Not even wait a day after they wrestled each other. Why do they rape kayfabe so hard...

Not even wait a day after they wrestled each other. Why do they rape kayfabe so hard, we know it’s dead let it’s corpse rest

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Bliss cried when her match didn’t go well, her wrestling IQ is 0

Why do you follow their social media if youre upset about kayfabe being broken? Stop jerking it to their bikini pics and go outside and exercise

the wall is coming

When will you learn kayfabe is dead? Social media killed everything we know

You're right. But in OP's defense, this isn't some random fan pic if them at a bar. They're literally posting this shit themselves AND posting "#besties". WTF?!

Also, if there was any question Bliss loves blacks... that's been answered by her circle if friends.

this. the bamboon shecoon even liked it (for a double dose of retardation)

why is she always around black people?

literally everyone that has seen this picture knows they are real life friends. wwe posted a video clip on youtube from Bliss's 365 about their friendship.

What the fuck planet are you on? I never knew they were friends. I think you need to realize, not everyone consumes every bit of wwe as humanly possible, ya fuckin drone.


>During the first major boom period in the 80's, Hacksaw Jim Duggan and the Iron Sheik got fired because they got busted with coke and news stories revealed they were driving together when they were in the middle of a feud.

>In the "Worst Ratings Ever Era", these whores post selfies with each other the day after being opponents.

Gee...I wonder why fan interest is at an all time low?

Ha thanks.

I mean the dude can't hate me. He referenced wwe social media, wwe network, and wwe YouTube all in one post assuming everybody spends their life watching that shit. He needs to get fucked.

>Muh kayfabe
Give it a rest Corny

Seems like typical woman behaviour to me. They hate each other, conspire behind each other's backs and then go shopping.

Because Social Media should just be another extension of them, fucking hell, Macho Man and Ultimate Warrior went all in and never looked back

Cool I hate Alexa Bliss now. This is terrible. Fuck anyone who defends this. Try to give women a fair shake and let them be a legitimate part of the business and then they immediately try to kill it to get themselves attention. Poetry.

When is it going to be fucking Vader Time again. We need a new kayfabe protecting superhero to make crippling these simps number one priority. Vader gone. Shibata gone. KENTA became a pussy. Nagata gone. Sayama gone. Maeda gone. Who will save us.

Come on down Phil fucking Baroni it's your time to shine. Tom Lawlor is probably too nice. New York Badass is our only hope to BTFO these faggots.



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the only problem with this is they are using their character names. they should just post this kind of stuff on personal accounts and have a character account that is in "kayfabe."

I said wwe posted a clip on their youtube account about them being friends to imply that if wwe doesn't give a shit and posts kayfabe breaking stuff like that, the wrestlers aren't gonna care about kayfabe either

They already show up couple times in Up Up Down channel

Regardless they're both pissed at Bailey.

It's not like they were fuming with eachother during the match.

She's a basic bitch thot who would probably fuck her pig if it had abs and an instagram. Just look at her 24/7 special

Hi Mercedes

Now look who's rent free & she doesn't even have a general anymore lolololololololol


>still thinking wrestling is real or should be portrayed as real