Imagine being the guy who has to visit 6 different cancer kids a week knowing that each and every single one of them...

Imagine being the guy who has to visit 6 different cancer kids a week knowing that each and every single one of them will die and you are their last chance at finding peace in what little life they have left
Imagine having to go through that week by week for ten years straight because it's your duty as face of the company

Attached: transcoder.png (512x384, 249K)

He was watching WWE's fanbase die off one by one.

I'm 34 year old boomer with cancer, I asked the doctors if I get a Make a Wish and they just laughed.


Should've put them into a cripplers cross face until they got you big john

Maybe he should have been taking polaroids and organizing them by what year they would have graduated, and place those on desks in groups, and every year that graduating class comes up, look at all the pics and look up to see how many of them made it

Act retarded WWE likes that

A lot of those kids survive user.

Hence why he doesn’t want kids

Stayed at the same hotel as the make a wish kids during this past mania weekend. Those little fuckers didn’t once say hey you want to come along and meet alexa bliss.

We really can't be giving people wishes after they hit puberty.

Jesus christ, he may as well chop them up into bits himself as well

they're all self centered pricks who deserve to die.

have sex

>>"34 year old Boomer"

Alright piglips, if you're going to use the lame talking point memes all the dickbeaters around here use please at least familiarize yourself with the generational short hand, you fucking nincompoop.

t.faggy redditor doesn't know the 30 yo boomer meme
seriously, I'm not joking, please GTFO

Attached: 30 yo boomer.png (380x349, 70K)

Reeks of reddit

Read a book or go outside you greasy illiterate cunt. I don't frequent Reddit any more than I do this shit hole...very rarely. Stay for too long you can feel your IQ dropping. Your mother's cunt... I'd bet money that you're named Darrell or some shit and you live with your parents although you're pushing 35. Pop's in the next room weeping at the abject failure that dribbled out of his cock.

The only reason I have an ounce of respect for him.

Tryin to hard to work him sonny
Though i do respect your commitment to the edgy redditor gimmick

Truly The Tanahashi of The West.

Cena is the ultimate good guy. Bless him.

I've never been the same since I saw this picture of Cena. Everything the OP wrote captured in one single facial expression.
I don't know how he does it.

Attached: ceenee2.jpg (580x1031, 77K)

Cena either was a robot to begin with or became a robot after all these kids

Lel I never thought about this. Holy shit the fact that he still stayed the cheerful Cena after going around and telling kids with terminal cancer that everything will be okay on regular basis is astounding.

I think the biggest reason behind Cena don't wanting kids, is the fear of the possibility that one of them suddenly end dying for any uncontrollable reason.

I honestly have no idea how he has been able to keep up that charade of cheerful nice good guy given all the shit he has seen re: innocent children dying of horrible incurable diseases that were struck upon them by pure random bad luck. Like there is literally no making any sort of logical sense out of that, imagine being presented with a never ending stream of sick and dying children, week after week after week for years upon end, knowing there is nothing you can really do to help them because they will all be dead veyr soon anyway, and for absolutely no just reason other than the Universe just shitting on them and deciding FUCK YOU YOU WILL DIE NOW in a veyr long drawn out painful excruciating way that hurts everyone around them. There is literally no justice to that, that kind of shit would make you stop believing in God if you were so inclined.
Another thing too, Cena keeps in touch with every family of every child who had ever visited him, and when each and every one of their kids died, Cena would reach out by phone or if possible call to their homes personally to console them. This is a man who went above and beyond the call of duty and put himself through some serious mental and existential stress, I don't know how he isn't secretly a major drug addict or hasn't tried to kill himself with the awful nihilistic shit he has to have seen. Just constant non stop suffering and pain and bereavement, stemming from innocent children dying of horrible diseases that often eat away at them for the longest time. And having to look each one of those kids in the eye and tell them "It'll be OK little Timmy, one day you'll grow up to be big and strong like me."
I'd have killed myself after year one if that was me. No amount of material wealth or fame or fortune can offset that or make it worth it. No wonder the poor fucker doesn't want children, he can't bare the pain of possibly losing one the way he has seen countless parents lose theirs.

aye understandable

Cena is truly the hero we never deserved

Cena is truly great, he deserves better than the WWE Fanbase and doing movies to keep making money.

Somebody needs to make a mod of To The Moon about this guy getting to meet Big John

I'm sure it's more after, after so many kids it would take its toll on him. Probably grew colder as the years passed in order to manage it mentally.
I'm more sad that Cena doesn't have his own kids yet, I feel like he would make an amazing father that would lead his kids towards living a very healthy and fulfilling life.

Imagine having to deal with all this inner turmoil on a day to day basis and then you have to put up with fans screeching at you because you don't do good m00vez.

>it's good you can't see me, because then you'd know how bad things really are

>Another thing too, Cena keeps in touch with every family of every child who had ever visited him, and when each and every one of their kids died, Cena would reach out by phone or if possible call to their homes personally to console them.