They won’t last a fucking year lmao

They won’t last a fucking year lmao

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The more I hear about AEW the less I think they know what they are doing. I really wanted a good competition to WWE's shitty product but I guess I'll just stick to not watching wrestling.

Are there enough redditors to keep them afloat?

The XFL will outlive and outperform AEWUBBA LUBBA

I hope He Hate Me makes a return

There will always be more reddit. It’s what will replace facebook

Tony Khan say's he more focused on wanking dogs than making a good tv show

I wish MLW would become more popular and have longer shows. I know they have their first pay per view in a few months. Hopefully they do good and move forward. AEW became a laughing joke before they even made their tv debut.

They don't need to be as big as WWE to be profitable.

Actually think it's a good strategy to focus on a keeping one sector of the market happy and keeping your business stable than trying to please people who won't watch your show anyway because they're only going to watch WWE. It worked for RoH for years and the very month they decided to try appeal to a wider casual audience it killed their business and buried them in debt and now they're bleeding fans. PWG on the other hand is still stable and in the green

Their problem is not focusing on pleasing their fanbase, their problem is who they have decided to make their fanbase to begin with. Fickle sharks who only like purely visual wrestling with no storytelling and who will crusade against them and bury them on social media for any perceived slight against the liberal agenda. They already shot themselves in the foot. I give them 36 months before one of their former wrestlers who no longer works for them has a sexual assault claim made by an attention seeking woman with disney tattoos and then all the neckbeards start a hashtag about boycotting their business.

reminder that everything the Khans touch in sports has turned to shit.

Ask any Fulham and Jags fan.

AEW will be NO exception.

I think they will bro especially with this renewed NOAH partnership. Also we have Big Dimes Billy bringing back NWA which may not be great or high budget but is 100% guaranteed to be better than whatever AEW will do.

>Sticking up for Normies
Get the fuck off Yea Forums

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so AEW is going to be ROH/PWG size?
They're supposed to battle the WWE, not be an indie with TV

This would actually be a better plan than trying to appease SJW's and professional victims constantly searching for outrage.

Is NWA going to have a weekly show? Saw Eli Drake signed. Love how he is good on the mic and can wrestle real good. Usually it's one or the other with most people.

I'd rather TNA get back to the level they were at before Hogan came

This is a picture of based Cody, not WWE. Please fix.

People shit on WWE for appealing to the casual fan. Cody goes on another direction and he gets shit. Make up your minds drones.

Lmao the cultist back pedalling on AEW has been the best shit on this board this year. How do you go from

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Vince only tries to appeal to himself

This. The guys trash on wwe all the time, but they manage to make something tent times worse

>I really wanted a good competition
I really think you had 0 idea about literally anything if you think AEW was in any way shape or form competition. 2 sellouts isn't shit, constant TV is the real test.

I'll say this about MLW: they have the single best set of championship belts in wrestling
Only complaint is they need to be shrunk like 2 times instead of being huge. also their openweight title needs paint

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So MLW is the new contrarian choice huh? Get out of this board and pay your talent Curt.

I don't give a fuck. NJPW doesn't cater to casuals and it's my favorite promotion.
Why would I want more WWE shit?

Are the belts too big? Or are the champions all manlets?

Kino WCW, NWA , AJPW and NJPW didnt catter to casuals and are the goat companies. Kys drones.

Look at any sports team a pajeet touches. It turns to shit. All those AEW fans who thought the Khan's were saviours, I almost feel sorry for their naivety. AEW got the TV deal and now the Khan's will pull the rug from under their feet.

good post on both points made

i dont give a fuck about the wwe but if it's going to be an elite club cringefest like it has been then they should be rightfully shit on.

They already got the money. Khan would be the one losing money. Retard.

it's a combo of both
the beltmaker notoriously makes big belts, but their champs are manlets os it just makes it look worse.

cope more bozo

AEW is dead on arrival lmao

you do know that by "catering to AEW fans" means there is going to be more
>SHHHHHHH Librarian
shit, right?

>weeb loves njpw
no shit, this has nothing to do with a japanese show

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>We're going to war with WWE
>We're also not interested in growing our audience and will pander to a small group of hardcores

Elite Club? Do we need to count the W/L's of the Elite again?. You DON'T job your main eventers to appease some geeks that will complain about your product no matter what. If some of you faggots would start a company wouldn't last a year.

Did you saw Okada taking L's to random midcarders during his run with Gedo just to prove that the company wasn't biased towards him?.

