vince will humiliate every last WCW guy eventually. Triple Cuck and Carder are his hitmen.


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You mean they told Goldberg the ringpost was gimmicked even though it wasn’t, so he could shoot kill himself?

It was clearly Jewberg's fault. Undertaker proved that he is still able to put on a great match at Extreme Rules. He might not be as agile as he was 10-15 years ago, but he's still a great performer for his age.

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It was a combination of things.

>They didn't rehearse the match
>The match they laid out was unrealistic considering their age, should have been a 3 minute squash with Goldberg winning, with the more realistic rubber match happening in America under better conditions
>They were jetlagged
>They were dehydrated
>It was some 20°c hotter and more humid than they were used to back in America
>They were both sweating heavily
>Both guys were dropped on their heads during

I'm like 90% sure the shots at Goldberg are to set up with Adolph Ziegler getting squashed by him at Summerslam

>In the other corner you have Taker, who may arguably be the greatest big man in wrestling history, but has been terrible for the last 5 years and now even good workers can’t carry him to a decent match.
His Extreme Rules match was good senpai

it was very entertaining actually, most memorable match from this year

Yes. Vince is so crazy, man.

I didn’t watch it but it was a tag match. Doesn’t really count.

lol fuck off retard, it is one of the best matches of all time. It had everything, their lives were really at stake during the match which keeps you at the edge of your seat, you don't know if they are going to die or not.

That match was the GOAT WWE match of the last 5 years ya simp

just admit that this match was based and you got workers by two of the business's best all-time workers

Because he didn't have to do anything. He just lied there long enough to take Shane's offense and deliver a tombstone and he damn near botched that.

>they’re unintentionally botching spots
>nearly killing themselves in the process
>lol it was fucking awesome man
Absolute state of starved E-drones

Goldberg was great.

>i want boring rehearsed wrestling, not crazy trainwrecks

>In the other corner you have Taker, who may arguably be the greatest big man in wrestling history
That'd have to be one helluvan argument. He's literally the HHH of big men. Can't have one memorably GOOD (keyword) non gimmick match. He's almost as shitty as Goldturd

crinfe. Carder is objectively the best big guy that WWE ever had.


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Cringe. Nash never had a good match.

Vader/Lesnar/Kane/2003 Goldberg/Test were all infinitely better than Cuck Calaway