Book him as a heel.
How would/should he be like?
Book him as a heel
A goofy white rapper who says the n word
*tears Never Give Up towel in half*
I liked the idea I saw of him and Orton forming a crotchety old veteran stable.
Ryback style squash matches but with make a wish kids
make-a-wish killer
kids seem to die after meeting him
*comes down the ramp Scott Hall style with a toothpick*
*flicks toothpick in the face of a make-a-wish kid*
He would be a beast. All modern wrestlers are skinny bingo hall manlets
they missed the boat. he's too old now. i don't want to book him as anything.
Hogan was 45 when the nWo started.
He should literally wear a bad fitting suit and Lance Catamaran for real. A nice guy in front of the cameras, but a booze hound in reality who argues with Marks and snaps at children and old people.
A pedophile
He wins the WWE, Universal, US and IC belts in squash matches, then leaves to Holly wood and only defends one title every few years or so.
Pretty much the same
He comes in and buries all the Manlet Indy shitters by shoot exposing them
which presidential candidate is this?
Can you imagine the burials Cena would drop on Trump during the debates
>From Doctor of Thuganomics
>Dealer of Druganomics