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>cody: we won't cater to casuals
>e-drones seethe
way to self own faggots

The worst part is; if AEW crashes and burns, no decent cable network is going to take a chance on non-WWE wrestling for years. If they fuck up, they'll fuck it up for everyone else.

4 letters.

This is the only reason I don't want them to fail

The point is, there are already numerous smaller promotions you can watch. If this is going to be another one of those, what reason is there to choose this particular one over the others

>AEW first announced
>Simps on here actually thought they were going back to attitude era stories and characters
>People thought the 'AE' in AEW was a throwback to that
>It's just more smarkshit

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>100.000 ppv buys

this one is the most inclusive and welcoming of homosexuals and transvestites, plus it recognizes and emphasizes that pro-wrestling is all about the moves and that the longer the match is the better

Yes it does because they're doing shit more like NJPW than they are WWE you simp drone

He doesn't wank dogs. Stop lying.

didn't realize he bought the jags in 2011 thought it was later. pretty much exactly lines up when they turned to shit.

This one will be on mainstream tv, and might have actual storylines with payoffs.

Fatu and Hammerstone are considered manlets? Where is the line of being a manlet?

Yep. Plus no billonaire is gonna start a company for a couple decades at least. If AEW fail, WWE won't have competitiofor another 15-20 years at least.

They've been riding on hype because it was something new and seemed like it could be decent. They've also had the benefit of having a literal billionaire financing them. I've watched all their shows so far and I've gradually started caring less and less about them. I wager there are many people like me. There is nothing stopping them from becoming smaller and smaller over time as viewers fizzle out. Happened to many other promotions

Under 6 foot is manlet

No shit you stop caring about them. They don't have a weekly show and the next show is a month away.

Yes you do, Tony. Just come clean already (instead of cleaning dog cum from your hands).

which is fine because nothing good will be allowed on tv until after the collapse and rebuild

Are you delusional or is that a thing?

That is a good attitude to have though

>smaller promotions
damn, why would anyone want a bigger version of a good promotion?

At WWE's most successful point it was mandatory that anyone that tried out with them had to be at least 6' 230lbs, anything under that is officially manlet territory.

That's not what I mean at all. After All In, I was looking forward to Fyter Fest. After Fyter Fest, I was significantly less interested in FFTF. Now I'm pretty lukewarm toward the next PPV and the TV show. I'm just interested in seeing how it'll develop, but I'm not excited as a viewer

i stopped caring at about minute 10 of the adam page match and then after the second false finish of the young bucks match, they think every match should be 20 minutes and every show should be 4 hours
>inb4 e-drone!
wwe has the same problem

Does he not realize he comes off as a pretentious tard saying things like that? 100% Dusty Rhodes would have never fucking EVER come out and said "we don't want the common man watching out show". Cody may not have phrased it exactly so but thats the meaning he is going for.

This kind of shit is why AEW is going to start hitting the shits soon. You have Cody Rhodes, TV babyface, also being a heel like half the time when he is doing interviews and quotes. Having watched "all" shows I still have a poor grasp of who is supposed to be a face or heel. The only definitive heels I have seen are MJF and Jericho and its such a smarky fucking product that Jericho dosen't even really get heat. I know MJF is a heel because he kicked a guy with no legs, even though the guy he kicked was supposed to be competing in the match and theoretically go on to challenge for their world title. Everyone else is working this kind of weird middle road style where they are just doing moves and hoping the audience applauds. Who gives a fuck about someone making a comeback if you have made it clear to the audience that you are just there to put on a performance?

>is going to start hitting the shits soon
It already has. Their last two shows were mediocre at best.

Funny because on every Okada match you have him going +20 mins with midcarders all the time.

You're stupid if you didn't catch on the moment it founded that it was a vanity promotion to inflate CAWdy, The Cucks, Omegetty, and Meltzer's ego.

Satin is click baiting. Read the whole interview. Hes not going to pander to the geeks that complain about every minor thing and only watch certain kind of wrestling and won't watch if you catter to them.

i am not a weeaboo, i cant relate to japanese people as much as i admire some of their collective traits

this gamer cocksucking promotion will die so fucking fast
will they even last 2 months ?

MLW and in all honestly NWA deserve far better. Neither has done a whole lot in the grand scheme of things but have both risen from virtually nothing to having a really solid vision of a wrestling product. AEW by comparison has about six different 'visions' of what it wants to be constantly at odds with each other.

Yeah it’s a bullshit e drone complaint, the length of their matches is the least of their problems with their booking and their matches.

Japs are most like whites out of all the other races, even moreso than Arabs who are genetically pretty close.


Could have just said delusional.

Reminder TNA created more stars than WWE has in the last 10 years and more than AEW ever will


Change the world more like change the fucking channel LMAO!

Based Bork reading shounen sunday and Detective Conan

Yes they will have in this fall. Should be some good ass shit with his vision.

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idk if you watch fucking football but the jags just made the afc championship game 2 years ago

When did you first notice things weren't gonna work out the way you hoped? For me it was the throne skit, it was just so pathetic

When the owner was Meltzer subscriber who used to send him his star ratings from WWE shows. Lmao

Cody says a lot of things

You really, really thought that they... they would what? You thought what.
Tell me. Because the throne shit? That's pure WCW vs. WWF bullshit.
If that was the tipping point for you, I don't understand what you wanted from them.
I for one knew from the start that it would not be for me, because american wrestling is not for me. I know that. So I only want them to succeed. I do not care how. I just want for them to be "competetion" because it means WWE will try to sign any useless thing under the sun to their roster. They have given Anderson and Gallows too much money for their services. And it means I don't have to watch fucking Gallows in NJPW which I have AEW to thank for.

For me it was the inflatable cock men.

>complaining about BEEG titles
bet you'd complain bout BEEG titties as well

Aren’t wrestling fans notorious for not having money? I remember during the Attitude Era, even though ratings were at historic highs, advertising revenue was still depressed because wrestling fans are deadbeats. If AEW doesn’t garner mainstream buzz, even if their ratings aren’t bad, they might not be able to draw advertisers.

WWE simps are so battered they can't fathom a promotion that isn't ashamed of their own fans. They have to believe it can never work or they won't be able to cope.

That’s why I fucking hate them. These faggots will poison wrestling for a decade with their self wank

>self-marks doing whatever they want until they get shitcanned
Lmao Khan is getting worked by these carnies

During the rallies early this year

The second show when every match was every caricature of the American indie style. moves moves moves get all my shit in everybody is small and skinny.

I don’t even mind spotfests in isolation but when every match on the card is everybody showing all of their moves I get bored. Don’t even get me started on Cody and Brandy switching Face to Heel at will.

And when they do surpass a year what are you gonna do lil fag boy? Cry? Kill yourself? You should do that right now.

Quick reminder that WCW lasted 13 years, and TNA has been around for 17 years...I wouldn't make this bet.

This isn't such a bad idea. Tyler Perry played this card ("feed your base") and made himself a billionaire. Donald Trump is also believes in this tactic. You don't always need to fish in the other guys pond to be successful, if you keep a rabid base.

That dude was in the super bowl 15 years ago I don’t think he’s gonna see any minutes

Your going on national TV nigga. Its a bit different than your bingohalls.

I’m scratching my head as to why more talent isn’t leaving the E and signing with AEW. The talent is apparently miserable, but they all renew their contracts with Vince.

WWE perform in bingo halls every week on national television. The tarp market is high right now.

In the pre-show for DoN when Sammy Guevara did a shooting star press from the apron to a guy draped over a guardrail.

Yeah and their FOX deal will get canned if they keep delivering shit programming. There are consequences to this shit. Self marks believing people want to see their performance art instead of mandrama.

Because that's what "competetion" I was talking in February is about.
It's not about beating them in ratings or shit like that. It's about wrestlers getting much more money, because they have power to choose different company now. That's all there is to it.
WWE is offering much better cntracts and people who are getting signed are people wh either never were anywhere else and it makes no sense for them to go anywhere else. Or people who did the indy run and want to have sure spot and just stay in catering and getting paid. Gallows and Anderson are probably making so much money for doing almost nothing, just working WWE to get better contracts.
And Maria Kanellis scammed WWE for money that will make her family life very easy.

Yeah, but isn’t Khan willing to pay decent money as well?

You might as well say "self-smarks".

what a fucking mark. creating a fed so you and your buddies and put themselves over is pathetic.

Casuals are a meme. If you have good stories and good marketing, they'll follow the fad.

Yeah they wont have good stories. Cody does not believe in 4 minute matches. They will have bunch of guys "playing their music".

He’s already blowing through most of his trust fund.

No one wants to see Brandi LARP as being a professional wrestler, promo girl, businesswoman or anything. Just have her parade around in tight revealing clothing, because that's about she's good at.
No one wants to see a bunch of jilted ex-WWE dudes vs obviously jealous indy goons who would join WWE at the drop of a hat. No one wants to see those guys bitch about WWE at every show
No one wants to see shitty inside jokes or LGBT bullshit or any of that crap. They want to see wrestling. They want to see some dude beat the TAR out of another man. This is what they want. 3 minute squash, 10 minute back and forth, 30 minute iron man, it doesn't matter. They want hype and two dudes beating the snot out of each other. AEW and WWE fundamentally fail on this very concept.

For example, you have Hangman Page. The Elite swindled Page hard, considering he could be pushing himself in NJPW. Instead, the Elite promised him "Hey dude, we're you're friends, right?" So he gets the Roman Reigns push, where it's entirely illogical to buy him as a top guy right now. No one gives a shit about Hangman, he's just one of the Elite's bitchboys that looks like a fucking geek. But because this industry is full of 5'5 geeks, he makes the other guys look like even bigger bitches.

AEW had some potential but goddamn, they're making the same mistakes Vince is doing. But Vince has early onset senile dementia, so he has an excuse there.

and immediately collapsed the following season, maybe big dick nick will shake things up

There isn't a casual wrestling audience any more and there isn't going to be. When will the penny drop for you incels?

Let me present to you how I see what happened.
Gallows and Anderson start talking about Japan, how fun it was.
They talk about going on parties with their Bullet Club buddies.
They retweet gifs from NJPW on twitter. Their followers started asking them often enough, so they just showed this public support to management and in the end, they got what they always wanted. Sweet deals with WWE. They do not want to go anywhere else, really. Because Gallows already has been to Africa wrestling with Great Power Uti and so on...

Page went 19 minutes with some random Indy dude ‘Kip Sabian’ when he should’ve just squashed the dude in under five minutes.

There is an audience that is willing to watch wrestling, if it's fun. There is no casual wrestling audience.
For example I live in Czechia and there is almost nobody here who watched wrestling. Let me correct it. There is nobody who ever watched wrestling. It just isn't part of cultural zeitgeist. Wrestling is not on our TVs, no child ever watches it, nobody who is now 30 plus years old was watching Attitude Era. It's just not a thing.
Nobody would recognize Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair or anyone. They know The Rock, but they know him as an actor.
And nobody is even willing to give it a try. It's not something anyone wants to watch. Just no. Why should they. They do not understand why they should even try to watch a match or promo or anything. There is nothing I tried to convicnce anyone to watch it.
But in USA there are tons of potential viewers, if they could be somehow convinced. The thing is, I would guess that there is something completely different you need to sell them on today than there was years ago. I think wrestling pundits and I think us hardcore wrestling fans have different ideas what would make these potential casual fans turn the wrestling on their TV. And I want to see AEW try this approach that is antithetical towards what these pundits who think they know how to get this "casual viewer". I want them try it and either fail or succeeed. I don't care about the company or their content at all, if they won't exist in a year, I am not loosing anything. I am much more interested in what they do on meta level and not on quality of the show level.

Good attitude. That'll for sure bring in new fans.

AEW's Road To promos are better than anything WWE has done for years.

Based. Fuck Whody and fuck AEWho.

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There aren't going to be any new fans. Wrestling is dead. When this generation of smarks die, it's all over.

It's for the best honestly. Pro Wrestling has ruined my life.

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Same as Moxley versus Jelly Jannetty. The booking makes no sense. Rhodes brothers lost to Bucks in their first fkn match, Darby goes the distance with Cody then is stuck with shitters for months, Luchasaurus is competitive with guys half his size, women division monsters already losing to everybody, Omega is a midcarder, wtf is going on.

Tony does infact wank dogs.

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Not as long wrestling will be centered around le workrate and geeky wrestlers.

No matter if they had prime Hogan, Stone Cold and The Rock in their roster today, casual audience is still gone and wont come back. Wrestling was a meme that died years ago

Keep telling yourself that. Same thing was probably said in 1995.


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I don't even watch AEW. They had a chance but their geeky vision aint bringing anyone in. First time in 20 years we got another wrestling company on even playing field when it comes to TV exposure and they'll ruin it.

Yeah, right continue telling yourself that. Why is there no promotion that is doing what you want it to do? There are so many of people like you who keep saying this things. Why there hasn't been a prmotion that is able to pull 4 million people watching their shows with the concepts you and people like you are presenting?
Answer me that.

Because everyone is just catering to the same niche audience. Nobody is even interested in going after the mass audience. They either are too comfortable or dont know how to reach them.

To add to this.
Why hasn't Vince just fired all manlet wrestlers and gave the show over to big guys?
Oh because he keeps on trying it and it is failing year after year. And please you cannot blame the hardcore smarks... unless there is no casual wrestling audience that wants to see what you are presenting as the only valid choice of wrestling and there are only those hardcore smarks.

Yea Forumsetty is literally the only place on the internet that is shitting on AEW, how pathetic

You have that AOW promotion that actually draws quite a lot of people

tony khan has a brilliant plan but none of you have enough college degrees to comprehend it. phase 1 is book a killer main event where two masters of their craft beat the fucking shit out of each other until one man proves himself superior winning clean in a satisfying conclusion that logically sets up a future match people want to see. phase 2 is book greasy jap vs sonny kiss vs embarrassing flavor of the month outlaw in a multi man clusterfuck viagra on a pole match complete with leva bates run in and ref bump as the opening match on every show to scare off any viewer that might enjoy the main event. phase 3 is very complicated you guys have not read sun tsu's the art of war like me so you can never understand it. phase 4 is profit.

That's what you keep saying. But it's not true. For last 2 years, Braun Strowman, Baron Corbin, Jinder Mahal, Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar had more screentime in WWE than ever.
Those are prototypical big guys. Why is WWE loosing the audience, why aren't they attracting the mainstream buzz? Why aren't there casual fans flocking back to the show to see these big guys do what big guys do.
because you only think it works, you think you have proof from 20 years ago, but that is 20 years ago, the entertainment landscape is so much different.
People like you are trying to gaslight themselves into thinking that WWE decline is because of manlets and indy geeks, all the while big guys and homegrowns or people who have been longer in WWE than they ever were on the outside are the leading chracters in WWE. And it is still failing.

Yeah, but that is mainly expats and lot of our native talent are just backyard shitters, best guys are from Hungary.

They have been given shit fucking creative. Vince McMahon thinks big guys like Strowman should still beat their chest and growl like a cartoon character. Why not just present him as no bullshit taking country strength man like he is? Update your writing to modern times and step out of the wrestling bubble. Nobody in real life talks like wrestlers. Take example from other succesful TV shows that are out there. And you dont need to hoard just monster type guys, Austin was tall and muscular yet badass but not a monster.

Well, capeshit draws more than anything ever with quirky nerd characters, token minorities and few of the heroes are even that fit, maybe wrestling should go for the same audience? Capeshit and wrestling are pretty much the same anyway

That's the thing. They are not trying to appeal to niche audience or smarks. They are trying to appeal to that mythical casual fan. But it is not their roster that is a problem.
It is how the show looks, the writing and so on.
Try to play part of some segment to some random person who used to watch wrestling. But try to play only sound, don't show them video. Listen to the words commentary says. What they are saying makes no sense, trust me. They have invented some kind of newspeak, that makes it very hard to listen to.
The promo segments are terrible.
Do this little experiment, listen to half an hour of the show, do not watch it, but listen carefully. It is awful.

Wrestling has lost all its casual viewers thanks to WWE, so it's kinda hard to cater to something that doesnt exist. You have to create them first.

we can solve this. MJF beats the shit out of jealous indy goons, then the next week MJF fucks up a jilted ex-WWE dude steals his sexy black girl valet and makes her parade around in tight revealing clothing, then the next week MJF pounds marko stunt's nose into his brain prompting a LGBT bullshit run in but MJF beats the TAR out of him. LGBT vows revenge. MJF comes out for his match the next week but LGBT no shows because he died of aids. 5'5" geek and his brother come out to fight MJF but in a display of great battle prowess MJF, one man, defeats two men. AEW Champion Hangman Page comes out to collect his bitchboys. MJF and Page lock eyes and the camera is at a cool angle like in new japan making it clear these men will do battle in the near future. JR does not remember the name of either man but he sure is excited. then at the pay per view MJF is winning on Page until the 5'5" geek brothers interfere and Page takes over and starts winning on MJF. MJF goes outside Page does his cool shooting star inverted shoulder tackle off the apron. MJF slides back in the ring and Page whips him into the ropes then attepts a Cena shoulder tackle but MJF headbutts him fires up and starts winning on Page. MJF covers Page ref is missing zoom out Cody is in the ring now. while the ref tells Cody to fuck off 5'5" geek pulls Page to safety MJF pursues Page and throws him back into the ring here comes the other 5'5" geek from behind with a folding chair but as he raises the folding chair over his head he is struck by a tennis racket MJF slides into the ring but 5'5" geek grabs the leg of MJF with both hands leaving himself open for a devastating tennis racket attack from the mysterious hero resplendant in red. MJF hits his finish for a three count. confetti falls from the ceiling. we are the champions plays accompanied by miscelaneous JR sounds. Cody looks on mouth agape. the 5'5" geek brothers remain motionless on the ground. MJF stands triumphant. fade to black.

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